I mentioned in my last post that I had a few wellness goals for this year. I say wellness because it’s not just about losing weight or getting fit; it’s living your life the healthiest you can. The past year was one of the most stressful and hardest years of my life and a lot of my healthy habits from years prior slowly started to disappear. This year I want to make healthy choices that are sustainable, not just a crazy diet or a quick goal I can accomplish in no time, but actual wellness goals. So I’ve listed my 5 goals below I’ve got my eye on this year.
Since it’s just B and I, cooking for two can become optional really fast. Especially when we’ve had a long day at the shop or I haven’t run to the grocery store to stock up that week. Basically, we become lazy and eat out instead. This for many reasons can become problematic so this year we’ve decided to cook more and to help me readjust to cooking more at home and healthier I’ve started doing the Whole30. I’m not perfect at it by any means but it’s reminding me that I’m actually kind of a good cook and that we like cooking together. It’s a habit I want to continue this year and not fall back into the bad and easy habit of going out.
You’re busy, I’m busy, hey — we are all busy people. But honestly that shouldn’t be an excuse to getting some type of exercise in a few days a week. In a perfect world, I’d be able to wake up at a decent hour, go to the gym for an hour and then walk out of the gym looking fresh enough for work. In reality, that whole process takes at least 2 hours once I calculate commuting to the gym and back. And while I wish I was that eager 25 year old waking up at 5:30 am just to hit the gym hard, I’m not any more. I need my sleep, so instead of longer days I try to have smarter days. Think about it: 30 minutes is a tv show which I can watch without blinking an eye at the time. So I’m challenging myself to just 30 minutes a day of some type of activity — walking, jogging, a yoga video — anything! Thirty minutes a day, that’s the new rule. Plus, it gives me an excuse to buy cute workout clothes. If there are clothes involved, I’m there.
I like water but I like water in the form of coffee or tea or any other form of beverage that uses H2O. But those are not the healthiest choices for me to drink all day long. I’m trying to be better about drinking water and putting all of those cute reusable water bottles I’ve bought with good intentions over the years to use. I’m trying to drink 60-80oz a day. Today? Well, today I’m up to like 12 oz. It’s going to be a long day.
When I was thinking about little things that I could change for the big picture, one thing that came to mind was walking to the shop each day. I’m actually embarrassed to tell you how close we live to the shop and how we drive a lot of the time. If it’s pretty out, of course we will stroll down but I can make an excuse to drive even on a pretty day. So I want to be better about taking advantage of the short walk to the shop, it’s better for me and for the environment and that way I don’t have to be so embarrassed when I tell people how close we live. Although I will say, one time I didn’t have my car and I had to haul a 10lb box from my house to the store. That was impressive. It also only happened once.
I’m not a natural runner. In fact, I’ve tried a few times in my life and to be honest if I can get up to 2 miles I’m happy. But this year I want to challenge myself to run a 5k. I know it’s not a half marathon or even a full one like all you crazy fit people out there, but it’s a good goal for me that I know I can achieve. That’s the deal with me — if I set a goal too lofty, I won’t even start. But a 5k? I can absolutely get there. I’m still a little gun shy to sign up, but I think that’s just the cold right now. Give me some spring weather and I’ll give you 3.1 miles.
What about for you? Any goals on your list this year?
Old Navy Compression Jacket (c/o)
Old Navy Leggings (c/o)
Old Navy Compression Top (c/o)
Zella Running Shoes
BKR Water Bottle
A few of my favorite ON Active Styles:
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This post was sponsored by Old Navy. Check out Old Navy’s latest fashion lineup in store or online at oldnavy.com.
125 Responses
I’m not a natural runner either, but I worked my way up to a 5K this last Thanksgiving. It’s a cool accomplishment to have under your belt
Good luck!
Great post! Numbers 2 and 3 are something I’m planning to do more of this year or preferably every day.
Great goals! I’m definitely with you on the 30 minutes of activity/exercise!
Liz @ ShoppingMyCloset.com
Great goals! I like the 30 min. a day of something…anything helps!
