{Shop: Skirt (bright dahlia), Similar Shoes}
The more I style blog, the more I find that there are no rules to personal style. Since I post outfits many times a week, I find myself asking my husband “does this work? do you think this is cute? is this weird?” Is this weird — that’s the one I find myself asking a lot. And my husband always responds with “Who cares?”
I hate this answer. We usually fight after he throws this one out there. “I care!” I scream as I run into our bedroom and slam the door. Then I turn on some Alanis Morissette, pull out my composition notebook and journal about how stupid my parents are and how no one has asked me to the prom yet (Sad but true story. I had no date to the junior prom.). That’s right, teen angst still reigns supreme in our household. I am a child.
But seriously. Who cares? And when I come out of my teenage spirit induced coma, I realize he is right. I don’t tell him this of course, but I know he is. I get dressed because I like to wear clothes. I remix my clothes to prove to myself that debt is always trendy and never in fashion. I blog because I care not about my formulated rules of style, but about expressing my creative mind with what I wear. So to that I say break the rules of fashion. Be a rebel, an outlaw of the outward appearance. If you want to wear it, wear it. Who cares?
(If you are wondering what the hell I’m talking about, I felt weird with my top being untucked. I know, I know, it’s no big deal. I told you I was a child. )
Side note: I am not alone in this thinking, as Elaine also wrote about breaking the rules this last week.

125 Responses
Fun times, Kendi. You are a true fashion rebel! 🙂 Rami always tells me my outfits look great. Even if the tags are still on them! (True story.)
Fun times, Kendi. You are a true fashion rebel! 🙂 Rami always tells me my outfits look great. Even if the tags are still on them! (True story.)
I like to think it's more about breaking the rules of fashion, as opposed to style. Style is just about perfecting your point of view – whatever that may be.
I'm sitting here reading this while wearing a purple shirt, pink sweater and red skirt. I swear it looks much better than it sounds. But I know what you mean. I often wonder if I look odd, but then I just don't care. If you like how you're dressed, then that's all the should matter.
You look adorable, BTW.
Oh how I love your seeing your style AND reading about it. So cute!
Breaking the rules is when you normally end up looking your best. Love it – do YOU Kendi!
PS – meant to ask you if you plan on contacting Lucky mag since they published their 30 for 30 in their April 2010 issue??? It would be great PR, and you've basically started a revolution…
i feel weird about an untucked top, too, for sure. which is why when i do untuck, i belt too, which lets everyone know that's where i would tuck it if i did tuck it, but i'm a rebel because i'm not.
I struggle with the age old question "to tuck or not to tuck." I love how you've accentuated your waist (my main reasoning behind tucking) while not actually tucking it in. I'll have to try this tomorrow. (I love that shirt. It's in my online JCrew bag now. My only fear was that I wasn't sure if I could wear it untucked, and now you've dispelled that.)
Julie! Brilliant! Did everyone see what she said? here, I'll repeat it:
"I like to think it's more about breaking the rules of fashion, as opposed to style. Style is just about perfecting your point of view – whatever that may be."
Thanks for your input, I lurve it.
Monique — You are sweet to think that Lucky Magazine would even look my direction! But maybe I will…who knows what could happen right?
Looks great! I think there are NO rules when it comes to fashion. My 11 year old told me that! lol Although she does get her fashion inspiration from lady gaga! lol Check out my last post! ha
for someone with long legs like myself, I tend to always leave my shirt untucked. it looks better. I have done that for years. It elongates my short torso. Just recently I read an advice thing that said never tuck in your shirt if you are short waisted. Well I do sometimes.
But see untucked isn't weird at all. It is normal. AND I like it.
Also it looks even more awesome with the belt.
PS I think I saw shoes that look identical to that in someone else's 30 for 30.
i totally get what you're saying. sometimes i put things together and afterwards wonder if it was "ify" then i figure, eh, the day's already over who cares.
i like the look…love the skirt.
You are too funny! Before I started reading your blog I NEVER would have tucked in my shirt. I thought it emphasized my tummy. Now I am tucking in my tops more and it looks fab! So thank you for inspiring me to break one of my rules!
I love this post (and the outfit), Kendi. I totally agree with the "who cares" approach. I love both untucked tops and tucked tops, I go with whatever I FEEL like!
