{Shop: Dress, Boots
}Not that you need another reason to adore Megan Nielsen’s fall collection, but I really really really like this dress. (Really, I do.) I don’t know if its the buttons or the small flowers but it’s a sure favorite of mine already. I mean how many dresses do you know that you can just throw on an oversized, droopy sweater and it still look pretty and feminine? Exactly.
Confession time: since canceling cable, I’ve watched an obscene amount of “Say Yes to the Dress” on Netflix lately. It’s becoming an obsession. I know the consultants names, I know when a client is going to be easy or difficult. I’m starting to recognize inventory, ya’ll. The worst part is I’ve only got 1 more season left. Look like it’s going to be a cold winter. So I’m getting an itch for another 30 for 30 soon. I was hoping that it would cool down so that I could have a true Fall Remix, but it doesn’t look like that’s the case until mid-November and I don’t want to wait that long. Anyone else up for the challenge?

117 Responses
what a cute outfit!!! love it..
Count me in! Except I am loving my newfound passion for thrifting every weekend!!!
Liz — I know. That's also why I didn't want to start until November since my birthday is at the end of the month and I'll want to spend my birthday money. Lame? Maybe. True? YES.
That dress is amazing. It's perfect for fall and goes great with those boots. What kind of sleeve is on that dress?
oooh, I've lurked during the past 30 for 30 challenges but haven't participated. I've put myself on a shopping ban for the fall, and I think a 30/30 challenge is just what I need…count me in, for serious.
I am! I am! Also, I lurve the boots.
I'm in! My credit cards will thank me. 🙂
Loving that dress btw – it was my fav in the lookbook!
can i also say yes to the cardigan? because it's awesome. truly awesome. and indeed the dress is the perfect fall color. so i guess i say yes to the whole outfit.
I'm totally in for a 30 for 30 this time around; I could use it.
– Patricia
Love the dress, and the boots! I've been trying to find a similar pair to fit 17" calf circumference with no luck. 🙁
meee meee!! I want to do it! I'm finally at the point where I feel like I can keep up! oooh, I'm so excited!
I would be up for a 30 for 30 too! Except, the weather is never consistently cold in November here in Florida. One day is could be 60 and the next 82, so I'm not sure how well it work out. But count me in.. I'm up for the challenge!
another challenge? It's almost impossible to say no! That may mean that I would need to get some shopping done soon (you know, just squeeze it in quick!)
I'm in! I was hoping you would do another challenge!
I love the sweater! it looks so comfortable!
love this dress! i'm in for the challenge!
or you could do a new challenge!
Kendi, you are killing me! I feel like I just finished the last challenge! But I'll probably be in 🙂
I would certainly be up for the challenge once again. But maybe that's because after the last challenge I bought an obscene amount of new (and cuter) clothing. That probably defeated the purpose, since I think I bought more in revolt of having to mix the same 30 things for a month…
Whenever I go to my Mom's we always watch that show. We can't stop, much to my dad's chagrin. You look great!
I so want to do the challenge, but the no shopping is going to kill me! I'm a serious retail therapy kind of gal and if I can't shop I don't even want to think about the amount of wine I may consume!
Also, I tried on that sweater when I first saw it at Antrho and passed because I couldn't figure out how to wear it. Where were you then to show me the way? It looks gorgeous on you!
Even though the last 30for30 was lots of fun, I don't know if i'll be in this time. Possibly though. I just have a ton of stuff in my closet I want to play around with..
I'm for sure doing "NO"vember. Otherwise known as NO-shopping-vember.
Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm SO down for a remix!
I think I could handle the not shopping (instead I'll just focus on Christmas shopping–that's allowed, right?!), but the 30 for 30 itself freaks me out. I'm not sure I can handle it.
This is such a beautiful outfit Kendi! Love the sweater and dress together, and the boots top it off perfectly!
Great outfit today. I think I'm in for another challenge!
I agree — it feels like it's never going to cool down (no complaints about warm weather from me though)
… I even brought some of my pumpkins inside because I'm afraid they'll go bad before Halloween (yes, I bought that many).
30×30 challenge sounds like fun! I'm totally intimidated but really intrigued. Count me as a meekly raised hand [diverts eyes, doesnt make eye contact with people who have whole-heartedly agreed]… haha
Really pretty dress…I really love her designs:)
The belt and boots are pure perfection!!!
