Were you guys getting worried about me in all of that black and white the last few weeks? Truth be told black and white is the easiest when your closet looks like a tornado rolled through and you can’t find anything to wear. Black and white always matches and never fails. Fashion fact. But this week I had to have some color. I reached for this pretty navy /purple / red number because if we are going to do color, let’s really go for it, right? I love bringing in color during fall, when I am drawn to more neutral colors. It breaks up what tends to be a more neutral season.
It’s starting to cool down here, the leaves are changing and it makes me so excited for October. First because it’s my birthday month which I force everyone to celebrate all month long and second because October is the best month of the year mainly because this month is Boots month. Oh you’ve never heard of this national holiday the internet has yet to make up and hashtag? Well, it is in my house. Every October I know I can bust out my tall boots and no one can really judge me because it’s late in the year, we all should be wearing boots. Why am I talking about tall boots when I’m wearing heels? Because it’s October damn it — I can do whatever I want. #nationalbootsmonth