P.S. I am so enjoying the remixing. I broke the rules and started Sunday that's how much I wanted to jump in!
style is oftentimes about breaking the rules and i think you really just have to wear what you want, regardless of the fact that it may not be normal. weird can be good. who would've thought that tights under shorts would've been normal a couple years ago? and now, it's a major trend.
i think throwing rules out the window is one of the best benefits of doing this 30×30 challenge. you have to get creative and just try things!
thanks for the awesome post. 🙂
…and when I thought, "does starting early make me look like a total nerd?"…I answered, "who cares!"
@ Alessandra – I totally started on SATURDAY, lol, so you can count me in the "eager nerd" group, lol
I think it's hilarious you thought leaving the shirt untucked was "weird." I always leave my shirts out from pencil skirts. It's just more flattering on MY body type 😉
I love the outfit. You make me want to buy every single last piece.
I say break the fashion rules, as long as you feel good in what you're in!
That's how I determine if it's "weird" or not- how good do I feel in it?
You look gorgeous in that outfit. A rule is not a rule until broken and even if you did break a rule, you did it so gracefully.
Its my first time commenting here. Great blog, will come back for more.
You look gorgeous in that outfit. A rule is not a rule until broken and even if you did break a rule, you did it so gracefully.
Its my first time commenting here. Great blog, will come back for more.
Ah, but its adorable! I think the untucked-ness lends a little devil may care femininity, and the color combo is so, so epic.
I love the top untucked–it looks so cute with the belt.
Hey Kendi — Stop asking the man. You know why? Because he's a MAN!! Sorry, not to sound all sexist, but guys just don't care that much. They don't. And that's okay. You have US, darling!
BTW, agree with the commenter about the long legs/short torso. I have those proportions and always feel that you have leeway to go untucked.
I think the top looks lovely untucked, especially with the belt around the waist. As for fashion rules, living in NYC for the past 11 years has taught me that there are none really… other than making sure your butt cheeks never touch the seats on the subway train.
Ok, that was gross, but it's true! People really frown upon that, and it's generally understood that if your shorts are really short, you have to stand.
and i was just thinking about what a good call the untucked shirt was! maybe i'm a rebel too but what i know is that i hate having to re-tuck every time i go to the bathroom so i always opt to un tuck. i have priorities.
Well said. Blogging has become a very positive force in my life, much more so that my fiction writing, though I hate to say it. I also have completely removed myself from other social networking tools — i'm not on Facebook or Twitter — because I find that the constant keeping up with so many people I barely know is tiresome, when what I actually want to get out of my online existence is a place to be creative, brave, and supportive to others who love what I love.
You look great in hot pink, and THAT, lady, is proof enough that this outfit is awesome. I love the untucked shirt. xo
Perfect combo!
I always struggle with the "tucked-or-untucked?" dilemma…does it make me look older than I am? Does it make me look chunky around the middle? Which way?!
The whole philosophy of breaking fashion rules me think of, in particular, Tavi from Style Rookie. Good god I wish I'd had that girl's confidence about clothes when I was in high school! In high school I pretty much dressed as low-key and blendable as possible!
Honestly, with almost every fashion blog I visit, I very rarely look at someone's style or outfit and think "zomg what was she/he thinking?" Most of the time I'm thinking "Wow that looks awesome, I would have never thought of that." I like to see all the differences and opinions people have!
That's so funny, I've been thinking the same thing this week. As I try to put together outfits with my 30 items I think, "Does this match? Do these go together?" and then I think, "Dude. Who cares?" I've seen so many gorgeous style bloggers put things together in ways I never would have thought of but it always ends up looking awesome. I'm hoping a lot of my outfits end up working out that way.
cute outfit, love hte bright skirt! what a rebel you are, haha! ^^
xxx Charlie
I think this is great! My theory on blousier tops with skirts is you either tuck them and belt the skirt, or leave them untucked and belt the waist. Though like you, I usually tuck the shirt. BUT it is good to get outside of your typical fashion choices and mix it up a bit. I think this look is a success!
I say you new to have fun with your clothes. That's my motto.
You are the cutest outlaw-rebel there ever ever was!!
true fashion doesn't have rules; or at least it shouldn't.
I love the untucked blouse, that's what it makes the outfit, in my opinion.
Too bad I've just found your blog and I'm sooo late for the remix 🙁
but I'll try to follow anyway.
break the rules girl, i think you look great! isnt that what this challenge is about … thinking of new ways to use your current items of clothing, not matter what the rules are? now, you can match this same shirt, tucked in with another skirt and have a completely different look.