Statements in Fashion Blog♥
i've never done a 30 for 30, and i think it sounds like a lot of fun! plus, i'm always looking for new things to do 😀
omg I love the dress and sweater!!! I s that a current Anthro sweater? So cute kendi!
Check out my $100 Shopbop Giveaway
why am I not on your blog every day. Whenever I stop by it makes me smile and you are so darling. That is it- you are on my blog roll. coming more often. xo
love my intyce boots! i have them in grey suede and black leather, both from a few years ago. they hold up great!
also – i nominated you for an award on my blog 🙂 check it out when you have a second!
Would love to see a Fall edition of 30 for 30. This outfit is amazing; perfect for a Texas fall which isn't quite here yet. Also, SYTTD is an obsession of mine as well! <3
I am! I am! I think I've got the hang of this remixing outfit business. I've been attempting to do it ever since your last one in order to save on money, but I recently splurged on a few things and I'm ready to see how I remix everything into my old clothes. Please start another challenge.
Cute outfit and the sweater looks so comfy.
After reading your last 30 for 30, I'm interested in participating. It might be a challenge, but I'm up for it.
Love the dress!
Love these colors and the beautiful backdrop. Need that sweater! Makes me want to curl up with a book.
Oh my gosh- I'm currently on day 25. And let me tell you it has been impossible with this weather! It seriously goes from 80 degrees one day to 50 degrees the next. Thank god for scarves & tights!
Now that I have started my blog, I think I could totally…possibly..maybe… pull off a 30-for-30.
If I am properly motivated!
Great look! Love the boots!
(The Pretty Pauper)
Number one – LOVE the dress! All of her items are adorable! And number two – totally in for a 30 for 30 challenge! 🙂
count me in again too! this time i won't be such a slacker… i do better in the fall! 🙂
Oh man! I had no idea that netflix had added all the seasons to instant. My boyfriend is going to be so pissed!! Thanks Kendi!
P.S. You always look darling 🙂
If you did another 30 for 30 I would love to join in! I missed out last time because I was moving, working a summer job and starting a new professional career, but this time I think it would be fun! You'll have to post up all the rules though, because I'm sure I don't remember them all. 🙂
I got my wedding dress at Kleinfelds. My mom nearly fainted from all the "star" sightings, I had never even seen the show. We promptly returned home and watched 3 hours straight.
I might be in for a 3o for 30. I have never been brave enough before, but I might be ready!
Ohhh Kendi, Count me in on the 30 for 30. I always check to see what you'll do and I ALWAYS love it 🙂 Maybe this will help we streamline my closet!
Yes! Totally in for 30 for 30….I watched everyone else do it the last time and I'd really like the challenge. I love love the dress by the way! So cute (so tempting..lol).
To not leave you hanging. I'm 1/3 of the way through a new challenge – Color Rotation Challenge http://scrapandrun.blogspot.com/2010/09/color-rotation-challenge.html
I know Best Foot Forward is doing the forgotten 5.
Some people are wearing pink everyday in October for Breast Cancer Awareness.
–Lots more out there. I think I even read about a few others I just can't think of them now.
I. LOVE. "Say Yes to the Dress." A college acquaintance/coworker of mine was even on it! It's so easy to get sucked into it.
(Also, I bought my own Intyce boots a couple of weeks ago and I rarely take them off)
Showing my ignorance here, but what exactly is the $30 for 30? Sounds intriguing….
I would do the 30 for 30 for sure. November is the perfect time, too – it would help me save money for Christmas!
Wow, such a beautiful dress! The color is sort of unexpected, and totally stands out. I love it! And that slouchy sweater…perfect.
Yes!! I am already planning a 30 for 30, but I will definitely wait until you start one again!
I've been considering doing a 6 items in 30 days challenge but I was thinking of switching it up and making it 10. Sweaters & jackets wouldn't count though. I haven't done it yet but I'm highly considering it.
I was planning on doing one at the start of November, so count me in!
Not totally sure I'm brave enough yet. Maybe I'll just chant "I think I can," like the Little Engine That Could and by the time you're ready to begin, I will have enough mo to try it.
What brand is the sweater/shrug and do you remember the name of it? I must own it! lol
I've been checking out Megan's collection on her blog, and I must say, it's very classically beautiful. I think she has a bright future. 🙂
And I totally would do a 30 for 30, but I definitely don't have 30 pieces of things that I could wear for that long. Sad, I know.
