We are about to go on a journey, so hang in there with me if you will. Whether you’ve followed me for a few days or for many years, I have been style blogging since 2009. I’ve proudly shared my outfits on the internet for a long time, as this will be my 15th year blogging in December of this year. Time FLIES, let me say that, because there are times where I still feel like I am brand new here. The 25 year old who started this page still shows up each day– she’s just a bit older, somewhat wiser and much more cautious in what she shares. Did you know that I used to remember every single outfit I wore for years and even the day associated with that outfit? But as the archives grew, my memories faded and now just a few key outfits over the years show up in my mind’s highlight reel.

Over the past 15 years I’ve not only seen clothing styles change but photography style, blog posting styles /  strategies, writing styles, as well as sponsorship and affiliate marketing changes, etc. I mean, you name it and it is has changed in this industry. I certainly don’t hop on every trend or change as I’m admittedly slow to changing my old-dog tricks. But I’ve noticed that one of the biggest changes in style blogging has been how casual style had become, especially in the aftermath of 2020. For example, 10 years ago this dress would have been a no-brainer for me to post on a Tuesday, or even wear all day at the shop (oh Bloom — Anyone remember shop girl?! What a fun era.). But as I wore this dress on a date night with my husband and we shot these photos I was very aware of just how dressed up I was and just how uncomfortable I’ve become with that. Not only in person but sometimes feel uncomfortable in posting online as well. I am much more comfortable with my casual ‘everyday’ outfits. But here I was in a polka dot dress, quite opposite from my usual casual, posing on a street corner still hoping no one sees me. Right then a nostalgic sweetness flushed my cheeks as we shot in golden light, I remembered this feeling. Wearing a quite bold outfit choice to a casual dinner place in our (not-so-small) town, knowing good and well I’d be the only one dressed this way. But the truth is, I knew what I was doing — it’s what I wanted to wear even if it made me feel a bit shy. For a moment, I felt like my old self again. I felt as I did when I started the blog; a strange contradiction of wanting to share but not wanting to be seen.

As I edited the photos, I was reminded about how excited I used to get for a really good outfit. How excited I would get for that one piece that feels like it could change your whole life, or at least your mood for a day. I thought about 2010 Kendi finding this dress in Anthropologie and how I would have fantasized about it until I was able to buy it. And then how pretty I would have felt, even though I was certain to be seen. How excited I would have been to share it with you, too. There is an element of being jaded after sticking with a career for 15 years, especially a career that seems to change every 6 months threatening to leave you behind if you don’t change, too. I’ve been so burned out, in the past 2 years especially. But Saturday night, I saw a little spark of what I loved the most about blogging, about finding something that maybe not everyone would love but I loved, and it made me really excited to feel that spark again.

The last two years have been weird for me personally and in therapy I realized that I’ve lost myself a bit in motherhood as well. (From the reels that find me via my algorithm, I think this is natural and wide spread.) Feeling burned out and jaded by the industry and maybe even just my age, I really thought about throwing in the towel this year with being a content creator. There’s something poetic about leaving on a milestone year. But over the summer I’ve realized how much I love my job and how much I’ve loved this career. How much I would miss talking to you about clothes, but sometimes about a lot more.

And here you thought this post was going to be about a dress. In some way, you were right. This dress reminded me that hope can exist in a simple moment; shooting photos in an alley way with my husband, the way we did in our small town 15 years ago, trying something new and hoping to create something beautiful. Some times a piece of clothing really can change your day, your mood or in my case — my life.

Thanks for hanging in there on this post and over all these years. <3



It would be a shame to not give you the details on this dress. It’s from Anthropologie because of course it is and it runs pretty true to size, perhaps a bit generously. I’m kind of in between a medium and a large and them medium fits great. It’s a bit on the shorter side if you’re tall (I’m 5’9″) but I could sit down / move freely without feeling uncomfortable. I also wore shorts underneath as well. Find this dress here! 

Shop the Outfit

Fit Details

I am in the medium of the dress, it runs generously. I am wearing a strapless bra with this look.

Monthly Capsule Wardrobe

Each month I create monthly capsules out of my favorite pieces, perfectly curated for each month.

17 Responses


  2. Follower since (basically) day one, and I will follow you always, no matter how frequently or infrequently you post, and whether you are posting a random casual errands outfit on a tuesday or an entire capsule (oh how i love and miss your capsules – but i also realize those are a lot of work!) we all evolve and change, and you do it with grace and humor, and that is all that matters. 🙂 xo

  3. LOVED following you for (at least!) 10 years and will continue. Really loving the behind the scenes, real talk about being an content creator. i’m not in content creation but relate so much to the “losing yourself in motherhood” and trying to find who/what you are becoming. Thanks for sharing not only great outfit content but great being a human content!

  4. 10-year follower here and so glad to hear you say a little of the joy is returning…we’ll be here as you grow and evolve with your blog!

  5. Happy for you! cheers to bringing your authentic self. casual or dressy. lets fckn go!

  6. This made me tear up! I remember getting home from work, hopping on my computer and going straight to your blog. You truly have influenced my style, and i am grateful! Thank you for alwyas being you. ❤️ oh, and i love the dress!

  7. As a follower almost from day one, rembering shop girl, and having a daughter almost the same age as yours I can totally relate to losing oneself in the process and as things evolve but here’s to finding ourselves again day by day and little by little 🙂 and as always wear the dress and whatever makes you feel amazing because you are!!

  8. I too have been with you since the beginning, also before having kids, and sincerely love all of your content. This dress looms fab on you ans i just want to say that i will never stol dressing up. Let people think you’re Extra. Fashion is fun! Let’s keep it that way:)

  9. Kendi, you’re the best. Gorgeously authentic. Beautiful inside and out.

  10. You can see the joy in your face. You look beautiful! Thanks for sharing your style and thoughts with us! 🙂

  11. Been a follower since the early days as well! Thanks for sharing a long, thoughtful post. Loved reading it.

  12. I probably comment this every time, but these are the posts I’m here for. 🙂 I loved it, and I’m glad you’ve decided not to throw in the towel quite yet, although we’ll all understand when/if ever that time comes.

    As a 6’0″ tall gal, do you mind sharing the shorts you’ve found, too? I didn’t see them linked on LTK. Thanks in advance!

  13. Adore you KEndi and this blog so whatever you need or want to do – we support you!!

  14. Waw Kendi! I can’t find enough words to comment on this post. I share the lovely comments mentioned above.
    As much as your sublime beauty attracts the eye, your grace captures the heart by the truth of your soul and the naturalness of your gestures. I believe in you. I love looking at you, I love reading you.

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