
You guys tired of this dress yet? Since I can’t hear you, I’m going to assume no. That’s good because it might be one of my favorite things I bought this year, therefore I will wear it to death. And cheap synthetic fabric does not wear out easily, trust me. Life span on this dress: 22 years. That’s by my scientific calculation, mind you.

It seems that I learn something new with each remix and this being my third, that means a new lesson has been learned. I find myself wearing things I normally wouldn’t wear and with ease. I don’t stress about if it’s blog-worthy or not, I simply find what I can and make it as Kendi as possible and get on with my day. And as non-Earth shattering of a revelation as that might be to you, it’s huge to me. Having fewer items really does make my life easier. I don’t know if I will ever fully embrace a minimalist lifestyle, although I do love Ikea, but I love the idea of a smaller closet for me. (I never in a MILLION years thought those words would come out of my mouth.) My husband is rejoicing right now. Smaller closet means less shopping to him. But on the contrary, it doesn’t mean less shopping, it just means smarter shopping. Only the things I truly need and love will be welcome into my closet from now on. I’m sorry trendy fur vest, that does not include you or your thigh insulting friend, the Jegging.

And while this is something that some people have already figured out, it’s new to me. I’ve always thought the more you have the better your wardrobe will be. But that is not true, although it certainly is convenient for a shopper like myself. There is no such thing as a perfect wardrobe, there is only such a thing as your wardrobe. Be who you are, buy what you need (and can afford), and wear those items creatively. Be in the closet you are in and be happy with what you have.*

Besides finding a pair of shoes I was certain that I’d lost, this might be the best thing I’ve ever found while searching through my closet.

*Please know that this is my philosophy and I expect no one but myself to believe it wholeheartedly. Everyone has their own truth to find, this just happens to be mine and I thought I’d share it with you.

Shop the Outfit

Fit Details

Monthly Capsule Wardrobe

Each month I create monthly capsules out of my favorite pieces, perfectly curated for each month.

107 Responses

  1. This is a great lesson! I really wish I was participating in this but I barely have 30 items of clothing haha. Maybe next time and I love your necklace!

  2. Totally agree with you. I would love to purge my closet of many things, but it's hard. Also, I'm way jealous that you have this dress. The one time I went to Target with the goal of getting this dress they only had it in the huge-huge-huge size. Sigh.

  3. that dress is perfection! and your hair is as well. i would have loved to do the remix but im in scrubs all day every day..boo on careers!


  4. As a teenager I went against the grain in fashion trends. I shopped in Hollywood (lived in the burbs) and wore vintage when it wasn't cool to do so (early 80s). I ended up getting the popular vote… "Best Dressed." Quite the accomplishment back then.

    I will never be a slave to trends. Keep promoting individualism!

  5. @Brooke — yes to next time. did you want me to sign you up? 😉

    @Emily — It is hard! I just purged some things this weekend, as well, and I found myself asking the most ridiculous questions on whether I should keep a dress I wore once in the last 5 years.

    Shopaholic + hoarder is surprisingly not a good combination.

  6. I needed this Kendi! I'm currently footwear-challenged, which is really stifling my outfit options! True style can work around limitations.

  7. love the dress! so cute! I was just looking for it on ebay- I think it's the ONE Tucker item I didn't get!

  8. So true. I told my husband about 30 for 30 and he is all for me trying it. Maybe in January. Maybe next time the online community does one. Either way, he loves the shopping ban and I love the forced creativity.

  9. Great post, this is a lesson I'm still learning unfortunately. I'm just learning what actually FITS me properly so I still have a lot of clothes in my closet that I'm unsure whether to purge or not!

  10. @Bri — shoes are the hardest in my opinion. A dress is a dress and can be worn in so many ways, but shoes are so varied! I'm currently missing flats, if that makes you feel better.

    @Kris I'll keep promoting individualism, if you do too. 🙂

    Ok, I'm stopping with the creepy reply comments now.

  11. I'm glad you've gotten so zen… this remix has made me slightly joyous on certain days but mainly longing for the rest of my closet. I lusted after my own shoes today. I don't know if that's good or pathetic… gathetic I think.

  12. i love this post (and all of your posts) and your emphasis on being yourself! it's so refreshing, and dare i say "normal" to read about learning to be comfortable in your own skin, clothes, and closet for that matter. and that dress is lovely, so wear it as often as you can 🙂

  13. Are those bare legs? And trees with leaves? WHAT!?? As a northern Canadian, it is absolutely inconceivable to me as to how warm it is in Texas. I can't believe that while I look outside and see several feet of snow and a plethora of ugg boots, you (potentially) see flowers and butterflies. Haha.