Love all of these! I agree with the 30 minutes of exercise, and increasing water intake made a huge positive difference for me in a matter of days. Good luck on your 5K!
x Sarah
I just posted a comment under your fashion resolutions post, but I’m gonna comment again;) Your jacket in the photo of you at the grocery store is so cute! Exercise and water are something I focus on too. Aside from trying to have a more toned body – they just simply help my mood and energy level tremendously!! p.s. I thought of one more thing: I’m looking forward to more Shop Girl Friday posts…
Happy Friday! Have a great weekend.
This is awesome! I want to try a few things too like cook more:P
Shall We Sasa
These goals are perfectly attainable! I didn’t think I was a natural runner either until I started training for my first big race last year. I can honestly say, it’s one of the best things I’ve done for myself. Aside from setting a PR in the half marathon, I’m also continuing to work on my flexibility at Bar Method – I want to be able to do the splits (never in my 27 years did I think it was possible).
p/s just picked up these pants and another pair a few weeks ago – Old Navy’s active-wear is one of my favorites!
26 and Not Counting
As ever, you make the simplest of posts very swoon-worthy! I plan on stepping up my running a gear and just more “me-time”. Happy new year!
Love this! I have goals similar to you, drinking more water and trying to be a little more conscientious about my exercise. But hooray for 5Ks! I’m one of the crazies who runs marathons, but running ANY race is a huge accomplishment! I’ll be cheering you on!
More cooking at home! Seamless is SO easy in NYC…but we can be much more healthy and save $ cooking at home. Also, walking more. Living in the city you have no choice but to walk a lot, but on nicer days, I plan to walk through Central Park on my way home from work instead of taking the crosstown bus – gets a good mile walk in.
Great tips!
Great ideas! x
Those are all great goals and when you think about it not so challenging to do. It’s just actually doing them. At least that’s my issue:)
I love these goals! Also, my family just started using Blue apron where they send nutritious healthy meals to your house each week with the perfect amount of ingredients that you need for just two people and three meals a week, it’s about 65/wk but we’re loving it!
Those are great goals. One of my goals is to stop consuming so much sugar.
I love running. The DFW area has a lot of great groups too! Look at Luke’s Locker ( 9 to 5 – 5k program) Spring Training starts tomorrow
You get to run with other people…but then again, you might get addicted 
You must be my sister from another mister because we are seriously the same person!
Jillian Michaels’ DVDs are the BEST for a quick, kick-butt 30 minute workout! You’ll be surprised how much change you see just doing them every day for that short amount of time. I used them to shape up for my wedding. Start with 30-Day Shred!
You took the words out of my mouth about all of these fitness goals! I am more likely to start my day with a cup of coffee, and not a glass of water, which should change! I also want to cook more. I got this book as a gift from my family, and I look forward to cooking my B dinners from this book in the evenings after work: You can get it at crate and barel ! Happy Cooking!
Jordan Taylor
These are great goals and definitely achievable! Looking forward to hearing your progress!
Very healthy resolutions!
These are great goals! I decided to only make one this year – to bring my lunch to work. I figured instead of making multiple resolutions, this one simple resolution would have lots of positive results – it will save me a lot of money AND will hopefully help me drop some pounds. Replacing chinese food and lasagna with healthy homemade lunches can only lead to good things, right? I’d love to see some of your whole30 meals, be it through instagram or here on the blog!! Always looking for good inspiration!
I can’t say that I condone *not* eating chinese food and lasagna, but yeah it’s probably healthier to bring your lunch
Why is it such a chore to bring a lunch to work? I do the same thing, too! That’s definitely trying to bring mine to work too. #resolutionbesties
I love this. I find that most people (including myself) make goals like “lose x pounds” and they often require an insane amount of work in a short amount of time with slower results that prove to be discouraging. The most important thing is to be conscious of your health and of what you’re putting in your body and how you’re utilizing it. Your approach to wellness is an inspiration!
