As I was window shopping the other day I stumbled upon Shopbop’s a few times a year big sale. Shopbop is one of those places that I buy from every once in a while when I find something I really love, so when I see those four letters that I love (S-A-L-E) my window shopping turns to serious wishing and eventual cart completion. (PS: they are affiliated with Amazon and if you’re a prime member you can get two-day shipping for free. It’s a big perk when you’re in a pinch.)
The sale starts at 15% off $250 and increases by price, you can see the details here! Just be sure to use code ‘BIGEVENT15’ at checkout.
A few of my favorite pieces from the sale below!
(click the ‘+’ sign to go directly to the product!)
From the top, l to r:
8 Responses
love this! Shopbop is my weakness haha
Nice looks!
love these!
Great picks<3
Shall We Sasa
Perfect picks – love the bags!
Great selection!
XoXo One Stiletto At A Time
I'm in love with that black and white striped dress!
I really enjoy the mouse-over price on the plus sign. Makes for a much more enjoyable experience. If I like something and the price is right I'll click through! 🙂 Emily