We had a tiny little breathe of fall air the other day and both Gemma and I reached for our best boots + sweater dress. She has been raised well as you can see. It’s 60 degrees out? She knows that’s ‘boots weather’ in her bones — even if it’s for a few hours. Some things are just built in. She has been vying to wear these boots for month and finally the day came. I get it, girl do I get it.
But it got me thinking — this  boots and sweater dress combo is a classic one we don’t talk about much. One of my favorite looks that I tend to neglect. There is nothing easier this fall and winter (add tights!) than a loose sweater dress and a pair of boots or booties. I went with booties but a pair of tall black boots with this Wyeth dress would be gorgeous. (It runs TTS! I am in the large!) Find it from Shopbop here.
Sweater Dresses for Fall

(ps: the nordstrom options are under $100!)
Gemma’s dress is Crew Cuts from last year but I’ve rounded up some adorable options below! This dress from Old Navy is the closest I could find and a great price. (All Gemma approved 🙂 Her boots are from Target — I’ve also linked some other non-western boots below!
Girl’s Sweater Dresses + Boots

7 Responses
This looks so pretty.
beautiful cloths.
Looks so cute pics.
your blog is very amazuing.
your blog is very nice.
Awesome blog.
It is interesting to read this!