{Shop: socks, boots
My husband jokes with me on days that he leaves for work early about which outfit he’ll see me in later. I’m normally partially dressed for the day throwing on different outfits at breakneck speed. He says “I better see you in this outfit when I see you at lunch.” 9 times out of ten he does not. Also, you should know that he was not threatening me. It’s hard to communicate voice inflection through words but trust me, he doesn’t threaten me over clothes. When I drink the rest of the wine or eat all of the cookies, maybe — but never over my outfits. Side note — this was the third outfit I put on today.
Someone asked on my Formspring if I was pregnant because I was glowing. Um, no. No baby everyday here. But I am glowing for a reason. (I imagined your ears perked a bit.) Imaginary drum roll please:
I quit my job.
And now I don’t know what to say. Honestly I didn’t know how to break the news on my blog since I know that you guys really liked the derogatory comments made by my coworkers in reference to colored tights. But I no longer work at that place that was confused by what I wore. Hip hip hooray. So what am I doing? (Besides eating cookies and drinking wine, obvs) I’m working on a few projects that my husband and I have going on that hopefully I can share with you in a few weeks. I’m working on freelance projects. And mostly I’m using parts of my brain that no one in the corporate world ever believed that I had. I’m doing things I enjoy, things that I can be good at. I got caught up in the “because you can, you should” game. And that simply isn’t true. I can sit at a job that makes me unhappy for years, but that doesn’t mean I should. I can whine and complain about not being able to live out a dream, but that doesn’t mean I should. I can listen to everyone around me tell me what I should be. But I won’t.
I turn 26 tomorrow (as I’ve told you for the past week, annoying right?). This is the first year since graduating college that I haven’t feared turning a year older. I am not clinging to year 25, saying it was the best year, that no year can be as good as the last, that the next year is doomed. I’m not afraid of what’s next. I took a jump in year 25, let’s see where I land in 26.
All of that to say, one thing of my life has changed: my job. I still wake up every morning, roll out of bed and I get dressed two pant legs at a time. What? How do you put pants on?

189 Responses
amazing outfits!
congrats, friend! this is huge and super-exciting news!
can't wait to hear about your projects.
Kendi, I'm so happy for you. Where you were is where I am and I'm stressing and struggling so much. I'm jealous that you quit your job, but in a totally good way. I wish I could make it work. I have so many dreams of things I really want to do, but can't because I'm sitting at my desk, in front of my computer, pretending to be kind of important… I wrote a post about it today, which is so strange since I read this. If you want to read and lend some advice to my situation, I'd sooo super appreciate it.
It's the most recent post: "I Need Your Help"
I'm happy for you that you're following your dreams… and I hope I'm following shortly behind.
<3 Kim
yes – also jealous in all the right ways! that is fantastic!! can't wait to hear what's next!
Congratulations! How exciting 🙂
Also, happy pre-birthday! I'm quite a fan of the birth-week (or if I'm feeling really obnoxious, birth-month) celebrations– hopefully you're fully enjoying your last few days of being 25!
Congratulations Kendi, on moving onwards and upwards in the world! Twenty-six and self-employment won't know what hit 'em, but I'm sure they'll like what they see 😉
Happy Birthday! Your blog is so fun to read and the pictures are always gorgeous. Congrats on taking the leap =)
Good for you! Sometimes we have to jump into the unknown to really motivate ourselves to be our bestest. I didn't mean to sound like a motivational poster – just been thinking about the same thing lately.
Congrats Kendi! So exciting! Can't wait to hear about the upcoming projects you have! and btw, as always your outfit is adorable 🙂
Good luck on your new endeavors! What a brave thing to do, following your heart like that :] Boo sucky jobs!
Congrats, Kendi! I'm glad you are able to take this step in your life and feel good about it. In the end, that's all that really matters.
And happy birthday!
