{Shop: Plaid Shirt, Skirt (bright dahlia), Socks (in grey), Boots}
That’s what my husband said to me this morning when I put this outfit on. “It’s a good one.” He wasn’t looking at me when he said it, but I’m pretty sure those nice words were directed at me and not his cup of coffee.
I LOVE this outfit. I can say that because well…because I can. And because it’s better than saying I hate this outfit. I try to keep things positive here on Kendi Everyday. I also like to link to my own blog as many times as I possibly can. I just don’t want you to leave, ok?
Speaking of shameless plugs, My friend Kathryn, you know the Austin food blogger, nominated me for a Texas Social Media Award this morning. Nice, right? I’ve got a cousin that gives me scarves, a friend that nominates me for things and a friend that gives me cute blazers. What more could a girl ask for?
Oh that’s right, I’m asking you to vote. Yes, you too can be a giving friend of mine. If you’re a giver, I’m a taker, so give away.

85 Responses
I love this outfit! The pop of pink, the grey socks peaking out, the sweater and button up. Perfection.
gotta love a good sweater button up combo. not always easy to pull off but when you do its bliss! good work on this one!
How do we vote?
love the outfit, so cheerful and happy! great sweatshirt, too! ^^
xxx Charlie
Would love for you enter my Christmas Giveaway!
Lindsey — Wouldn't you know that I forgot to link it. (Sometimes I'm dumb) but I fixed it and the link is up!
Love it 🙂 And the more often I see those boots on you the more I want a pair like them.. they just look gorgeous with everything!
One good looking nominee!
Kendi!! I keep trying to vote but it won't let me! Anytime I click "submit" it says error.
Is the site having trouble?
Yes, even a lurker has been lured out of the shadows to say – I LOVE this outfit of yours 🙂 It's so chic and easy, yet very so polished and fun. Love it!
Fab outfit I love the colour combination and the shirt is lovely x
Kittenish Behaviour Blog
Is the sweatshirt not available at Gap anymore?! I love it!
I agree, this is a good one. And every time I see you wearing that skirt, I just want it even more.
i love the layering of the plaid button up shirt under the sweater. i thought of doing something like that today & chickened out.
CUTE!! Voting away!
You got it! I'm off to vote.
It is a good one! I just bought that sweatshirt yesterday. Can't wait to wear it!
I voted! I definitely think you deserve an award for all your hard work and dedication to your readers. Over 300 people have risen to your 30 for 30 challenge, most of us cheating a little, but still participating in something you created. Way to go, Kendi!
your husband was right… it IS a good one!
Very, very cute.
sometimes, when i go to kiss my husband bye and he is still in bed, he will say "you look pretty today." its really sweet and always makes me smile even though his eyes are completely closed and he is still asleep 🙂
i follow a lot of blogs and yours is my favorite! love the dialogue. so i'm headed over to vote…
I totally opened every single link cause I'm loyal like that! lol! And you're a nerd for making it the same link over and over, lol! Anyway, cute, cute outfit. I love when things don't match, but look good together.
Definitely a good outfit!
This is a very "Sydney Poulton" outfit! Love it!
I have a hot pink skirt from Nordstroms, and I've only ever worn it with black tops and black tights. Thanks for the good ideas! I think I'll get it altered to be a little above the knee like yours and then maybe it will be more workable in a casual outfit.
Love your sweater! =)
I love the outfit! But the sweater with the zipper up at the collar is wonderful! And of course those boots are great!
I love it! That skirt looks great on you. I have those boots and I love them.
um, ya this is super cute. an outfit that is totally unpredictable and a little out there – but all in a good way.
i love it.
and i might have to try to copy it with my 30. Can't believe it's more than half way done. nuts!
Congrats on your nomination and the "it's a good one" comment ;]
Love the way you layered a button up under a sweatshirt…
PS – I noticed your wedding ring in these pictures — have you ever posted about it? It looks like the one I'm lusting after…
Hi Kendi! Entered my first giveaway, might as well make my first comment. 😉
Love this outfit. I love that pink skirt, it gives a great pop of color.
I Love that sweater! I have the hardest time finding anything "winter related" that I just adore. Guess I'm just not a cold weather type of girl… And I love the skirt!
Come Visit me! Not as great a blog as yours.JUST A WARNING. LOL
i love this look it IS a good one. 🙂
good luck with the award!
i wander, i wonder
I saw that skirt on the mannequin at J.Crew last week and my first thought was "hmm…Kendi styles it better." It looks great!
The skirt! I buy bright colors, but sometimes I get nervous about wearing them. Hopefully, I'll stop being silly soon and just wear them!
i like the layering of the sweater over the button down and how the sleeves are rolled to 3/4 length. and it looks very chic paired with the otk socks and knee-high boots. will have to try sometime!!
Very cute! Love the colors…Congratulations on Blogger of the Moment on Modcloth! 🙂 That's exciting. I voted for you for your Texas Social Media Award! 🙂
~Kirstin Marie
Ok, I love this outfit. I went and voted. And that's when I read that you are from Kerrville! I live in West Texas now, but I grew up in a small town near there – Llano, went to college in San Antonio and I still have family that live in Hunt. I love your blog, and now I can add one more layer of obsessiveness…I mean, I've probably been to the DQ of which you speak 😛
So, I need that sweater. Where is it from?