I really need to join the challenge again, so count me in! I love the Anthro shrug!
kendi, are your boots the cognac or the wine color? i've been stalking these boots for the past few days and seeing you wear them has put me over the edge! i need to own them immediately and want to know the lovely color yours are! 🙂
I love those boots kendi!
I'm in!
You know I'm in for a Fall 30/30!!
Yay, I have been awaiting this announcement! 🙂 When you were doing your Summer 30/30, my sister and I had just started our joint blog (She's in Asia, while I'm in Europe). As a newbie, I didn't have the nerves to join then 🙂 I still don't know if I have it in me to commit to 30 pieces of clothing for a month, but I'll definitely try! I'm up for the challenge!
zomg. i LOVE say yes to the dress!!! i have to watch it when my bf isn't home…i dont want him to think i'm getting desperate or trying to drop hints! haha!
and i might be down for the 30 for 30! keep us updated!
I think I might be in this time for the 30 for 30. But, like you, I wish it would cool off a little! Gosh.
That color is absolutely beautiful on you and I loooove how you paired it with the boots!
I love it! That sweater could give me the Anthro fever! I need to be careful! xoxo
I may actually be up for the 30 for 30 challenge even though it will kill me not going shopping!!!!
This look is amazing ! I'm in love with your blog ! XOXO – http://queenjuls.blogspot.com
Sorry to be late to the game, but I've only recently started following your blog (near the end of the last 30 for 30) but can you explain what you mean by that?
Also, you should know, that since I've started following your blog it has definitely become my favorite! Your style is beautiful, easy and accessible! Hopefully one day I'll be half as stylish- thanks for the inspiration!
I am TOTALLY up for a 30 for 30 challenge! I missed out on the other ones (my fault for not checking your blog regularly, shame on me).
I've also been without cable for more than a year now and watch Netflix almost exclusively. I've gone through every season of Murder She Wrote, Magnum PI, Heroes, and now I'm working on Prison Break.
P.S. I have those same Steve Madden boots. They are soooo comfyl and versatile!
Love the 30 for 30 idea for fall. Must. Use. Discipline.
I loved the dress since the previous post. Great combo! the sweater works wonders. Wondering which is the lip color you are using??
okay, this will sound weird but i hope will indulge me with an answer.
i love your hair style very much. i need to know if you style it everyday or if it is wash 'n' wear. please share with us [or just me] what products you use to make it look that amazing every single day. and lastly, is your hair naturally wavy like that at the ends or did you have it treated, please, please let me know because i printed pictures of you and brought them to my stylist and my hair still doesn't look anything like yours. =(
p.s. you are my favorite fashion blogger, and in my opinion, one of the two best-dressed on my list.
p.p.s. the p.s. wasn't an afterthought okay, i just really am in love with your hairstyle! [okay, i'll stop now]
Super cute!
I'm a new follower of your blog and would love it if you'd take a look at mine. 🙂
Style Explosion
How could ANYONE say "no" to that dress?
Chiara — You know how to make a girl's day don't ya?
My hair — yes I am actually working on a hair tutorial, but I am terribly awkward on video as I've come to find out. My hair is naturally very straight, so I curl the ends with a 1 1/4 inch barrell curling iron. The only products I use are shampoo, conditioner and hairspray. The way my hair is cut, it has a few long layers in the front and around the crown for more lift. Hopefully that will help!
Stay tuned for the awkward hair tutorial. 🙂
For those of you wondering about my 30 for 30, look no further: http://kendieveryday.blogspot.com/p/30-for-30-remixes.html
Can't wait for your "awkward" hair tutorial! =]
And YES YES YES to that dress 🙂
Just Better Together
I've thought so many times that if you did another 30 for 30, I would MAKE myself participate even though I have an insane fear of failure. Sooo…give me a minute to process this…
Ok, I'm not ready, but I'll do it anyway. You just say when.
Your last 30 for 30 challenge was so inspiring. I would love to play along. A little scared though.
Love the Dress!
This dress is my favorite from the collection to! You're so lucky to have one of your own!
30 for 30 is just what I need! I need to give my credit cards a vacation. I'm definitely in!