Totally! I’m *usually* one of those people but I’m the same as you within a few weeks I get discouraged because I haven’t lost 30 million lbs. (I’m ridiculous) That’s partially why I am doing the Whole30 because it’s suppose to be a healthy diet and change how you think about food instead of let’s lose a ton of weight fast. Glad we are on the same page
Hey Kendi! What great goals! This past year (September) I started to take my physical health more seriously too. I think I am like you – I have always been slim but that doesn’t mean I’m in shape or able to run any kind of distance. I’ve been doing Tone It Up – it’s free and it’s a wonderful community of young women encouraging one another to keep up with their fitness goals. The Tone It Up girls – Karena and Katrina – post workout videos, lifestyle videos, and offer tips on ways to get your cardio in. Their rule is just like yours – 30 minutes a day! At first I had a really hard time with this (who would watch my TV shows if I’m working out?) but now I feel compelled to fit in SOMETHING every day (or almost every day). I’ve also been watching my shows WHILE I do a treadmill or elliptical workout, which makes me feel pretty good about multi-tasking! Wishing you a happy new year and success on your resolutions! <3
LOVE TIU!!! I do it too! Free workout schedules with fun workouts that I otherwise wouldn’t think to do.
Love these goals! I am on the same track this year – the past 2 years were full of grad school stress and horribly unhealthy habits!!
We are working on cooking more at home too. Not just from a health standpoint, but from a fiscal responsibility point of view as well. I am returning to graduate school this year and it’s kind of crazy how much we spend on eating out :-/
I love how you are looking at it as wellness! For your 30 minute workout, you should look into the 21 Day Fix. Home workouts that are full body and only 30 minutes. I’ve had great success with them and really enjoy them (mostly! LOL). The eating plan is wonderful too, especially after you have done a Whole 30.
I'm not a natural runner either, but I worked my way up to a 5K this last Thanksgiving. It's a cool accomplishment to have under your belt
Good luck!
Great post! Numbers 2 and 3 are something I'm planning to do more of this year or preferably every day.
Great goals! I'm definitely with you on the 30 minutes of activity/exercise!
Liz @ ShoppingMyCloset.com
Great goals! I like the 30 min. a day of something…anything helps!
Love all of these! I agree with the 30 minutes of exercise, and increasing water intake made a huge positive difference for me in a matter of days. Good luck on your 5K!
x Sarah
This is awesome! I want to try a few things too like cook more:P
Shall We Sasa
These goals are perfectly attainable! I didn't think I was a natural runner either until I started training for my first big race last year. I can honestly say, it's one of the best things I've done for myself. Aside from setting a PR in the half marathon, I'm also continuing to work on my flexibility at Bar Method – I want to be able to do the splits (never in my 27 years did I think it was possible).
p/s just picked up these pants and another pair a few weeks ago – Old Navy's active-wear is one of my favorites!
26 and Not Counting
As ever, you make the simplest of posts very swoon-worthy! I plan on stepping up my running a gear and just more "me-time". Happy new year!
Cook more – it will be good for me too!
These are a great list of goals. I have been trying to drink more water too. It’s tough to keep up though when on the go. All the best!
Love this! I have goals similar to you, drinking more water and trying to be a little more conscientious about my exercise. But hooray for 5Ks! I'm one of the crazies who runs marathons, but running ANY race is a huge accomplishment! I'll be cheering you on!
More cooking at home! Seamless is SO easy in NYC…but we can be much more healthy and save $ cooking at home. Also, walking more. Living in the city you have no choice but to walk a lot, but on nicer days, I plan to walk through Central Park on my way home from work instead of taking the crosstown bus – gets a good mile walk in.
Great tips!
They all seem really attainable, Kendi: go you! [I started running in earnest again about two years ago (I’m 40 now, Heavens above!) and started that year with a 5K….I recently ran a half marathon! It kind of just gets easier over time….and the distance is not really that important once you’ve got any sort of rhythm going with your running…try one of the ‘0to5K’ apps: that’s what got me going – my competitive streak wouldn’t let me fail (against the app, LOL!!!)
Great ideas! x
Those are all great goals and when you think about it not so challenging to do. It's just actually doing them. At least that's my issue:)
For drinking more water? Get one of those reusable plastic cups with a washable straw, like the ones at Starbucks. Everyone seems to make them now (mine is a State Farm branded cup). I like water, but i wasn’t drinking it. Somehow the straw makes it so much easy to drink 8oz+ at a time.
