{Shop: Pants, Tee, Shoes, Scarf}Funny story about that blazer. I went thrifting with two friends a few weeks ago and walked away with nothing. This never bothers me, as I know there is always another day to thrift. (Is that a Bond movie? It should be.) Anyways, while they were checking out this blazer caught my eye. I tried it on, it fit. I still didn’t budge, as the line got longer the $12 dollars seemed to multiple and I put it back. Think long, think wrong as my dad always said. This about broke my friend’s heart, as she harassed me about it, “are you sure you didn’t want that?? It was so cute! I’ll buy it for you!” Then she vowed that if I woke up the next day still thinking about it, she would get it for me. I obliged.
I did not wake up the next day thinking about it. But she got it for me anyways, for my upcoming birthday. Isn’t that sweet? And she had it dry cleaned. One step further than I would have taken. Lesson learned: Always take Amy thrifting and slowly walk away from items you want with a sullen look on your face. She will give them to you later, clean and ready to wear. It’s worked so far.
Someone get me a book to write STAT, I’ve already got an author photo:

85 Responses
SUCH a great jacket! Tell me about these pants…
that blazer is BEAUITFUL!
First of all, I CANNOT believe you even thought of walking away from that thing in the first place! Crazy lady. I'm coming shopping with you next time and buying all your cast-offs
Whew, I thought I was going to be the first comment. That's too much pressure!
Whatever novel you will add that photo to please do not make it a self help novel, I will never read it if it is, cause you know, I'm already awesome! HA.
I'm in love with this outfit. May I copy it? Those shoes, the original Steve Maddens are on sale at Macys right now. Isn't your B-Day soon? I'm talkin' $30.
Hah, that actually does look like an author's photo! You crack me up.
Kendi, I work at Barnes and Noble and am also an avid reader. Thus, I am qualified to say that you would make an amazing author. I would be first in line to buy your book. It would be funny and witty and as I saw on a new James Patterson poster, "unputdownable".
your friend Amy sounds like such a nice person! Happy birthday:) enjoy your day and may this year be the best one yet!! The photos are stunning as usual and I love your 'book jacket' look:)
that blazer is so gorgeous and it fits you to a T!! it's a good thing Amy bought it for you as it looks stunning in your outfit today. i love the tweed-like fabric and it pairs up perfectly with the black skinny jeans. <3!!
Kendi, you are freakin' hilARious. I love your blog, your writing, and your style – SO glad I found you! =)
Surely Sonsy
YAY!!! So glad you like it!
Going back to get it was the easiest thing I ever did, I promise!
Beautiful jacket. What a sweet friend :0)
Thrifted gifts… clever and sweet!
And another weird coincidence? It is my actual goal to be a romance novelist… Dorothy and I can write love scenes for hours… cause we are cool. This is sounding dumb, I stop now…
I have to say at the end of a long day, your sarcasm really does make me laugh.
Thank you 🙂
If you do write a paperback romance, I expect a witty, suggestive title with a woman in a hoop skirt being ravished by a Fabio-look-alike on the cover. Kthnx.
The best romance novel cover I've ever seen? Entitled 'Cosmic Sex' with the tagline "Set phasers to 'do me'!" Win.
That blazer is also a cosmic win.
Great outfit and I totally had to laugh about the Edward and Bella thing!! 🙂 And yes, totally an author photo. I think I'm totally overusing the word totally….
You are way too funny!! I love how you write, keep it up!
Great outfit, I love the jacket, it was so sweet of your friend to get it for you! 🙂 gotta love friends who know how to spoil you, eh?
Love the scarf!
Hi, new follower here. (: I love these photos, especially the author one. hehe xx
I'll admit, that's a pretty good author's photo. However, I feel like the only thing missing is a pipe. Pipes are essential, they make you look bone fide author-y. I'm so good with words, I should be one myself.
I think a romance thriller ghost story mystery novel about James Bonds' adventure thrifting with his sidekick Amy would be a smash. Just like that blazer. PS: Your friend sounds kind and awesome.