    But I actually love your outfit too! That dress is terrific.

    – Patricia

  14. ohhh i LOVE this post kendi! and i think my husband would have to agree!! i buy wayyyy too many clothes and never really know how to pair them together!! 🙁 i think i just need some more more basics and accessories to make my outfits look "different"!!

  15. Cute outfit! I agree with what you said about wearing outfits you might not otherwise during the 30for30 challenge- I have worn several outfits that I wouldn't have otherwise. That's the lesson I've learned in my first 30for30 challenge- to be more adventurous and care less about everything being perfect!

  16. My problem is that I'm a shopaholic who then gets tired of things easily, so then I toss them. It's just as big of a problem as hoarding, I think, because then I think, "you know, that thing I used to own would be perfect right now!" except I don't have it anymore. So I'm actually trying to take better care of things, and if I'm tired of wearing something, to just put it away and save it for a time when I want to go shopping, and then I can bring it back out and it will be like new. Well, I'm hoping that's how it will be!

  17. Hey Kendi. I've been lurking around your blog for quite some time now. This post really hit home for me so I thought I'd finally post a comment.


    I've never really been a fan of shopping or clothes or shoes. But when I became more mature, I realized that I need a little bit more than my ratty shirts and ill-fitting pants. I try to live a minimalist lifestyle so expanding my clothing and shoe selection was kind of a challenge. There is just so much out there that I realized I loved. But you are so right. It's not about having the most clothes and shoes that count; it is about making what you have count. And if you must buy something new, make sure that you need and can afford it.

    Great post!

  18. I agree that having less in the closet does ease the mind and eliminate "getting dressed" anxiety (something I have learned through this challenge!), but now that my eyes are opened to re-mixing I feel like I could make hundreds of new looks with my entire wardrobe! I can re-mix like a champ! (and by champ, I mean like Kendi).

    Oh, and, I love this dress too.

  19. I love the dress and cardi! I kinda feel like you are channeling Second Skin here with the vibe of this outfit.

    I have a monthly budget and try to work within that. My husband probably does about as much shopping as I do…

  20. Before I did the challenge, I was spending way too much on clothes and half of my purchaes still had tags on it. Now as the challenge dwindels down, I know that I can work on what I have in my closet. My once stuffed closet and small bank account thanks you. 🙂

  21. Nice philosophy to embrace. I'm beginning to realize that I need to simplify, simplify my closet as I finish up this challenge.

    You've rocked this dress so well. Your photos are so pretty!

  22. You are so right! I've been realising this recently too. I have way too many clothes in my closet, and yet somehow I always feel like "I have nothing to wear". So yeah, I totally agree with your theory my friend.

  23. That's a fabulous dress! I love finding gems like this at Target. My blog is about finding pieces for less too…let me know what you think!



  24. Great philosophy! I would rather have two amazing, classic great fitting things that 10, ill fitting, trendy things that I don't love!

  25. Pinch me. Really. I could not be reading this post at a better time. I just spent forty minutes anxiously trying on a million outfits to figure out what to wear to my college interview tomorrow. I have far too many clothes in my closet, but nothing I put on was working.

    I finally settled on something that doesn't feel one hundred percent right to me, but your post helped remind me that I shouldn't have to worry about it! What I wear is just one component of who I am. So tomorrow, I'm going to go in there and ace my interview, without giving my outfit a second thought. Thank you, Kendi!

  26. 1. you look beautiful! love the dress and those boots. Definitely not sick of it.

    2. I love your philosophy. I've been feeling this way a lot lately myself. I'd rather have a few amazing quality pieces then all the other stuff and rather build a collection of a wardrobe. It's not the easiest thing on a budget, but it really makes you consider everything you buy. 🙂

    i wander, i wonder

  27. I'm surprised that I've actually learned this lesson too during the challenge!! And it's such an inconvenient truth for this girl who loves to shop!! But my bank account is certainly loving it.

    But seriously – this has really taught me the difference between "fashion" and "style". I had never understood the difference between the two until this challenge!

    (But I do have to say, if you try a pair of Gap jeggings, you probably won't regret it – they surprisingly look good even on this girl's thighs! :))

    Small Time Style

  28. Love love love the outfit. And I just found out a nearby city opened an Anthropologie. So excited!

    Question! I've been looking for dark brown knee socks for weeks now, the ones you linked from your outfit would be great but which color did you get? It's hard to tell on the website!

