I feel esteemed in the fact that I can find something to buy for myself at any time and anywhere. Now that doesn’t always mean that I can or that I do buy something; I would never be allowed out of the car if that were the case. It’s just that I have a talent for shopping, a God-given gift if you will.
Well, as I was wandering around the men’s section at H&M with my husband, I found this button down just waiting for me, whispering my name and not my husband’s. Did you realize that the selection of plaid button downs in the men’s department is mesmerizing? And it turns out at H&M, a men’s small is like a women’s medium. My world has just opened up to not one but two sections at every store now. Twenty eight years and I just now figure out I can wear a men’s small. Be still my heart, be full my wallet.
Top: H&M
Sweater: Similar
Skirt: Similar
Boots: Gap
Tote: Madewell
117 Responses
Adorable! Love the sweater.
this is totally lovely and you make menswear look infinitely feminine!
kw, http://www.ladiesinnavy.com
super cute outfit! i lvoe the styling!
Glass of
Haha, what a great find! The mens section at H&M is not a bad place to look around for sure.
Love that sweater as well!
Lynette @ lynette marie
That top fits so well – I would never have known that it was a men's shirt! Love this whole outfit… that sweater looks SO cozy!
i LOVE the mens sections! also, your hair color looks amazing
I have found that the men's button downs are sooo much better than the womens!
Oooh nice find! There's a shirt just like it at jcrew for $90!! I'm going to have to look around the men's section!
Ive been looking for a top like that (in apprarently the wrong dept!)
love it!! i got a similar plaid shirt from jcrew for like 3 times the price!! eeks! good tip about H&M men's!!
that means dry cleaning will be cheaper, too!
love your blog, Kendi–always brightens my day!
You and plaid are kind of the perfect combination! Always rocking it when you wear it
Great look! I love your boots and tote!
xo – Sheilahttp://www.sheislovelyblog.com
You're taking lumberjack chic to a whole new level!
Beautiful skirt and boots!
Love this! That sweater is gorgeous!
xo Emily Beth @ Inspired Attire
I am always looking for a good plaid shirt, but I never thought to look in the men's section! Genius!
I've often looked through the selection of men's plaid button down's at H&M with lusting eyes for my own button down collection. Now, I know the truth. I too, can enjoy those fabulous patterns! Thanks for the head's up
Cute shirt! Old Navy has a very similar one – and it's women's sizing (so the fit is slimmer/fitted) – they really have improved on their fitting/sizing of their shirts! The red buffalo check is everywhere this season (jcrew – I think I saw it first!) Now everyone's bringing out their own version! We're all going to look like a bunch of LUMBERJACKS! WHOOT! Brawny man, anyone???
OH! And I just saw that H&M is calling your shirt ORANGE?! You guys – am I colorblind here? It looks red to me?! Is this a case of RORANGE? (I actually am colorblind with red and orange…but I was hoping I wasn't this bad…)
love the top and boots.
Love! I often steel my husbands shirts, love how you styled yours!
"be still my heart, be full my wallet'" – classic. Can I get that in an Etsy print somewhere?!
You are hilarious. And you look awesome in the plaid!
Love that shirt! Perfect in this outfit.
hahaha,so fun! but yeah, I love playing now and then with my boyfriend clothes!
Love the men's plaid shirt, it looks super cute on you!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Same goes for the GAP, Mens xs and s are like women M. AND the prices are cheaper! whao!
Would have never guessed that the top is mens. Its beautiful. Love your outfit.
Ahhhh those shoes! I want them! Love the whole outfit.
I'll be looking in the men's section more often!
Style in the City
love the skirt and shirt
I mean, it's a toss up. To me it's more poppy than orange but when I saw it in the store I thought red. So rorange might be the most accurate
You're lucky. I wish I could fit men's size small. It's too big for me. I love that men's clothes are warmer than women, even though women (me!) are always colder than men. Women clothes are thinner (ie sheer) and more exposed (ie tank tops) and short (dresses, skirts).
I love this look so much! You have great style! I started a blog with my sister and we would love for you to check it out! We are also having a $50 gift card giveaway to J.Crew…check it out!
Your husband is probably worried now that you'll either be stealing more of his clothes, or buying from the men's department for yourself instead.
The men's section at H&M is amazing! It's the only place my best guy friend and I can shop together (cause you know they won't sit still anywhere else).
Wow I need to check out the Mens section because i love that top!
I would've never guessed it was a men's shirt!
Does your stuff get lost at the bottom of your transport tote? That's pretty much the only reason I didn't get it this weekend when Madewell had all their purses 25% off.
haha you rock that men's shirt!!