Toast with Charmalade
Why aren't you writing a book already?! Surely you have a pile of old notebooks somewhere with all your random creative musings that you've always thought you should get published "if only"…no? Do it! I mean, you already have the photo and the rabid (…I mean avid) followers. You could kick Stephenie Myers' butt.Seriously, you could write about your own life and just change your name to Wendi or something and it would be a smash hit.
Love the blazer but LOVE even more the shoes 🙂
I think your photos are great, as per usual. However, if you're going to write a romance novel please don't have it involve vampires. 🙂
Do you have any plans to do a thirty for thirty any time soon? I'd love to participate this time!
GREAT author photo! And it's so wonderful to have amazing friends around you. Don't let Amy go, a person like that is hard to come by!
I love those shoes! can't believe you got them at Target.
I love the blazer, too. What a sweet friend! I have a similar one in texture!
i wander, i wonder
I love getting such wonderful gifts like that. Looks great on you by the way.
I think I should correct you in your movie reference. Another day to thrift is not a Bond movie. It is part of the Die Hard series. Right between Thrift with a Vengeance and Live free or Thrift Hard.
No Guilt Fashion
That is a great author pose! I say just mix in all your post into one giant book! lol
wow! pretty amazing for thrifted! i pretty much love it!
lolol – both stories just made my night 🙂 Please, please someone get this girl a book contract so that she can write a tween romance novel about Texas vampires and become a bestselling author in addition to being a world-reknown style blogger 🙂
Small Time Style
That is THE perfect "about the author" photo… and I can't wait to hear more about Edward and Bella. 😉
AH you crack me up! You have the most readable, relateable, remarkable .. (ok, I'll stop with the alliteration) blog! 🙂 Keep up the great work. It definitely brightens my day and inspires me 🙂
That last photo really is perfect for a book jacket. Loving the outfit! So simple and chic. The story about your friend buying you the blazer is too sweet. (loving your birthday picks in your other post, too, by the way!)
That blazer is great, and you have very sweet friends!
You should participate in NaNoWriMo… You never know, your novel might actually be good!
I've never tried that trick before with my friends, but I will now. 🙂 (I already know it doesn't work on my husband…)
p.s. You look gorgeous as always. And yes, write that novel girlfriend!
I love those pants! I've looked at them online many times and have been hesitant to buy them because I'm not sure what size to get (and length) and how the backside looks with no pockets on them. What do you think? TTS fit? Length? BAckside? =)
You have great style! I just found your blog and I am already addicted! Really great stuff!
Love that blazer! Does it have a bit of sparkle or is that some lighter thread woven in? Either way, it is pretty awesome.
This jacket I LOVE! All for $12+dry cleaned – totally worth it! Lucky you. You have such awesome friends. Do you mind if you share?!
You really do look like an author! A very well dressed author!
Just Better Together
PLEASE write it! I would totally read it!! What great friends you have! Happy Early Birthday!!!
You mean you haven't tried to write a novel, yet? Go fot it!!!
HAHA! That technique works well with my boyfriend and my mother! hahaha!!! It's so cute they actually pay attention to our feelings about clothes <3
You look great Kendi! I like your writing as well, very silly.
great blazer, so glad she got it for you! And that last photo does look like an author photo.
Oh,your blog is very nice .I really like it ^^!
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Lol Kendi you are so funny, your tweets always make me chuckle too!
I love your author photo, get thee to a publisher!
that jacket was made for you, glad your friend got it to you safe and sound. author portrait cracked me up.
you should also try the one with a finger on your chin.
Oh Kendi! That jacket is pretty fly. Now get cracking on that manuscript, young lady!
You walked away? I'm shocked! Also way impressed, I can't walk away from bargains so I end up with a load of clothes and not enough wardrobe.
GREAT jacket….love it…and yes, I can see a book in your future:)
Fab pic hunnie!!!
Enter my Tulle Giveaway♥
That's a great friend (and blazer!) 🙂
You clearly have amazing self control. That blazer looks fantastic!
It really would make a great author photo – perhaps a book about a vampire and a girl who moves in with her dad? Again, just off the top of my head.. 🙂
The whole story is great, but when I got to the author photo – HA! – and the following text, well, I was gut laughing all alone in my little home office. Thanks for a great laugh to start the day. 🙂
Love this outfit… can't wait for the book! You get me chuckling every time…
ps, must shamefully admit to a little copy-cat action on my blog today! http://goodlifeforless.blogspot.com
yes, such an author back-flap-of-the-book photo.