  29. love the dress!!!

    i might just have to do my own 30 for 30 challenge in the new year. so many of you bloggers are so inspiring because of it.

    or if not that challenge, stick to a a NO-SHOPPING policy. 😉

  30. 30 for 30 has taught me a lot so far! I'm really impressed. It's definitely made me appreciate my wardrobe more and to try new looks. I agree that it makes you feel more comfortable in your choices!

  31. I love your 30 for 30 challenges. But when I think of 30 for 30, I think of 5 for $5 at Arbys. Ah! I love food. And this comment is so random.

    I really wanted to get that dress at Target, but they SOLD OUT in my size 🙁 It was a sad day.

    Just Better Together

  32. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL photos — my compliments to the photographer (and model, natch).

    I agree — it's definitely better to "invest" in item that you love and that is remix worthy. Quality over quantity!!

  33. Your lesson is very thought-provoking and your outfit is also super cute! I wore that dress today too, but I think I like your version better! Not sure I'll ever get sick of that dress either though!


  34. I am so happy to have participated in your remix challenge (and I'm almost done!!!). Smart shopping is definitely going to be my new mantra. Also expect my wardrobe to reflect me more as opposed to reflecting crazy shopping binges!

  35. U look very pretty in the pictures Kendi.This is the first time i am writing,,have been following ur girl past 7-8 months. gosh u got some humour girl. its quite intimidating for few around you m sure(becoz its amazingly charming trait. more than i love ur fashion sense i love the humour and satire in each post.. good luck with everythng.

  36. That is an excellent fashion philosophy. The reason why I started my own 'style' blog (because I'm not that stylish) was to figure out new ways to wear what I already have. I'll be starting the 30 for 30 in a couple of weeks and I'm really excited about the challenge! I'm not very good at being content with what I have, so it's definitely a new way of learning that contentment!

  37. I was forced to clean out my closet a few months ago (small Stockholm apartment, pitifully small closet) and definitely found this to be true! Instead of looking at a cute, pencil skirt that I had wanted for ages, but made me look a bit like my mother and made my thighs look like packaged sausages, I sold it and waalaa… no more guilt! Now I only see things I really love and want to wear.

    Love your blog, read it everyday and always chuckle at your posts. You have serious talent Kendi Lea.


  38. Probably one of my favourite outfits from this rounds remix, you look so comfortable. I wish I could embrace that philosophy but I can't seem to get there, maybe I'll join in with the 30 for 30 next time to see if I can learn.

  39. I completely and wholeheartedly agree with your philosophy, and am on a journey of 'more stuff doesn't always equal better outfits' discovery. Thanks for your posts; they're super inpiring (I'm on day 16 of my own little restyle challenge and it's great to read your blog for encouragement/inspiration).

  40. Such a hard rule to live by 🙂 I try to do the same but just occasionally I trick myself into believing that I really, really cannot live without passing trend #311

    oh well. For the most part my wardrobe only consists of items that made me swoon rather than half hearted buys or passing infatuations. Near as darnit 's good enough for me 😀

    Looking great btw!

  41. Love what you have to say in this post. "Less is more" in my book, but my closet is overrun with so many clothes I bought because they were cheap! They're cute, to be sure, but they look terrible after just a few uses, and I'm starting to wonder: Is it time to be a grown-up and buy for quality rather than price?? Probably, but it's going to be an adjustment. Sometimes I just wish someone would come to my house, a la Stacy and Clinton, and tell me what to keep and what I need.

    Want to come over? 🙂

  42. I would never get sick of that dress–I am so jealous of it!

    And I completely second your wardrobe philosophy. Though I have a very long list of pieces I "need" to complete my wardrobe, not having tons of clothing facilitates me being more creative and resourceful with what I DO have, and that's always more fun.

  43. I agree 100%. It's how I've been trying to live and shop for the past few years, and I find I'm much happier with less. Congrats to you for the self-discovery – it was wonderful and inspirational to read.

    And PS I'd never get sick of that dress – such a great print and color, especially with the cardigan.

  44. Agreed, agreed, agreed! Sounds funny when you say the same word too many times. Agreed?

    Your challenge has been so eye-opening for me! I never thought I'd wear tops as skirts, but I've seen gals wear skirts as tops so I thought I'd try the opposite. I don't feel pressure to speak couture on my fashion blog, but style. I'm accessorizing again! We've all heard of retail therapy. This challenge has been my wardrobe therapy. I'm in touch with my accessories. Thanks, Kendi!