You are too funny – and this post was close to home since I debated over and over whether I should tuck in my shirt with my skirt (I'm even wearing a similar skirt to you!) I was afraid that tucked in was a little too "sexy" for work since both pieces are tight…and then decided who cares! I did become slightly more sensible (maybe my boss cares…) and traded in my heels for flats.
Love your blog Kendi!
Funny that you posted about asking your significant other "is this weird?" I just did that this morning. He said "kind of", but I shrugged it off and am wearing my kind of weird outfit at work today. I think your husband has it right, who cares? Style isn't fun when it's taken too seriously, and I'm all for breaking the rules.
Your shirt looks great untucked, and I love the unexpected shock of color with your skirt!
1. You know rules are made to be broken.
2. If you're breaking the rules by untucking your shirt, then I wanna be a rule-breaker, tooooo!!!!
Cutie cute outfit, love the polka dots!
This amuses me because every time I see you with a top tucked in, I always think "I'd probably wear that with the shirt untucked". Right now, I do it for functionality (nursing a baby every 2 hours), but I think I started it when I first noticed I was getting heavier. If I were as thin as you, I might feel better about tucking in my shirt.
BTW, I LOVE this outfit. I'm not even sure what it is about it, but I love it anyhow. So cute.
I'm in love with the colour of that skirt.
I used to be so much more of a fashion rebel. When I was in high school I wore all kinds of weird and wonderful things and most of the time I didn't look that crazy, I guess I need to find the fun in dressing up again!
dress with abandon! I love it!
love this post!
i love the polka dot top! and i really think thats a "guy" thing, my bf gives the same sorts of answers when i ask him about my clothes. ah well. i guess its better than having someone tell you what to wear! xoxo jcd
I really like this shirt untucked, I think belting it definitely did the trick, and I love those shoes!
I loooooooooooooooooooooove your writing. I ask " is this weird" all the time, so I laughed when I saw the same words from you.
"An outlaw of the outward appearance"…Love it!!
I was thinking about this same subject today as I was contemplating how easily I feel overdressed or just weirdly dressed in Niagara Falls where I live (after growing up in Amsterdam). Thanks for this encouragement today and nice to know I'm not the only twenty-something in which the teenage spirit is alive and well at times. 🙂
cute outfit! love the skirt
so funny that you felt weird untucking your top when i always feel weird tucking it in.
Such a pretty outfit. I love these two pieces together!!
I like the shirt untucked. I'm pretty sure it'l worked out well tucked too!
Just Better Together
That's funny. I am of the opposite mind- tucking in my shirt makes me feel fat and frumpy (so my rule is not to do it 99% of the time), though I am in all honesty, neither fat nor frumpy. 🙂
To each her own. Whatever makes you feel your best- wear it!
i could write a super long comment here about how when i was little, i'd wear whatever the heck i wanted and didn't care what people thought and then i got older and adhered to every fashion rule that existed and just in the last 2 years have gotten out of that little style box and began dressing for MYSELF. not my husband (well, you know, sometimes and all that but i don't blog that stuff!) and not for other women but for ME. so who cares. and really this comment turned out to be longer than expected. so all that to say. i totally agree. and i love your blouse 🙂
I didn't have a date to my junior prom, I like your new header, and I think the top looks great untucked b/c you've defined your waist.
Rules do not apply
To those who do not follow
We're leaders – not sheep!
I like it untucked! This top is on it's way to me. Can't wait to style it this way!
does this mean we're breaking the no-shopping rule? just kidding. i never would have thought to mix that pink with that blue. you make it work with the belt and shoes. pretty!
You look great! That's the thing I LOVE since discovering fashion blogs, is discovering there are no rules. The only rule is, wear it if you love it! Different is so great as long as it doesn't cross that line to just plain crazy looking (to me!). 🙂
Thanks again for the great 30 for 30!
A big resounding YES to Who Cares! It's your life, your style, your fun. Every style genius, every designer worth their salt probably pushed past the norm and tested their relationship with their comfort zone. Go for it!
You're SO right! Who cares as long as you are happy and comfortable :)I've liked every outfit post I've seen. xx
I know exactly what you mean! I personally like clothes better when they don't really match and my boyfriend calls me out all the time! I'm just trying to keep it interesting.
Maybe we should all be asking "is this outfit weird enough?"