I also need to make a lot of these same changes in my life. I’ve let things slide (effort wise) and it’s just so easy to make excuses.
I love these goals! Also, my family just started using Blue apron where they send nutritious healthy meals to your house each week with the perfect amount of ingredients that you need for just two people and three meals a week, it's about 65/wk but we're loving it!
Those are great goals. One of my goals is to stop consuming so much sugar.
I love running. The DFW area has a lot of great groups too! Look at Luke's Locker ( 9 to 5 – 5k program) Spring Training starts tomorrow
You get to run with other people…but then again, you might get addicted 
You must be my sister from another mister because we are seriously the same person!
I love these goals! They sound like you are totally going to rock them. Attainable and enjoyable!
My goal this year is to start my own business. I have an idea and I think I have been holding myself back out of fear. I want to really dive in and start working towards starting my own business and getting my product idea out there (even if it is just getting a prototype).
Did you read/find any good resources that you would recommend for a person looking to start their own business for the first time when you were thinking of starting Bloom?
Jillian Michaels' DVDs are the BEST for a quick, kick-butt 30 minute workout! You'll be surprised how much change you see just doing them every day for that short amount of time. I used them to shape up for my wedding. Start with 30-Day Shred!
You took the words out of my mouth about all of these fitness goals! I am more likely to start my day with a cup of coffee, and not a glass of water, which should change! I also want to cook more. I got this book as a gift from my family, and I look forward to cooking my B dinners from this book in the evenings after work: You can get it at crate and barel ! Happy Cooking!
Jordan Taylor
These are such great goals! Such a level-headed approach. I’ve stopped making “all or nothing” resolutions altogether, because they’re just discouraging. But drinking a healthy amount of water and incorporating exercise into your daily routine? That’s a goal I can get behind.
Always, Anita
Great goals. I’d like to implement them into my own life! Walking to and from class will become a more common thing. (I hope.) Just staying physically and mentally motivated are my two main goals for this year. I’d like to keep from limiting myself to my full potential! (BTW, I definitely saw those pants yesterday and had to try them on. Unfortunately, they were about half a foot too long. The writing just kind of stops when I turned them up.
Too short. Loved all the different versions of this pant though.)
These are fantastic goals! I’m also trying to drink more h2o! I think it does wonders for your skin!
These are great goals and definitely achievable! Looking forward to hearing your progress!
Very healthy resolutions!
I started boxing last April… its always something I wanted to try… it’s a life changer…. really empowering… changes your body… I am in the best shape of my life.. I will be 43 Tuesday…. it’s fun trying something new … pretty soon you crave it and its part of your daily routine… I still drink like a fish though and eat lots of chocolate..it all cancels each other out, no?
These are great goals! I decided to only make one this year – to bring my lunch to work. I figured instead of making multiple resolutions, this one simple resolution would have lots of positive results – it will save me a lot of money AND will hopefully help me drop some pounds. Replacing chinese food and lasagna with healthy homemade lunches can only lead to good things, right? I'd love to see some of your whole30 meals, be it through instagram or here on the blog!! Always looking for good inspiration!
I love this. I find that most people (including myself) make goals like "lose x pounds" and they often require an insane amount of work in a short amount of time with slower results that prove to be discouraging. The most important thing is to be conscious of your health and of what you're putting in your body and how you're utilizing it. Your approach to wellness is an inspiration!
Hey Kendi! What great goals! This past year (September) I started to take my physical health more seriously too. I think I am like you – I have always been slim but that doesn't mean I'm in shape or able to run any kind of distance. I've been doing Tone It Up – it's free and it's a wonderful community of young women encouraging one another to keep up with their fitness goals. The Tone It Up girls – Karena and Katrina – post workout videos, lifestyle videos, and offer tips on ways to get your cardio in. Their rule is just like yours – 30 minutes a day! At first I had a really hard time with this (who would watch my TV shows if I'm working out?) but now I feel compelled to fit in SOMETHING every day (or almost every day). I've also been watching my shows WHILE I do a treadmill or elliptical workout, which makes me feel pretty good about multi-tasking! Wishing you a happy new year and success on your resolutions! <3
These are great goals and super attainable, you can do it! We’re cheering you on!