  45. Right on, Kendi. I prefer to have loads of options, so no minimalism here, but I completely agree that shopping smart and utilizing what you already have can create stylistic serenity.

  46. I'm loving that dress. I have a couple dresses from Target that I could wear so many ways also.

    I've been finding that same philosophy true for me. I feel like everyday I've gotten rid of another piece of clothing that I really don't wear (and it's been so easy!).

    BUT….guilty admittance: I do have a large rubbermaid container in my basement full of clothes that I haven't worn in years, but I can't quite part with yet (I mean what if they come back in style?!). Ha!


  47. Such a good lesson to learn. I haven't adopted it yet but I'm working on it. I need to shop for things I really love and not just buy something because it's on a super sale.

    By the way, I love your hair today!

  48. Sal —

    Good point! I agree with having options, as well. I think everyone has their number you know? What my less might be your more, and vice versa. I know that I can get by with 30 (obviously) but I like to have options as well. If only you guys knew how many times I bought something and wore it 1x, I think more than anything I want to shop smarter so that my options are limitless.

    If that makes any sense at all!

  49. DAMN! When I read "Are you tired of this dress yet?" I was secretly thinking, 'NO! But I hope YOU are and that maybe you'll sell it to me once the remix is over with!' …But I'm glad you like it.

    Your lesson learned kind of cracks me up because I have lots of clothes (to me – not as much as my sisters have!), but lots of stuff that doesn't 'go' together. Like I'll have a top I can ONLY wear with one specific pair of pants… ridiculous. So I boxed up a bunch of my stuff to send it to my cousins, and once I started reading fashion blogs a month ago, I thought, 'OH NO! Now I know how I can wear that dress!!!' And I cut open the boxes and rescued the pretty things I have had for years and just didn't know how to wear. I'm so glad I did! So while I am a fan of minimalism, I am also just in general a fan of knowing how to work with what I've got. I rarely shop for clothes, so I am still struggling with the same stuff I have had for years, only now I am seeing all my stuff in new ways. So thanks for that.

    (And seriously, if you start to hate that dress, please let me know and I'll take it off your hands.)

  50. For once I'm more facinated by your words tanh by your outfit, (not tired of the dress, loved it) … those words you wrote are so true! … We always think having huge closets it's the best, but when you have so many options you aren't so sure of what to wear, impressive you've decided to shop for less but I'm pretty sure you are still going to come out with great ideas! … btw there's a little mention of you on my blog, hope you can check it out =)


  51. That is my philosophy as well. I have spent the last year shopping sparingly and building the perfect wardrobe and months later I can say I am truly satisfied. Everything I have is timeless and can be remixed endlessly. I add one piece a couple of months apart. It is the best feeling in the world 🙂

    I must admit that not having many new clothes is not an advantage in the blogging world though. But I'm happy anyway!

    Bea from A plus B

  52. I absolutely adore your outfit (not tired of that dress – love!), your hair pinned back like that, your key necklace & your new found philosophy on style. My thoughts exactly.

    Happy Tuesday! 🙂

  53. Your blog is one of the few blogs I take the time to read.
    This post is the perfect example of why, wonderfully useful philosophy and so well written.

  54. So glad to hear from a fashion blogger that the fur vest and jeggings are not MUST HAVES! I totally agree. Skinny jeans were enough of a strech for me, but jeggings?! Not going there. Thanks so much. Love your blog, and your philosophy!

  55. Kendi! Don't stop with the creepy reply comments yet 🙂 I have a question:

    When purchasing the socks from We Love Colors (to wear like you do just below your knees)…do you recommend buying the thigh highs and scrunching them down or staying with the knee highs?

    Just wondering!


  56. @Trista – I got just the color Brown from We Love Colors. They are thigh-highs and basically the same fabric as opaque tights. So they aren't actually socks, if that's what you are a looking for!

    @Caley — I buy the thigh highs and roll them down just because knee-highs come to mid-calf on me and they always fall down. For some reason, rolling the thigh highs keeps them in place. 🙂

  57. Love your blog! Am currently searching Ebay for a Tucker for Target dress thanks to this post instead of revising essays! Thanks for the welcome distraction.


  58. Love your blog! Am currently searching Ebay for a Tucker for Target dress thanks to this post instead of revising essays! Thanks for the welcome distraction.


  59. Looking good today (as always). Congrats on reaching a new level of understanding about your wardrobe needs.

    I just want to thank you for the challenge. I have finished today and have loved doing it. I have learnt something new every day and posted that on my blog. Weirdly, today's conclusion was similar to yours.