Amazing outfit! I ask my boyfriend that question all the time, "does this look funny?" and it does take some convincing for me to believe it doesn't matter (:
Love your outfit! Great skirt! And great philosophy! This challenge is so much fun so far! Thanks!
Abbey 🙂
this skirt is an amazing color!
break the rules, girl! we all should. I'm coming to think that in this day and age, there really aren't any style rules anymore. it's pretty much anything goes. 🙂
i wander, i wonder
Cute outfit! I love the pink and navy together. I used to always be a tucker (even as a 5 year old) and then I wasn't for awhile and now I am a part timer.
That JCrew top is part of my remix too! 🙂
every time i go on here i laugh. thanks kendi.
PS i meant that in a good, "im laughing at how funny ur posts are". Not in a ".. you're hilarious to look at way."
That is almost word for word the conversations I have with my hubby. How funny!!! Though mine always follows up with, "why don't you just wear a tshirt and jeans?" which just makes things worse. hehe
Anyhoo – love this look hun!
love your outfit – esp your shoes!
Another fantastic look. To me, being stylish means not worrying about fashion rules and wearing what you like and what you look good in. And you, my dear, are one of the most stylish of them all 🙂
I'm too lazy to tuck shirts in…also after school I rebelled from anything that reminded me of a school uniform.
Love it! The colors are lovely together!
Ooh, look at you going sheer! I never tuck my shirt in, so I was wondering what you were talking about… haha
be a rebel!
and i adore that skirt. mmm pink skirts…
love the boots so much!!!
haha. "Does this look funny?" is my usual query. Poor guys, they'r damned if they do,.. 😀
Our prom equivalent was pretty much compulsory. I went alone and hung with a friend all night 😀
Great post!! I felt the same way in my post today – first time trying harem pants!:) You look great with the shirt un-tucked. Way to go against the system! 🙂
This is such a great lil mantra to adopt 🙂 Thank you for this wonderful experience Kendie! xx
But you have to break rules to stand out sometimes! 🙂 And you do that marvelously!
YES YES YES YES YES! I have to whisper this in my own ear every day. Then throw in over 40 and I find myself needing even more self talk…."Just because I'm over 40 doesn't mean that I can't wear a skirt above my knees"! I love that the only rules there are are our self imposed ones so we can dump those any time we want! Great post! ~Serene
Hehe, well said. I think your outfit looks gorgeous on you 🙂
I'm so jealous of you being able to take pictures outside! My husband leaves before I get up and comes back after it gets dark outside, so it's only indoor shots for me :/
And I think the blouse looks great untucked…not weird at all 🙂
LOving how unexpected this combo is, way to go kendi for breaking whatever the rules are!?!
Makes perfect sense to me. Really who cares, if we strived for conformity we would not be style bloggers now would we?
Love from Toronto, Canada
I ask my husband the same questions!
Great post.
You have the perfect amount of tease! I either look like I have a bumpit on or I just got caught in a rain storm which to be fair, does happen.
Love this outfit! navy and bright pink, so lovely!
I tried that blouse on at jcrew. Unfortunately it did not look as cute on me as it does on you!
Is that really a rule? To tuck in your shirt? My pear shapedness despises that rule and has defied it for most of my life.
I love LOVE polka dots and I'm super upset I didn't include any polka dot prints in my remix!! What was I thinking?!
Love this!1 And soo true, who cares what you wear as long as you like it! 😀
I ask my husband that stuff, too. It's normal to think about it but important to remember to just do what you want 🙂
I love the color choices and the untucked shirt 🙂 xoxo
gosh, you looks SO WEIRD with your shirt untucked!!
just kidding. it's darling. and i'm so happy those shoes are in your 30 because they're SO cute.
sooo pretty, kendi!! =)
I totally broke the rules of fashion with my outfit today too!
Congratulations with the success of your 30 for 30 challenge! Pretty much every blog I look at is participating in it!
I'm just coming to grips with the idea of wearing your shirt un-tucked. At first I thought it was weird, but I think it works in this case, where you've belted it to give it some sort of silhouette. I really like the polka-dot print on your blouse, too.
Follow @UnraveldTreads on Twitter!