xo Caroline
Great goals! http://www.eatallovertheworld.com
We are working on cooking more at home too. Not just from a health standpoint, but from a fiscal responsibility point of view as well. I am returning to graduate school this year and it's kind of crazy how much we spend on eating out :-/
I love how you are looking at it as wellness! For your 30 minute workout, you should look into the 21 Day Fix. Home workouts that are full body and only 30 minutes. I've had great success with them and really enjoy them (mostly! LOL). The eating plan is wonderful too, especially after you have done a Whole 30.
Love it! Been following forever, and I love seeing a bit of fitness/wellness thrown in. Looking forward to some cute gym outfits! xo, cassie
I would suggest checking out http://www.toneitup.com if you don’t already know about it! Great healthy lifestyle posts & TONS of workout videos.
Nice goals! Have a wonderful weekend!
They all seem really attainable, Kendi: go you! [I started running in earnest again about two years ago (I'm 40 now, Heavens above!) and started that year with a 5K….I recently ran a half marathon! It kind of just gets easier over time….and the distance is not really that important once you've got any sort of rhythm going with your running…try one of the '0to5K' apps: that's what got me going – my competitive streak wouldn't let me fail (against the app, LOL!!!)
Love ON activewear! But who are these eager 25-year-olds who jump out of bed? I groan at my 6:55 am alarm. Maybe I’m not doing 25 right, so I am working on that.
I love these goals! They sound like you are totally going to rock them. Attainable and enjoyable!
My goal this year is to start my own business. I have an idea and I think I have been holding myself back out of fear. I want to really dive in and start working towards starting my own business and getting my product idea out there (even if it is just getting a prototype).
Did you read/find any good resources that you would recommend for a person looking to start their own business for the first time when you were thinking of starting Bloom?
LOVE TIU!!! I do it too! Free workout schedules with fun workouts that I otherwise wouldn't think to do.
These are such great goals! Such a level-headed approach. I've stopped making "all or nothing" resolutions altogether, because they're just discouraging. But drinking a healthy amount of water and incorporating exercise into your daily routine? That's a goal I can get behind.
Always, Anita
It takes 3 weeks to create a habit. Just keep that short term goal in mind – if you can get three weeks under your belt then it will be like second nature
Great goals. I'd like to implement them into my own life! Walking to and from class will become a more common thing. (I hope.) Just staying physically and mentally motivated are my two main goals for this year. I'd like to keep from limiting myself to my full potential! (BTW, I definitely saw those pants yesterday and had to try them on. Unfortunately, they were about half a foot too long. The writing just kind of stops when I turned them up.
Too short. Loved all the different versions of this pant though.)
These are fantastic goals! I'm also trying to drink more h2o! I think it does wonders for your skin!
I started boxing last April… its always something I wanted to try… it's a life changer…. really empowering… changes your body… I am in the best shape of my life.. I will be 43 Tuesday…. it's fun trying something new … pretty soon you crave it and its part of your daily routine… I still drink like a fish though and eat lots of chocolate..it all cancels each other out, no?
These are great goals and super attainable, you can do it! We're cheering you on!
xo Caroline
Good luck with your goals! They are all great ideas.
Love it! Been following forever, and I love seeing a bit of fitness/wellness thrown in. Looking forward to some cute gym outfits! xo, cassie
I would suggest checking out http://www.toneitup.com if you don't already know about it! Great healthy lifestyle posts & TONS of workout videos.
Nice goals! Have a wonderful weekend!
Love ON activewear! But who are these eager 25-year-olds who jump out of bed? I groan at my 6:55 am alarm. Maybe I'm not doing 25 right, so I am working on that.
I have a very similar wellness goal as you do this year (except for the 5k run, because I don’t actually enjoy running). The 30 minute rule is a great one. I love this post, very inspiring!