  60. I love this philosophy! I recently "purged" my closet and gave about 60% of what I own (6 huge trash bags) to Goodwill. Now that I'm left with significantly less, I feel like I have MORE to wear! I think it's because I got rid of all the crap I had bought that I didn't necessarily like. I feel very minimalist and empowered by my "less full" closet. Thanks for the post!

  61. Hi Kendi!

    With your philosophy in mind, would you consider doing a post something along the lines of "spring cleaning your closet for the new year" or something? I will be moving across the country soon and need to really think about what I'm keeping and what I'm giving away. I'd love to hear your thoughts and advice on this process!

    Thanks for being inspiring!

  62. This is one of the main truths I've discovered in my own remix experience. I thought that I needed this trend or that to make my wardrobe more versatile, and I thought that re-wearing a skirt or top too often would bore my audience (and myself). On the contrary, I've enjoyed putting fewer items together in more interesting combinations, and about a third of my remix outfits were pieces that I would never have put together were it not for the challenge. I'm so glad to have been a part of this thing (it's become so huge, can you believe it?!) and I've taken so much from it. And honestly, I'm glad the holidays are right around the corner because I won't have the chance to binge on new clothes once I'm finished, as I've got lists for others that take precedence.

  63. Love your pics – I really like your outfit today! And thanks for putting the polka dot blouse in your remix. Since I have it too, it's helping me come up with so many new ways to wear it. Perhaps you can consult me the next time you put together your 30 for 30 – ha!

  64. I ADORE this dress and doubt I'll get tired of seeing it. It's so lovely on you!

    And, I'm so glad I'm not the only one denying the jegging trend.

  65. I'm not good at remixing, but I kinda brush my shoulder off about the whole smart shopping thing. When I was young, my parents gave me a clothing allowance so I've been shopping on a budget for years! (great practice for being a law school wife) Anyway, if I didn't immediately love something and could think of multiple ways to wear it, I would put that item of clothing back. If I kept thinking about it for the next week or so and thought about I would wear it, then I would go back. It helped me to be a smarter shopper.

    I'm thinking of doing your 30 for 30. Not to be a minimalist (I may not even have 30 items!), but I definitely wear the same items the same way TOO much. Thanks for being a remixing inspiration!

  66. I like your philosophy (especially the bolded words), a good reminder to be content with what we have! Even if we get more, we're never quite satisfied. It is best to learn to be satisfied.

    Thanks for sharing!

    ~ Courtney

  67. Sounds like you just took a deep breath in your post. So refreshing – I love style blogs like yours because it gives me new ideas on how to use my limited closet. Mine is limited because I don't always know where to shop and I'm on a tight budget. So thanks for the inspiration. 😉

  68. Kendi, if you ever write a column for a magazine, please let all of us know so I can subscribe!

    I'm a recent grad currently blogging about post grad life and I've found that fashion is one of those things that really transitions after undergrad is over. (along with every other piece of life hah). Your posts have inspired me to rework my closet and dress my age. Thanks 🙂

  69. Kendi, I think your closet philosophy is right on the money. And I'm awfully glad you exist, because participating in the 30 for 30 was some of the most serious fun I've ever had, and I met so many amazing women because of it. So thank you for finding such a creative and energizing way to encourage people to shop smarter!

    Also, this outfit is perfection. That hair style frames your face beautifully.

  70. Everyone — Thank you for the feedback! I love hearing all of your philosophies. To me that's the most important thing, just to have a philosophy to live by even if you're the only one that subscribes to it.

    @emma — Woohoo! Congrats on finishing! You can't see me but I'm giving you a standing ovation.

    @Makiko — Fantastic idea! Yes I would consider that. Let me think on it and I'll try to post something soon!

    @Erica — What nice parents you had! I think I'll do the same with my kids, as long as they grow up as smart of a shopper as you. I am just now learning those things, but I feel the exact same way. If you are still thinking about it, go get it. If now, aren't you glad you didn't buy it?!

    @Style Underdog — YES. I realize I need to actually contact you instead of just comment on my own blog…I'll email you.

  71. I completely agree! In the past 6-ish months I have spent mixing and remixing my current wardrobe I have found that I really don't need to buy lots of things at all and it has helped me focus on what's important in a wardrobe, good quality and fit plus loving what you wear!

  72. Brava! That is a 100% brilliant realization – I too am trying to downsize my clothes to things that I truly love, and would happily wear out with friends as easily as in my own house on lazy weekends. It's tough finding a balance – though since I do indeed love the legging (especially with boots!) I can couple gussied up…

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