I have been watching wayyyyy too much say yes to the dress also!!!! my fiance wants to kill me hahahahaha great show and cute outfit!
oh my god i watched season 4 of say yes to the dress in the span of like, 18 hours this summer, and that was before all the other seasons were on instant play! and now that i know, thanks to you, i will totally be failing my exams due to say yes marathons! 😀 and i'm totally happy about that. it's the best reality show on television.
Yes! I'm saying YES to your dress! How's that for creative?
I don't think I could give up cable. I should, but my apt has it where I have to have cable to get internet. Rats.
Love Say Yes To the Dress!
And I love this outfit, so cute!
I love say yes to the dress. I'd play along with a 30 for 30 this time though my outfits will likely not be super exciting.
I'm totally obsessing over you boots!
Also, I'm a little scared of the 30/30, but that's probably why I should do it. Hope it gets cooler here too before it starts. Otherwise it'll be lots of sweaty or cold days. 🙂
We had free cable till we got this monster tv and now the cable is gone. Bummer! So we watch episodes of 30 Rock and I hula hoop while laughing hysterically- best ab workout ever?
I'm another tentative hand-raiser for the 30 for 30…But I can only let a busy life and lack of camera hold me back for so long, right? Ok, I'm in.
i'm ready! let's thirty! 🙂
Love the boots! Super cute Fall outfit!
I also love that dress. And I'd be all about another 30 for 30!
That is the dress I fell in love with when you posted Megan's stuff! It's perfect! And YES to another 30 for 30!! 🙂
What a perfect little dress. Call it a birthday dress, because it looks amazing on you!
In love.
Can't wait for 30 for 30! And I love that dress!
I"m starting Day 1 today! Yikes! It's scarier than I thought it would be – fingers crossed I make it!
I say yes indeed to that amazing dress, and yes please for a 30 for 30 challenge. I missed the last one, but I feel like I need a challenge like 30 for 30 right about now.
this is my favorite dress of yours!
Love the dress. Thinking I might take you up on the 30 for 30 challenge. Any chance of a recap on the rules?
Love your sweater 😀
I'm slightly terrified to try a 30 for 30… which makes it all the more exciting.
I'm in!
Yes!! I am definitely in for a 30 for 30. I've only recently discovered your blog and reading through your archives I completely fell in love with the idea. So much so that I was thinking of doing one all by my lonesome. Which is, you know, lonely and not as fun as having people agonize over remixing with you. So, what I'm saying is YES! I'm in!
I just started reading your blog as you started the last 30/30. I thought it might be 6 months before you did another…so it's a bit too soon for me this time around.
I'm thinking I might just give this 30 for 30 thing a shot…
LOVE that dress.
I recently found your blog and its quickly become one of my absolute favorites! I love your style and your witty comments! I'm really interested in participating in a 30 for 30 challenge, but you'd have to explain how that works!
I lovelovelove this look. so carefree and laidback. dare I say ALMOST hippie-ish! The colour palette in this outfit are perfect for fall.
i've watched your past versions 30 for 30 and it seems like a fun thing i'd like to try too!
i absolutely adore this dress by the way!
Gorgeous outfit! A 30 for 30 sounds like a great challenge for myself. I may have to join you…
OK, count me in too… aaaagh!
If we were friends in real life, I'd steal that sweater right off of you.
The dress is great, I like how you styled it with bare legs and boots.
That sweater looks so comfy, I need something like that with all this cooling down that is happening!
Hi Kendi! this is that weirdo who emailed you about the back cord pants. 😀
I am interested in a 30 for 30! Maybe in December though, cause the Northeast sometimes can't decide in November what it wants to do until the whole northern hemisphere has tilted mostly away and then we figure out that we should be really freaking cold. We're followers like that.
And then for the rest of the winter until April it stays really freaking cold, so a winter 30 for 30 would be super to figure out how to stay remixing for several months at a time. So maybe I will have to catch up with the 30 for 30 later! I guess the problem with that would be dressing up for the holidays though.. and not being able to wear clothing presents right away… oh darn, nevermind haha. Either way. I would still love to see YOU do a 30 for 30, even if I'm lame about it. 🙂
black* cord pants not back..
Great dress! Also I would love a 3o for 30 in November!
I coincidently bought these same boots-just yesterday! Now I have some inspiration for them! Love your blog by the way…
Kendi, just stumbled across your blog and love it! thank you also for stating where your clothes come from. I fell in love with the Steve Madden Boots and bought them 🙂