I kind of surprised myself when I put this outfit on. This is my kind of outfit. Kind of casual, but still kind of nice and definitely classy. It’s like the Olive Garden of outfits. I bet I have a $5 glass of wine somewhere in here.
My legs were a little nervous about coming out all the way today. One of them pointed out to me that it felt so wrong with it still being February. I pointed out that they shouldn’t talk, because they are legs. Then the other one said I needed a tan.
Let’s see, I feel like I’m forgetting something…did I mention my outfit? Olive Garden? hearing voices in my head and answering them? Yep, I guess that covers it.

129 Responses
Absolutely love it! Gorgeous.
Thank you Elaine!
Love this outfit!!
My Leather Jacket
I’m in Ft. Worth and the weather has been fantastic! I, however, am not brave enough to bare my legs. You go!
75 here! woot woot!
Love the outfit. The skirt is gorgeous. You’d definitely be the hottest chick in Olive Garden.
Ramblings of a Small Town Girl
I’m so jealous of bare legs! It totally snowed here today…I think I need to move to Texas asap.
This outfit looks great. I feel like I could never pull something like this together, unless I was stuck to only 30 articles of clothing. I really think the remix makes your outfits more interesting.
holy crap i laughed the whole way through this!! but with you, not at you 🙂
I love the frames/glasses you are wearing here. Where are they from?
love it! And this outfit looks like your header illustration 🙂
You know I had on that skirt and a blue top this morning but when I reached for tights my body just wasn’t having it. So I can relate to the whole speaking body parts of this post. And of course the outfit too seeing as I almost wore the same thing. Now, where’s my glass of wine?
hahaha reading your posts always makes my day!! 😀 Also, this outfit is quite possibly my favorite from you. Ever. It’s amaaaaazing and you look gorgeous in it! 😀
xo Allison of CurvyGirlChic
Yay, hello legs…it’s nice to see you again! The weather has been beautiful here too and today I have on tights but tomorrow, bare legs it is…it’s supposed to be 70 degrees!
Too cute today! I don’t think I would’ve ever thought these two items would go together in my mind but in person (or in a picture on a person) they look great together. I haven’t progressed past sweats today due to an illness in the house. :/ I miss being outside!! This week has been too gorgeous to be inside!
Love this outfit, can’t wait for spring to wear stuff like this. Right now there is so much rain and grayness outside I can’t believe it! The windows are being pelted with rain.
Any yay! You broke 5000 followers, congrats haha.
Seriously, “The Olive Garden of outfits” has me rolling. It’s hilarious!
Man I love Loft. Cute outfit! Definitely one that I would wear. I broke out the bare legs today too… supposed to hit the 70’s in St. Louis!
Two things:
1) That’s totally my kind of outfit as well. I adore it.
2) What brand/style are your glasses? I’m looking around for a new pair & those are super cute.
PS I just found your blog a couple of weeks ago & it’s quickly becoming my new favorite 🙂
You know I had on that skirt and a blue top this morning but when I reached for tights my body just wasn’t having it. So I can relate to the whole speaking body parts of this post. And of course the outfit too seeing as I almost wore the same thing. Now, where’s my glass of wine?
This looks great together!
beautiful! Love the lace!
Kendi, you crack me up! I love how you just write what you’re thinking. So yeah, showing some leg today huh? Brave girl. 😉
This outfit is awesome, and that color blue looks really pretty on you!
This is probably gonna sound corny, but your posts always make me smile.
I like the fancy outfit! I almost wore my dress without tights today, but saw clouds overheard and pulled the tights on.
Love it! I was considering not wearing tights tomorrow and I feel like my legs will be saying the same thing to me. But they should also know how rare it is that they get to parade around in February sans tights.
Hahha this post is adorable. I love the legs talking. Beautiful skirt.
p.s. why not mention olive garden in a post… it’s good!
You crack me up! Very classy, I love it. It seems everyone is showing a little skin today. I was so nervous about wearing short sleeves. Oh how I wish it were 70 here.
Perfect way to describe this outfit. It looks so effortless. And my legs saying, “At least yours are long!”