Huge congrats on the refreshing new creative endeavors in your life. Honestly, what a great way to celebrate the bday. Wishing you the best!
sincere congratulations to you Kendi! I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors and can't wait to hear what you're going to be up to. You are uber talented and will go far! Move out to LA and come work with me in the fashion industry! you would be great at it 🙂
Wow it sounds like you are going through some exciting changes! Enjoy your birthday and I wish you luck on your projects. I look forward to seeing what you're up to.
You are totally glowing.
Congrats Kendi!!! Can't wait to see the results of said projects. Love the dress by the way.
No Guilt Fashion
I never post on here – but I have to say congratulations! It must be great to know that the world is your oyster now!
The Auspicious Life
Congrats, Kendi! I can't wait to see where the next chapter will lead you. Happy, happy birthday and I love your outfit photo location!
Sidewalk Chalk
You are where I wish I could be. Alas, a brand new mortgage and student loans=keeping my boring job for now. I'm so happy for you and I wish you all the luck for what's to come. Can't wait to hear all about it. I will be here lurking until I can afford to sponsor you and do another giveaway.
I tip my hat to you! *applause* Such a big leap can seem daunting, but I'm always really impressed by people brave enough to take those leaps! I'm just, just barely starting out in the coporate world (I start tomorrow!) but I definitely want to keep in mind, once I get my sea legs, that I need to be happy in what I'm doing! I'm very glad to see you moving in a direction you want to be going in! Congrats
Oopsie. I wished you a belated bday. But your bday is tomorrow. I was confused. I really do read the actual words you write. Haha.
I'm excited/scared/anticipating for you!! & I need your outfit. The whole thing. It's beautiful, & ladylike, & love.love.love.
Congrats on quitting your job and managing to glow after that – that's pretty amazing! It takes a lot of guts to quit, but it sounds like you're in a great place. Like a lot of other commenters, I'm in a similar place – haven't quit, I'm still scared to do that…don't want/need bill collectors calling me.
Anyway, this is long, so I'll end it by saying what a wonderful bday gift to yourself to be happy & at peace.
hoorayyyyy for wonderful things coming your way! it's very well deserved and i'm excited to see where life takes you and your faboo wardrobe 🙂 life is for living :)[chels]
Good luck with everything and Happy Birthday 🙂
you're so fearless! that is such good news! i love the outfit post, i have to say this is my favorite outfit of yours EVER
Love this look – great outfit 🙂 and fab blog!
Love this, so casual and pretty! Also, congrats on moving on from a stagnant job! You are an inspiration!
Congrats on taking such a big step! I can't wait to see your endeavors to come!
Great outfit and pictures, as always!
i wander, i wonder
It must be so liberating! Really inspirational; cheers to big steps and new experiences! And as always, gorgeous outfit!
Have a wonderful birthday!
Too cute! LOVE the sweater!
Hooray for quitting your job! I quit my job 2 years ago and at the time I was scared, but it was the best thing I ever did. Good luck on your next pursuit!
And Happy Birthday tomorrow!
I am in love with everything about this outfit. I want to wear one just like it. And congratulations on quitting your job :]
Awww, congrats on quitting your job to pursue your passions! So happy for you. You're a great writer, so I can't wait to hear about your freelancing. I wish you all the best! 🙂
Congratulations on quitting! I've actually been contemplating this myself; I hope it works out well for you.
That's completely awesome. Congrats on the job quitting! I 100% agree with your logic, too — it's something I've been toying with for some time now… Good for you for taking that plunge!
On another note, I *love* this look. It might be my favorite yet!
You were at the top of the list for THE bow! Well, at least it is someone as good as you.
And don't worry. You'll be amazing at whatever your new venture is.
Congratulations! That's a big step! I'm glad you finally are doing what you wanted!
Love your outfit, very earthy.. 🙂 Congrats on quitting your job, and doing what you love- that takes a lot of courage to do! I hope all goes well, and can't wait to see the projects 🙂
Congratulations!! Always a brave move – but worthwhile. I have always believed work should be something you enjoy doing. Best of luck with whatever comes next – I look forward to seeing it develop!