It takes 3 weeks to create a habit. Just keep that short term goal in mind – if you can get three weeks under your belt then it will be like second nature
These are great goals! I really love how you approach this as wellness. It is so true…a number on a scale shouldn’t define our success for a “New Year” resolution. But, making a genuine effort to improve our well being with getting our heart pumping, and eating healthier is a win over all! http://www.thewhiskeyorwine.com
I feel like 3 miles is such a key threshold – once you can hit that consistently, you can run any distance you feel like. So hang in there! Maybe choose a fun run for your first 5k (to take the pressure off yourself). When I started running, I could barely go a mile, but I aimed for a 5k to start and was able to progress to 8ks and half marathons over the years. I’ve used Hal Higdon’s race training plans (and modified them to suit my schedule) with good success.
Overall, happy to see you sharing these wellness goals and would love to see posts about your Whole30 recipes, successes or struggles! Here’s to a 2015 of health.
These are good, reasonable, sustainable goals. Good luck!
Old Navy has running leggings?? I’m all over those! And water, yuck. My family makes fun of me because I say it “tastes” like poison to me, lol. I’ve got to come up with some great flavored water recipes and send you my post on them! Xo
I hope you do some posts on the Whole30! My boyfriend and I will be starting that soon and I’m already dreading how I can’t eat cheese and bread for a whole month. I love knowing there’s other people doing it at the same time as me! I’m also trying to drink more water this year. I haven’t been successful so far, ha. I guess I should decide on a concrete number of ounces to drink every day.
xo Kimi
I have a very similar wellness goal as you do this year (except for the 5k run, because I don't actually enjoy running). The 30 minute rule is a great one. I love this post, very inspiring!
Great goals!
These are great goals! I really love how you approach this as wellness. It is so true…a number on a scale shouldn't define our success for a "New Year" resolution. But, making a genuine effort to improve our well being with getting our heart pumping, and eating healthier is a win over all! http://www.thewhiskeyorwine.com
I feel like 3 miles is such a key threshold – once you can hit that consistently, you can run any distance you feel like. So hang in there! Maybe choose a fun run for your first 5k (to take the pressure off yourself). When I started running, I could barely go a mile, but I aimed for a 5k to start and was able to progress to 8ks and half marathons over the years. I've used Hal Higdon's race training plans (and modified them to suit my schedule) with good success.
Overall, happy to see you sharing these wellness goals and would love to see posts about your Whole30 recipes, successes or struggles! Here's to a 2015 of health.
These are good, reasonable, sustainable goals. Good luck!
I hope you do some posts on the Whole30! My boyfriend and I will be starting that soon and I'm already dreading how I can't eat cheese and bread for a whole month. I love knowing there's other people doing it at the same time as me! I'm also trying to drink more water this year. I haven't been successful so far, ha. I guess I should decide on a concrete number of ounces to drink every day.
xo Kimi
Great goals!
Kendi, these goals are amazing. It’s really inspired me to make a few for myself this year.
You can do the 5k! And even if it’s not a marathon, when you cross that finish line, it’s one of the most exhilarating feelings in the world!
all of these goals are great!
xx nikki
Kendi, these goals are amazing. It's really inspired me to make a few for myself this year.
You can do the 5k! And even if it's not a marathon, when you cross that finish line, it's one of the most exhilarating feelings in the world!
all of these goals are great!
xx nikki
I ran 2 5Ks last year, and it was much better than I thought! I don’t like to run, but I know it’s good for me. I also did my first Beach Body program (21 Day Fix), which was really wonderful.
Those sound like very well-considered, wise goals that are good for you!! I’m a runner in the same sense that you say you are — I don’t love it, and I am sloooooow. But it’s good exercise, and it makes me appreciate the world outdoors more. And once you HAVE some cool running gear and clothes, well, there’s that good incentive too, to get out and use them!! I am new to your blog but one of my resolves for 2015 is to follow more blogs like it! I hope to check back in with you periodically this year!
Do you know What I Wore? She is awesome and has loads of tips and tricks for doing a Whole 30-
She actually inspired me to try it a few years ago! Good luck!
Those sound like very well-considered, wise goals that are good for you!! I'm a runner in the same sense that you say you are — I don't love it, and I am sloooooow. But it's good exercise, and it makes me appreciate the world outdoors more. And once you HAVE some cool running gear and clothes, well, there's that good incentive too, to get out and use them!! I am new to your blog but one of my resolves for 2015 is to follow more blogs like it! I hope to check back in with you periodically this year!