LOL! The Olive Garden of outfits! Hopefully you have some breadsticks and endless salad in there.
That outfit is no Olive Garden. It’s too cute for that!
This is the olive garden of outfits. Absolute perfection. Your necklace is the free bread rolls with butter. My favorite part! I looove that necklace. You always look so good. Seriously!
MMmmmm…Olive Garden!
I love the skirt. I would never have thought to put it together this way. It has a relaxed elegance.
– Meredith
I love those shoes. I have to ask- in your honest opinion, are they reasonably comfortable? Reasonably being your feet not covered in blisters after half the day.
Yes, they are reasonably comfortable (by your definition of course). I wouldn’t want to walk a mile in them but wearing them around isn’t bad at all.
I absolutely adore this outfit. The skirt is so cute.
you make me laugh every day. thank you
You always make me laugh.
In a good way, of course.
Living in Germany and all I didn’t get the Olive Garden thing..never mind, I googled and wikipediaed it, so…got it now. 😉
Your legs talk to you? Mine only talk to tights at this moment, but I’m getting there. Soon.
P.S. Today’s combo is genius, really. 🙂
My legs were bare yesterday, and I felt the same way. I don’t think I’d looked very carefully at them since November, so I was a little unsure about them being ready to go tightsless. It worked out okay though.
Your legs look about a million miles long. Very nicely done. I’m bare legging it today too. Skirts in Feb with no tights: one of the many perks of not living in the frozen north!
Freckles in April | a modest clothing blog
Can you please send some sunshine over to the bay area? It’s i POURING here. Buckets, literally.
Just Better Together</a.
This outfit looks really fancy and cute i love it and your legs are bare courageous woman!!!
My legs would protest and I think detach. It’s still too cold *sigh*. I’m longing so bad for the spring. I love that cobalt shirt. I’m searching for burgundy tops. No where to be found. I can’t understand???? That color will combine magnificent with the tan/bronze trend for SS11.
Hahaha! Love that skirt…and Olive Garden bread sticks and who wouldn’t love both?!
Lidi @ Eclectic Flair
Are those Warby Parker Huxleys in whiskey tortoise I spy??? Are we glasses twins?!
Coltons! But I consider us twins, nonetheless.
I can’t believe this outfit is in your WINTER 30 for 30 … (It’s a cute one, though)
There’s no shopping links! However, I am being lazy and could go back and find them…..
Love the whole outfit-especially the shoes.
Nothing but the shoes for sale! I can always link the shoes though!
Really pretty blouse! Now I’m craving soup and salad…and breadsticks…
–la vie en BROKE–
I love this! I am swoon over that skirt every time you wear it, and I love how it looks with navy, which I would have never considered. I am also LOVING those glasses on you!
Very pretty! and I am just loving the new glasses!
How geek chic! I love how the glasses work with your outfit 🙂
I love your style! I even asked for a scarf you wore for a birthday gift. I blogged about it at http://www.theramblingsister.blogspot.com. Thanks for great inspiration!
I really like this outfit. It seems a bit different for you. I’m still waiting to see your polka dot shirt you added, though!
I love the outfit, but looking at your bare legs make me shiver, because it’s not nearly warm or sunny enough to think about bare legs yet. I love the lace/navy blue silk combo. 🙂
I always think how much I love your glasses every time they make a cameo in one of your posts! Where did you get them?
I love the skirt – I’ve been looking for a lace skirt like that for ages.
Cute! Love this outfit! Probably because you get never-ending soup, salad and breadsticks when you wear it. 🙂
I agree with some of the other commenters, I am in love with that skirt. I covet ittt. Unfortunately I have a limited selection in the clothes shopping department. Boo.
I love this outfit! That blouse is really pretty.
love the skirt! I think i need to start making a lits of items my closet needs.
1. Kendi’s lace skirt!
2. wait for her next post.
3. read #2.
i enjoy your post girl! xo 😀
Great legs! Who care if it’s February, that skirt is awesome!
Oh, I love that blouse. I feel like that blouse-y (ha! see what I did there?) shape is rather unique in your closet, no? (And maybe in admitting that I have a decent idea of what’s in your closet, I have revealed a little too much crazy.) In any case, that color and drapey cut are preposterously flattering on you, so maybe when you get back to shopping you should go back to LOFT and get her some friends.