Ellie — It's from Gap! I could not for the life of me find it on there site, but I bet it's still available. I bought it at the end of October, so chances are it might be on sale!
Yeah, this is pretty much an amazing outfit – can see why you love it!! 🙂 Way to knock it out of the park!
And I'm thinking I need a purple pencil skirt in my future for future 30 for 30 challenges…it's going on my "to-purchase" list after this challenge/shopping ban is through!!
Small Time Style
cute outfit, this pink skirt is braaaave 🙂
all your pictures are perfect! ..tell ur hubby 🙂
nice look!
hahaha so cute. Your writing is adorable 🙂
I love that pink skirt!! Makes the whole outfit pop!!
That skirt is gorgeous! I'd be willing to take it off your hands when you get sick and tired of it! But really, that outfit is awesome!
oh my gosh, love love love that sweater! Here's hoping it's still available after the remix…
totally my favorite outfit of the 30/30 so far! super cute!
Loving the sweatshirt/sweater with the zipper detail. I love anything with a zipper detail. Let's say zipper detail one more time.
Love the pop of color from the skirt too!
Thanks for the help, I see a lunch break gap shopping trip in my future… i was looking at their skinny jeans just today… must be fate! Thanks!
You totally got me. I clicked on each link just to see if you linked back to your home page or somewhere else.
Nevermind that my husband told me that if I hover over the link I can see where it's going to take me in the bottom left corner. I just wanted to give you more clicks to your site and make you feel clever.
You're welcome.
Definitely love "Monica in gold!"
Oh my, Just had to note that we are wearing the same exact skirt today! No joke~ Too funny! Love the look! 🙂
that skirt is sooo cute! i love the color!
I guess today was the day of plaid shirts….you wore one, I wore my black and creamish white (though don't have a pic to prove it), and Jessica from What I wore had one too 😉
LOVE this. I love the plaid peeking out!
I like this combination, plaid and a bright pink skirt. Once again I'm inspired my the ever so clever kendi!! 😉
Very Cute Outfit.
good luck with the awards! off to vote 😀 also, this is a good one. i wouldn't pair the blue shirt with the skirt but you make it work so see! more remixing right there 😀
Your outfits are always so darn cute 🙂 I love the socks showing above the boots combo..def one to try me thinks!
I yes. I do love this outfit. The skirt got me. And the random armpit zipper. For serious.
Ok, voting. But only because you asked nicely.
This is a great outfit! I ADORE the socks peeking out of the boots – and the boots!!
Off to vote for you : )
I totally agree with your hubby. That is a good one ~ your outfit not his coffee. Although, coffee sounds kinda good right now.
Leaving the House in THIS?!?!
yes, it is a good one! love it!
I'm gonna start belting my sweatshirts and be just like you! 🙂
No, really, I love that idea. In my head, the concept looked much sillier. Thanks for the inspiration. 😀
LOVE this outfit – LOVE your blog 🙂
This may be my favorite.
I really love this outfit. I never would have thought to pair a plaid shirt under a sweater. Plus the zipper detail on the sweater is pure awesomeness. Overall love.
I like this outfit, Kendi! It's very unexpected. I love the zipper details on the sweater.
P.S. I recently wrote up why I don't read fashion magazines anymore, and listed your blog as one of the reasons, if you want to check it out! 🙂
You look absolutely gorgeous in the second to last pic! Chic outfit as usual!
agreed its a good one:)
Question! Does J.crew skirts run true to size?? I was thinking about getting the same one and I just wanted to know. THanks:)
Yay for #19! I have been following and I love everything thus far, and I am sure nothing will change.
style activist
This might be my favorite way you've worn this skirt so far, love it!
love this outfit – great skirt xx
Oh, I love the sweatshirt… it looks so comfy, but still put-together enough for work. Great outfit!
it IS a good one. a great one, in fact.
xx aj
Stephanie — I don't know if its just me or not, but I think that J.Crew runs pretty true to size, if not a little bigger. My skirt is what size I wear but it's not snug by any means. On shirts and pants, I can usually size down though, but skirts are pretty true to size.
Anyone else find this to be true??
i voted, i voted! xoxo
It is a good one, indeed!
*sigh* Kendi, I'm losing steaaaam! I think I'm hitting more of a mental block with my picks than anything. Something has convinced me that my outfits are not great. It's a sad day at Heidi High. 🙁
I love these boots! Yours look perfectly worn in! i can't wait because I already know I'm getting these for Xmas. LOVE this look
What a cute pink skirt. This is very similar to a look I was planning on wearing a very similar outfit during the challenge, but my plaid shirt bit the dust.
No Guilt Fashion
love this outfit too! it's adorable and my fav on the 30/30 thus far.
I have a similar magenta skirt and navy gingham top – guess who's gonna copy this outfit pretty much exactly? So cute!
I love this skirt! Each time and way you style it I love just as much. The colour is so perfect!
love the pieces put together nicely.
your so cute!