Great shoes, too!
Super cute! Love your cardigan and boots
love the shirt, I think I need to make a trip to H&M very soon!!
I am definitely guilty of stealing a couple of husband's h&m cardigans! The men's section isn't so bad
…just what we need – another section to shop in. But whatevs, your shirt is awesome. And you are so smart. Buffalo check boy shirts here I come!
The plaid shirt looks great on you and you cant even tell its a mens shirt! So cute.
Almost Endearing
I need to get on that! I've looked in the mens' section before, but not often. Here's a fun trick though – check out the kids' section! A lot of the time they are less expensive and you can find XXL! I've done that before.
xxoo Elanor
Which is why I love shopping my son's closet!
I love shopping the men's sections – one of my friends tipped me off to this and I have found the best slouchy sweaters there!
Ill have to do that n the mens section
wonderful outfit! i really like it
I love your writing! Also that plaid shirt. My own plaid has become such a staple this winter.
I love that sweater, the length and color. any chance you may have it again in store?
Kendi, I've been following your blog for quite some time! I don't wanna sound cheesy, but you are truly an inspiration to me!
I wish you all the best for the holiday season!
In Romania we have a perfect winter, lots of snow!
I love looking in the menswear section! the best! you look great btw!
i absolutely love this outfit! i love your creativity with simple pieces!
I've never seen a man wear such a cute skirt before ;p Ok.. maybe I have. I am in Cali afterall!
xo Jennifer
Awesome! I've wanted to buy from the men's section before (chambray shirts!) but sadly I'm a little too petite.
My husband wears lots of plaid button-ups and I frequent his closet all too often. I'm not even above stealing his sweaters if i want a "slouchier" look. When I saw this post I was so happy to see that I'm not the only one! If your hubby is half as good a dresser as you are, I'm sure you won't even have to shop the men's section, just shop the Mr. side of the closet!
So so cute! I totally look in the mens section at H&M, not gonna lie.
xo Hannah
I often buy mens shirts – mostly because I find that a slim fit small in the mes fits like a long length in womens. Particularly with 'boxy' brands like RL, as I find their Oxfords are always too short and I have to size up three times to get the length I want. I have been dying for some plaid, I will have to pop into H&M pronto!
Oh no…a whole other section to shop!
Amazing! I wear guys button-ups too!
My long torso doesn't allow me to get away with woman's . . . :/
Considering H&M's clothes are made for toddlers, it makes sense that men's H&M would be appropriately sized for the average woman!
Sarah's Real Life
Great outfit! I love how you combined everything.
"Be still my heart, be full my wallet" might be our new mantra. Love this post!
I get a lot in Target's boys section, a large is like a wms small!
I figured out the same thing last year when I bought my first plaid shirt in the men's section
I was surprised at how versatile it is and how well it goes with everything else that I own (even the "girly" clothes), so I've advised all of my girlfriends to take a look at either their boyfriend's closet or the men's department at H&M.
I love the mens section! I just bought a chambray shirt in an XS mens from American Eagle and I am beyond excited to wear it. =)
Haha… Thats amazing! Love the shirt!
Great outfit! I agree, all this time I never even thought to check out the men's department. I may have to watch my wallet as well!
Love it love it love it! you have such a great sense of style(:
xoxo, Gena
Visit my fashion blog at Pearls,
Curls, and Uptown Girls
This outfit is so cute! I love the sweater over the top! So cute!
Love this combination! I love the tote:)
Your fashion blog is one of my favorite reads. You are so funny! And you have style :] Lovely photos. ♥
Shop Vintage!
I love your blog so much! You are so stylish! I started a blog with my sister and we would love for you to check it out! We are also having a $50 gift card giveaway to J.Crew…check it out!
"Be still my heart, be full my wallet." – I'm stealing that. Too cute! … And I love that plaid!
So cute – good to know about H&M men's! I shop in J.Crew men's department for sweatshirts. Even the smallest size is a tad too big, but who doesn't love a roomy sweatshirt?!
I need to start shopping in the mens section
Best news ever – Can't wait to hit up the men's section. Score! Thanks Kendi!
"Be still my heart, be full my wallet"- I honestly did laugh out loud at that one. Your blog always makes me smile
I've been doing that for years! I find things like oxford button downs in the men's section, they are more structured and last longer than similar items in the womens departments.
Your hair looks super fantastical might I say!!
Such a cute look! I love H&M! I used to live in Italy and that was the best place to shop in Europe….so happy they just opened one in Austin!