(I’m also insanely jealous of your bare-leg-weather! No such luck in London.)
the other emily
This is like my top 30×30 outfit of all time…OF ALL TIME! And I love when you wear the glasses.
We can be twins when I wear these glasses. In fact, let’s be twins together in oh about 3 weeks. People will be like “is that Erin? Is that Kendi? Is that Angelina Jolie with glasses on?”
pretty lace details! I used to have a skirt like that in high school and I have NO IDEA what happened to it. very few things antagonize me like clothes inexplicably disappearing. Thanks for bringing it up.
also, it blizzarded last night! so my legs are LIVING in sweater tights for a long while yet.
You are da best. No typo, I definitely meant to say “da best” which is heads and tails above a simple the best.. and why? Because just today I was thinking to myself, “Man, it’s 67 degrees in February and I would really love to wear my lace skirt from Loft but I’m so tired of wearing it for winter and it’s too warm for tights but I just don’t know how to springerize this piece [yup, that word was “springerize”. use it.] but I really want to wear it and see if it’s still as flippy and feminine and pretty in the spring.. and gaaahhh… how can I dooooooo this?”
This went on for maybe 2 or 3 minutes until I gave up and went with a plain old khaki pencil skirt from nanners repubbie and called it a day.
So thanks… clearly I need a looser fitting, blousy sort of thing to combat the somewhat seriousness of the lace number underneath and some ladylike accessories to break it all up. Got it.
Now everyone can relax.
I love this, Kendi! It is so “casual elegance”; you wear it beautifully! 🙂
That skirt goes well with the Valentino purse I featured today, check out my post:
another great Kendi outfit!! i’m loving the subtle fanciness and it would be a perfect outfit for Olive Garden. and the legs look fabulous!
cute and little
I love the glasses… makes me wish I hadn’t decided to make today a contacts day. Oh well, they work better with the rain.
Is it weird that I’ve never really been to Olive Garden? Too fancy when I was a kid, not cool enough when I was a young married girl, and now I have a kid and only eat takeout.
Girlfriend, you’ve never been to Olive Garden???? I’m kidding, you aren’t missing out that much. But they do give you unlimited breadsticks and that is bonus in my book.
You look classy. But, now I want Olive Garden… thanks.
My Heart Blogged
Your are so adorable.
Your legs are not just out today…they are OUT! Those are some gorgeous spring gams, my dear.
you are so chic .
check out my 30 for 30 sometime :]
Your legs and my legs must have had an interstate-mental conversation with each other 🙂 They told me that they were too pale too, but I told them that they only get to live once and to take full advantage of a fluke spring day in February!
Awesome low-high outfit – so cute!
nominated for best comedic performance. You.
Not your outfit of course, just the words (are funny, that is. The outfit isn’t ‘funny’, per se). What would we do without Kendi to brighten our days?
I know you probably get this A LOT, but you look just like Lauren Graham! Like a younger twin or something. It’s crazy!
Oh what a compliment!! I love Lauren Graham. I always wanted to be Lorelei when I grew up.
I am in love with your necklace Kendi…everytime I see you style it I go, “That necklace is so hip and cute!” It looks like piles of pearls and normally I don’t even like pearls! Anyways, just loving the necklace and loving your blog!
this is probably my favorite of your outfits so far this challenge and you’ve had some awesome ones. LOVE this. so effortless yet chic
You’ve been looking very much like Jenna Lyons recently! I think the glasses really do it. Such a cute outfit!
Did you just give me the greatest compliment ever?? I’ll take any Jenna Lyons reference any day of the week, thank you!
I’d wear this outfit to Olive Garden anyday. And you know, no house wine for me. I’ll be having the $7 Kendall Jackson tonight, thank you. To celebrate my legs learning how to communicate. Through words, not just by rubbing my thighs together in my jeans.
I really like this look! I would have never thought to have paired the top with the skirt. I really love/want your necklace. If you ever feel like you just can’t stand to look at it anymore, I will be more than happy to take it off your hands…I mean neck.