Whoa, you've taken a big step. May this lead to things you can't even imagine yet!
Stunning photos!
I'm glad you quit your job. I hope you enjoy using other parts of your brain. 🙂 Can't wait to see your upcoming projects.
Happy birthday! One more year til your golden birthday.
WOW! good for you Kendi! how nerve racking and exciting all rolled into one! youre gonna do great in whatever you do 🙂 I cant wait to see! Xo
congratulations kendi! i can't wait to see what the future brings for you!! you are lovely and adorable. i'm sure you will be happy and successful!!
shoot, we were almost twinsie birthday buddies.
Good for you! You inspire me in many ways.
Yay!! Congrats!! Good things happen to people that focus on the right things- the things that really matter to them! So happy for you 🙂
Congrats on quitting your job!!
I don't know if you're suppose to congradulate people for that, but because you were happy with the decision, I'm going to congradulate you anyway! Ha.
I hope everything turns out great for you! I'm sure it will. You are so talented and creative. Doing your own thing is probably the best thing for you!
Can't wait to see where the road leads me once I gradaute.
My pants have three legs. So three legs at a time.* It's great that you're moving forward toward things that make you happier! Soul-numbing jobs are soul-numbing.
*As you mentioned, it's hard to indicate inflection across the Internets. My inflection says I am joking, though.
I so needed to read that. Thank you. And good luck.
I love this outfit- it all goes together perfectly! I really like the tall socks and boots combination!
Wow, that's so exciting. What a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday by branching out on your own.
I will miss the weird comments from your colleagues but at least my colleagues give me weird comments about my outfits so that will keep me going.
Cute boots and dress combo, BTW.
Many congrats on quitting the job. I did that when I turned 30 (what *is* it about birthdays) and it totally changed my life. How exciting!
Way to go, Kendi! Good for you and good luck!
Congrats Kendi on being brave enough to leave behind something you weren't enjoying in order to do something that makes you so much happier.
Have a fantastic birthday tomorrow! (I'm in the UK so thinking about it, it could now be your birthday today!) x
So incredibly happy for you! You have seemed like you were especially happy lately- so congrats!! Love the outfit, can't wait to hear about all the freelance projects.
Lovin' this out-fit…going to give it a go…great photos 🙂
Happy Birthday Kendi!!! And I am so glad someone asked because I noticed the "glowing" too and now really happy for you that you are doing what you want to. BTW – Love pic #4 – maybe part of your freelance projects include being a professional model as more and more work comes to you? Best wishes in everything you do and for your birthday!
xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com
Happy birthday! And congrats! I know how much it can suck at a job you don't truly enjoy. I hope everything turns out really well for you, you deserve it!
Good for you hunnie…..theres nothing worse than wasting away at a job you hate…now you can spend that time being creative and cute:)
Best of luck!!
Stop by and say Hello ♥
Statements in Fashion Blog
What an amazing birthday gift to give yourself! Freedom. So many of us are just waiting until it is the right day (or our birthday) to do the same! Congrats but more so way to go!
Soooo I love this outfit. One of my favorites. And congrats, laaaady!
i love your outfit. You are such a good writer too!
omg your dress is a dream come true!! love it *-*
This is one of my favorite outfits, not just by you…but by anyone! Everything about it is perfect!
I'm excited to see where your new journey will take you and happy birthday! 🙂
duuude. congratulations!! i say that with mostly good wishes and a little bit of jealousy. i love when people quit unfulfilling jobs to chase something bigger and better. love the outfit too! hooray all around!
Wow, congrats! I just started reading your blog and I love your style!
My birthday is coming up soon as well (11/2) and I'm looking 26 squarely in the eyes and trying to embrace the thought of my "upper 20s." I too dream of doing my own thing and am putting some steps in place to make that happen. I hope I am able to transition one day too!
you should never stay at a place where you're unhappy or unchallenged … i am proud of you! you have all of our support!