LOVE this outfit! 🙂
I once asked my mom if an outfit I'd put together was too weird, and her response was, "Not any weirder than anything you ever wear." So, yeah. I don't ask that question anymore.
haha – I subject my husband to this stuff all the time. My new question is: "I'm not asking for your opinion, I'm asking if I can pull this off." Somehow I think that wording it that way will elicit the response that I want. And then sometimes I wear whatever it is just out of spite. Oh, these poor guys…
I am going to break rules tomorrow on my 30 for 30! I agree with your hubby. To add to that, WHAT RULES? We are all unique and beautiful because of our uniqueness!
love the color combo!
hey kendi 🙂 i'm not really sure the rules for this situation, but i wanted to let you know i've written a post about blogs that i love and i linked yours to it. i'm pretty sure only like 2 people read it, but i thought you might like to know 🙂 and i wanted to tell you that you inspire me. happy tuesday!
Hilarious story! I don't think I would have thought to put a navy button down with a bright purple skirt, but it definitely works. I'm always so conscious of being "put together" that I often don't use creativity in that. Good inspiration!
Do break the rules more often. It's so pretty when you do. 🙂
My 30 for 30 post: Black on black on black. It's where it's at.
hahahahaha alanis morisette, composition book.
that was kinda hilairous.
now this will be in my head all night: "you crash you burn you live you learn you choke you learn"
Here I thought it was the fuchsia skirt and I kept thinking, "No! It's wonderful! Don't doubt!"
Now I keep scrolling up to study the un-tucked-ness and it is truly, totally, unnoticeable. In a flattering way.
"Then I turn on some Alanis Morissette, pull out my composition notebook and journal" – literally LOL. It's like you peeked into my high school years. (b t dubs, I stumbled across your blog last week and have now read every single entry. Not to startle you with my stalker-ish-ness or anything, but you're basically awesome and I want to be your new best friend.)
I was LOL when reading this. You can always tell him 'I care and my followers or fellow bloggers care'. This is why I love this world of fashion blogging, because we care even when no one in our personal life gets us or cares. It is an outlet.
I love this outfit! especially the popping color skirt. Who knew those shoes are from F21. They are so chic
Last day to enter my giveaway for a beautiful messenger bag from Shop Ruche. Visit my blog for more details
I totally agree with your "About Me"!! I married and moved to the country…with no plans of children or giving up my style!! So, I too, have a beautiful baby blog…she's only two weeks old!! =) Look forward to following your story!!
you look so adorable!
who needs rule in fashion?
Can I just say, I really appreciate this: "…debt is always trendy and never in fashion." I love looking at style blogs, but I get so frustrated when the bloggers seem to have new clothes every day, because I can't do the same (and who really can?). It's refreshing to see new ways to love the things you already have.
love this outfit!! check out my blog post over at unoconleche.tumblr.com i'm doing a different take on your 30 for 30 due to my crazy work atmosphere.
Love your point of view Kendi!
Rules Schmules
I just wanted to let you know that I love all of your outfit posts! I didn't have a date to my junior prom either. My mom ended up setting up a blind date for me and it was pretty awful. Thanks for all the inspiration, I think of your blog everytime I go shopping.
the world has blogs has seriously opened my eyes. there really aren't any rules and if something looks weird, who cares, because it just may look 'normal' a few months down the road. this outfit is perfect, i love it!
xx http://seejaneworkplaylive.blogspot.com
Whoa! I just wore this top today! I'm glad to see that it goes with other colors! Very daring and yet so fun!
Wearing and Sharing
welll if you would like a rule that backs up this outfit, my mom told me once that you can wear shirts untucked if they are hemmed like that on the sides, like how they go up on the sides? instead of straight all the way around? wow im so bad at describing… but yeah, my mom is really big on rules, so if she says it, it is written somewhere!
I love this club that we are all a part of where dressing is about so much more than "looking good".
Wait, that probably doesn't sound right. When I get dressed it isn't always about what is the most "flattering" outfit. Sometimes it's about how many different checkered pieces I can wear or about how much volume I can get or "hey I really feel like dressing in a Breakfast Club inspired outfit (true story)".
Oh Kendi, I just love your blog and your style! This outfit is such a great combo… and your blouse looks just perfect untucked! =) I'm enjoying following your 30 for 30!!
I just found your blog and it's amazing!! I adore your style to pieces!
who cares…who cares…who cares…a new mantra for me.
argh! I put on a "risky" outfit yesterday morning and asked my husband about it because my sisters live too far away for me to ask them 🙁 And I don't otherwise have m[any] girlfriends 🙁 Anyway, thank you for encouraging me to take those risks sometimes. I have weird issues about my shirts untucked too. Were you just kidding about that? Cause I'm not!
love this outfit! the polka dots with the skirt look amazing:)