-Courtney, notworld.wordpress.com
I think the men's section in H&M sometimes have better stuff than the womens! Love this and congrats on your new discovery
xo Ashley
Those shoes are very nice
I love wearing men's shirts~ Sometimes guys have such nice clothing!! Amazing outfit. (: I love the cardigan as well. Your hair looks gorgeous here!
that is a great idea, that shirt is AWESOME! I am always on the hunt for a good basic shirt.
I LOVE shopping that men's section at H&M!
I pass by an HM on my way home. Everyday. When they were first displaying sweaters in the window I thought to myself, "Self, those men's sweaters look awfully nice. I bet a men's small will make a great over-sized, boyfriend-esque sweater for you." Alas, I am planning a wedding and have no money so I told myself to shut the hell up.
What an exciting discovery!!! Love this outfit! Gorgeous!
xo, elle from Living
in Color.
Cute plaid top! Now I will be checking out the men's dept at H&M and see what possible cute shirts there are for me
Why the title is men's wear!
~ H. Swan
Architectural Stone
Would have had NO IDEA that was a men's shirt if I didn't read your post. SO cute! You've inspired me to check out the H&M men's section now! Oh no…
xx Allie
It's a great shirt! Doesn't look like a mens at all.
Love that shirt with the skirt!
Doesn't look like a mens shirt at all.
Hi Kendi! I've been following your blog for a while now. I thought you may get a kick out of the series that I'm working on right now– I'm working on finding 10 days' worth of outfits based around a white blazer I recently bought at H&M. The thing is, I'm living in London for a few months and only have one suitcase to work out of! So some of the outfits are, well, interesting. PLUS I've been borrowing clothes from my husband. So your post today cracked me up!!
Come on over if you want a few laughs!
I have the same problem… I call it a problem though and not a talent because I get this weird, glazed over look when I go into a store and immediately tune out anyone I'm with because I'm zooming in on all the possibilities
You look super cute – that shirt must be glad it was whispering your name!
Crazy-eyed-shopper (aka Annie)
The Other Side of Gray
super love the shoes!!!!
Ha! This is my LIFE. I finally had to take a public vow via my blog to prevent myself from exclusively wearing menswear – they seriously make their clothes wayyyy more comfortable. not fair. but you look great as always.
here's the post i mentioned:
That is the most perfectly drape-y sweater!
Oh! I love this ensemble. I've tried on men's button downs SO MANY times in the past, and (for whatever reason) won't let myself buy. Consider this post the motivation I needed to get my credit card a swipin'!
Love the idea of wearing a mens shirt from a store like H&M! Will definitely be trying this.
Hi, i like your style and the blog. It's given me ideas on different ways to wear things.
Know what would be great? If you could find looks by the items. E.g. "Jeans", "tees", "minis" etc.
On a different note, curious as to whether you changed your makeup or clothing choices after you went red. I also recently went from dark brown to burgundy, & could use any tips.Hi, i like your style and the blog. It's given me ideas on different ways to wear things.
Know what would be great? If you could find looks by the items. E.g. "Jeans", "tees", "minis" etc.
On a different note, curious as to whether you changed your makeup or clothing choices after you went red. I also recently went from dark brown to burgundy, & could use any tips.
I have experienced the same just recently. I wanted to get this cardigan for my man so badly, but he just didn't like it on himself. I tried it just for fun and it just looks so perfect on me. Here we go, men's section!!!
I love this look so much! I will definitely by replicating it soon! forunendinglove.blogspot.com
Cute! I love button-ups but sometimes it's hard to find ones that fit well on a tall girl..So I've been buying men's smalls for a while! J.Crew always has lots of good men's shirts on sale
i would never have thought to wear a men's shirt! i love the look on you!
You look so awesome! I love when I find men's shirts that I can wear. I have a purple flannel that is the most comfy thing ever. Now, you just have to get used to backwards buttons.
Lucky me, my hubby wears a size small – I pretty much consider all of his shirts fair game all the time. He's less than thrilled about this, but tolerates me.
Oooh, the J Crew plaids…
uuuhh, I need to get on this ASAP! It looks perfect on you too..
Love this
YES! Target mens button downs are pretty much my everyday wear. LOVE it.
i'm totally guilty of buying men's xs shirts at h&m. i bought a grey chambray button up and a mint chambray button up from there some time ago, and i probably wear them more than my women's button up shirts from other stores.
Love this look!
Kate xo petite-adventures.blogspot.ca
Nice! Love the whole outfit!
XO Nat
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