Love your jacket and your hair, looks lovely 🙂
I love the jacket! Today I am wearing a skirt of that same material. Its one of my faves. I never thought to pair it up with that color brown though. Love the combo!
And if you ever write a book about Edward and Bella I would read it in a heart beat cause I am a Twihard looking for a fix, lol… And yes that TOTALLY looks like an author pic! 😀
Your "author's note" had me cracking up in my office… Thanks for a hilarious start to my day (and the outfit is great, as usual)!
Love it hun!! And what I sweet friend you have! My sister in law does that for me a lot, and I think it's the nicest surprise!
kendi, thanks again for the links to the clothing. i ALWAYS want to get those shoes, as i go to target once a week or more, but i don't think i could pull them off! they go with so many things you wear! ugh, i wish they would go on sale soon, that would make my decision easier 🙂
Lordy be, those pants are SEXAY!
I have NEVER been thrifting before and I would love to go… just have no idea where to start since I live in San Francisco and it's so big! Love the jacket!
Sounds like you have a great friend! And I think I'm going to have to pick up a scarf like that. I really like it! 🙂
Love the jeans(I assume) you are wearing from Gap. Mind sharing what kind they are?
How sweet of her to get you the blazer.
I have come up with your title "Thrifted & Gifted, Style & Sarcasm" I win! Ooo, and I am guilty of not always dry cleaning my finds… I know, GROSS but sometimes I just cannot wait to wear them.
You're so freaking funny. I just love it! Haha. I laugh out loud as I'm reading your blog and I'm sure my coworkers just think I'm crazy.
LOVE that blazer!! What a good friend 😀 😀 The whole outfit is awesome 🙂
You're so lucky she bought that for you, it's awesome! Love the long scarf =)
That last photo is super pretty!
Happy Birthday! We have the SAME birthday. No wonder you are my favorite blogger.:) I look forward to your posts everyday.
Where do you go thrifting at? Like Good Will or actual Thrift stores?
Janni — this blazer is from Savers but I have shopped at Goodwill, Salvation Army and local second hand or thrift stores. There is a great one in our town that supports hospice and hospital. There is no thrift store I won't shop at 🙂
Lols Kendi,lols at the paperback quip!
That IS the perfect author photo, seriously! Love it!
Ahh what a funny story. Love the author photo too.
My mom does that whenever I put away things I like sadly. I try not to take advantage of her kindness too much…haha 🙂
Sidewalk Chalk
Love the outfit! So sleek and chic! Great scarf too!.
Hey Kendi! Hello from the baa baa land (NZ)! Love all your photos and posts! And think you are more than awesome now because I just realize we are birthday buddies 🙂 Have an amazing Wednesday!
The blazer looks amazing! I just wanted to say that you look gorgeous and I love your style.
I only recently stumbled across your blog and I had to read through the whole thing, from your very first post! You've got a great sense of style and I love the way you write too.
If you do a 30 for 30 again, I'll definitely think about joining in!
Haha I always love reading your posts! This outfit is adorable, love the blazer and shoes
<3 Alison
LOL @ making up the names Edward and Bella on the spot! You're SO creative! cant wait to read those novels…they might even make them in to MOVIES! LOLOL!
That's why I like your blog *sigh* it's always fun to come here and lookat your great outfits but read something entertaining at the same time. Please keep it going.
You always make me laugh.. thanks for blogging like you do!
love the carmel color
This post totally made me giggle out loud! You're too funny girl! FUNNY AND STYLISH!! YIPPEE!!!!! 🙂
You should really write a book – not just because of the absolutely gorgeous author photo, but even more because you're a great writer; entertaining, thoughtful, sweet and hilarious! So now that you've quit your job (congrats on that – it must be a good thing, since you're glowing) and have lots of spare time ;-), you might as well get started on sharing your wit and sense of humor with all the "weirdos", who haven't found your awesome blog yet. hugs, Macs
i love this jacket!
Love this outfit!
New to your blog – love it!