{Shop: Similar Skirt, Cardigan, Similar Tank, Tights, Similar Boots}
I feel so much closer to you all now that we’ve all connected through the phenomenon that is Carmen San Diego. I no longer feel alone in the world. Since we’re on a roll, who else spent half of their high school years in their parent’s basement playing The Sims?
No one? Alright then. Moving on.
Um, so I think I might have a pencil skirt obsession. It hit me this week when I was hanging up my 30 for 30 lovelies and counted the 4 pencil skirts I included. And then I went as far as to count the other pencil skirts I have. It wasn’t a crazy high number or anything (7 maybe? why am I asking you, I’m the one that counted.), but I think it’s safe to say that the obsession collection should be closed for a while. After this remix, you guys won’t recognize me when I’m in a different type skirt. I’ll have to wear a name tag and wave you down, just like I did at parties in high school.
There was a reason I stayed in the basement for all of those years.

4 Responses
Honey, some of us are still playing the Sims 🙂
kendi! i've been following your blog now, not only have you got great style but you're hilarious and we'd probably be bff's if i didn't live 8 mil miles away but…you had me at Sims!
i'm 29 and bought myself Sims 3 for xbox for christmas. lame? yep.
but, awesome also.
Your blog is super cute!!
Hooray for amazingly cute outfits and the Sims!! Haha! Love your blog Kendi!