I love this outfit! You’re right, it’s as fancy as Olive Garden is Italian. 😉 It would be even better if you were wearing shoes with wheels. (You know, b/c Olive Garden has chairs on wheels? Like Luby’s? Anywho…) Love it
you definitely don’t need a tan! you look beautiful just the way you are. =)
This is definitely one of my favorite outfits on you ever. You look fab!
i am j’adoring all over this outfit!
i wander, i wonder
your style of writing just cracks me up! 🙂
super cute outfit as always. i’m jealous that you are wearing a skirt. i’m currently wearing jeans, tank top, long sleeve shirt, and sweatshirt. i think it was supposed to be up to 60* today.
did i mention that i live in southern california??
i LOVE the olive garden!!! there used to be one in the city i grew up in, and then one day it just up and disappeared! i was super sad 🙁 i really want some!! let’s go!
It is absolutely beautiful!
hey…you’re wearing the skirt in your blog banner.
Heyyy good call! I am 🙂
I just love your style. Always so chic. And you make me laugh. I really like how you paired the relaxed top contrasted with the dressier skirt.
XO, Katie
Running On Happiness
I’m actually kinda dreading the fact that tomorrow might be warm enough to go tight-less. It does feel so wrong and my legs are definitely not ready either!
Complex Cardigans
Love this!! Super Cute!
too cute. the title of this post makes me want to break out in song with reba. ha!
That’s what I was secretly eluding to in this post…”Here’s your one chance Fancy don’t let me down….”
Looking lovely as usual!!
I try to shy away from internet acronyms like LOL. However, I seriously laugh out loud every time I read your blog. You’re just my absolute favorite!
P.S. Can’t wait to be a total copycat over so many of your outfits once the Remix is over! 😉
Haha you are hilarious! Cute outfit. I love the weather we’re having down here in Texas!
so pretty!! love the lace
I looooove this look. One of your best! And I can’t believe that top is from F21! That place always surprises me.
I love this outfit! 🙂
Looks great! I have a few tops like that but they never seem to look as good on me. Or maybe I’m just more critical of myself.
You probably are more critical of yourself, I bet it looks great. Also, I tend to buy tops like these in a size smaller because they are so blouse-y and loose. That might help?
You should have chats with your legs more often so more hilarity can ensue. I really love the way this top lays over this skirt!
Gasp. I love this. The somewhat casual, office-appropriate shirt, with the fancy schmancy lace skirt, toned down with grey heels. Yummers!
I featured this post on my Friday Favorites because it cracked me up!
Have a great weekend! – Sarah @ mississippi Mud
The close up shot shows your wedding band. Do you not have an engagement ring?
great outfit. i love this top! and funny you say its the olive garden of outfits, because they really are known for being “slightly” classy. yet affordable =)
Kendi, do you know what I love about your blog? You shop like a normal person. Your clothes are from Loft and Gap and Target and your favorite boots are Steve Madden (Did I just give myself away as a daily lurker?) Thanks for reminding us that you can be cool, yet still practical.
Also, I live in MN and am very very jealous of your Texas weather.
You got those shoes from TARGET? I can’t even believe it– I’ve been looking for a good pair of pumps that aren’t black for years, and those are just divine. And the heel looks manageable, which is definitely important for a tall girl like me.
More importantly, the shoes & the clothes look great against that background– your locations keep getting better and better.
love the style. seriously super cute
LOVE this outfit!
kendi! I love this. this may very well be my favorite outfit of yours. EVER.
oh this makes me want spring to come here!! i can’t even pretend with a skirt right now, freezing temps and snow…stupid winter. ;D i love the lace skirt and the delicate cascade of pearls, super cute!
fancy indeed! I love it, I gotta tell you girl, I am not such a fan of that pink skirt of yours but this look is flawless 🙂
really, really love this one. great colors and the proportions are prefect. keeping it. 🙂
I love your outfit and your glasses, where did you pick those up?!
I think you look adorable!
You look fantastic! I love that skirt. And this post was hilarious.
hilarious!! and that outfit is uber cute!