I really think these are great, realistic goals. Your 30 minute rule is key. There really isn’t a reason why most of us can’t do 30 minutes of activity in a day…but it’s so easy to forget that!
Something About That
I have a couple of these on my list too. The other goals include throwing a midnight dinner party and reading more!
Do you know What I Wore? She is awesome and has loads of tips and tricks for doing a Whole 30-
She actually inspired me to try it a few years ago! Good luck!
I really think these are great, realistic goals. Your 30 minute rule is key. There really isn't a reason why most of us can't do 30 minutes of activity in a day…but it's so easy to forget that!
Something About That
I have a couple of these on my list too. The other goals include throwing a midnight dinner party and reading more!
I feel with you on the running. Even though in other sports I am not bad, just running is for me an ordeal (playing footsal for 2 hours is manageable though). Girls much heavier and lazier run faster and further than me. Why? At some point I managed to run entire 4 km (2,5 miles) after like 2 months of regular training! But recently, I can’t see the reasons for trying. OK, it’s healthy and quite cheap, you can do it everywhere, but since I never could enjoy it, I don’t do it any more. I find the rest of your goals manageable and very sensible
Could try the moving for 30 mins too. Really, one episode.
What an inspiring post! I so agree about setting yourself achievable goals. Unfortunately, my mind hasn’t grasped this concept yet and makes pretty lofty goals that are near impossible to achieve. Who am I kidding — I will not look like Heidi by May, right? When I lived in the US I got into competing in 5k’s and I have never been that fit in my life. I wasn’t particularly fast, but it got me exercising — and solving some world problems while running — and I really enjoyed it. I even won one race — top of my age group. I was the only one competing in it…
I’ve started the Whole30 today, after a very gluttonous Christmas. My body is saluting me in appreciation! Weirdly, all my clothes shrunk over the holidays…
I feel with you on the running. Even though in other sports I am not bad, just running is for me an ordeal (playing footsal for 2 hours is manageable though). Girls much heavier and lazier run faster and further than me. Why? At some point I managed to run entire 4 km (2,5 miles) after like 2 months of regular training! But recently, I can't see the reasons for trying. OK, it's healthy and quite cheap, you can do it everywhere, but since I never could enjoy it, I don't do it any more. I find the rest of your goals manageable and very sensible
Could try the moving for 30 mins too. Really, one episode.
What an inspiring post! I so agree about setting yourself achievable goals. Unfortunately, my mind hasn't grasped this concept yet and makes pretty lofty goals that are near impossible to achieve. Who am I kidding — I will not look like Heidi by May, right? When I lived in the US I got into competing in 5k's and I have never been that fit in my life. I wasn't particularly fast, but it got me exercising — and solving some world problems while running — and I really enjoyed it. I even won one race — top of my age group. I was the only one competing in it…
I've started the Whole30 today, after a very gluttonous Christmas. My body is saluting me in appreciation! Weirdly, all my clothes shrunk over the holidays…
I feel like we are twins! Give me clothes, I’m there… I like water… in any form but plain water… I despise running… and it’s just my husband and I as well, so eating out is our most common meal choice! Ha. Great post.
I feel like we are twins! Give me clothes, I'm there… I like water… in any form but plain water… I despise running… and it's just my husband and I as well, so eating out is our most common meal choice! Ha. Great post.
You should try the Color Run for a 5k. You start off wearing white, get lots of colored powders thrown at you at the different color check points and this year they added a sparkle zone!! Then at the end everyone clumps together and throws their own packages of color in the air for a giant color dance party. It’s the bomb.
You should try the Color Run for a 5k. You start off wearing white, get lots of colored powders thrown at you at the different color check points and this year they added a sparkle zone!! Then at the end everyone clumps together and throws their own packages of color in the air for a giant color dance party. It's the bomb.
You can totally do a 5k!!! You only need about six weeks of training! Go for it!
You can totally do a 5k!!! You only need about six weeks of training! Go for it!