Congratulations on quitting your job! And on whatever projects you've got going on. You sound as mysterious as I have had to be for the last year as my hubby and I have been working on various major projects – none of which has been a baby! ha!
Yay! What a happy birthday present to yourself! I can't wait to see what the future holds… And, loving this outfit combo, by the way. One of my favorites.
Hooray Kendi!!
Can't wait to see what you do next!
(And I totally put my pants on two legs at a time, too!!! TG someone else does!)
Congratulations!! Sounds like some exciting times 🙂 You look gorgeous! These pictures are so lovely… looks like you're straight out of a J Crew catalog. Love this outfit 🙂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
OMG Kendi! I'm so excited for you! I love the "because you can, you should" reference. So true. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us. Keep living what you love and you'll always have that glow! I'm looking forward to the day that I'll be able to do the same.
Congrats on your new 'job'! I fully support people doing something they love and that definitely does not require 9-to-5!
I also love this outfit!
that is so cool! i love that you are willing to take risks to make your life more what you want it to be. it's so easy to get comfortable and just ride out life but not really experience it. anyway, way to go! and 26 will be a great year, if for no other reason than the fact that you are realizing a dream. and that makes all the difference.
WOOO HOOO!! I am cheering over here for you like crazy.. really, I just started clapping at my desk!
This is very exciting for you and I can't wait to see where it will lead you!
Congrats to you!
Kendi, I'm seriously proud of you for taking the jump and realizing that you needed a change. So many people cling on to a job they're unhappy in because it feels "safe", and then ten years later they're still there, more unhappy than ever and full of regret. I did the same thing in April of this year, and it was the BEST thing I ever did. Wishing you all the best of luck! (And loving everything about this outfit, of course).
I am trying to muster up the courage to do the same. I'm 24 and I've been a teacher assistant for 2 years (the collegiate graduating class of 2008 got royally screwed in the job market) and I am drowning in whiny high school students, and red tape. I am dying to get out of here and hoping that I will be able to make the jump soon and finally put my creative business mind to work.
Inspiring post. Good luck with your ventures! I'm excited to see what's up!!
Congratulations! Awesome news and now you can wear those yellow tights EVERY DAY if you so choose!
Congrats Kendi! I'm so happy for you and I love your optimistic attitude (as usual). I feel like I'm in a similar place in my life, so it's wonderful to read about someone taking that leap to do what they really want to do. Looking forward to hearing about your projects!
– Meredith
Love the outfit and good for your for following your dreams – you are an inspiration. 🙂 Now if only I could go back to 26… 😉
Mandy @ This Girl's Life
Wow Kendi! That's a huge leap of faith. The unknown scares me more than sitting in a job I don't like. Thankfully I do like my job. But more power to you. I really and truly wish you much success in your new projects!!! And don't forget us little people who are always interested in what you're wearing!! 🙂
Oh and that outfit is adorable. I was just on We Love Colors site yesterday longing for a pair of capri tights… I think I will!
You look SO pretty today! And congrats on doing what you want to do- and happy birthday!
Hmmm, was that author photo the other day a bit of foreshadowing?! Excited to hear about your new and exciting adventure! As a co-26 year old I can relate to the struggle for finding a meaningful and enjoyable career. Good luck on your new path, I look forward to following along!
p.s. Happy Birthday!
Such a pretty dress! Love the boots with the socks 🙂
It does look like it makes you happy to have quit your job, for me it was always a relief to quit my jobs as I never liked any of them, I felt like a huge weight lifted off my back when I quit all the time, so I can understand your happiness 🙂
Congrats Kendi! I think you have a lot of courage for trying to find what really makes you happy. Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope year 26 is a great one!
Wow, congratulations Kendi! I quit my job a few years ago, with no immediate prospects at the time. Quite a few people were stunned, but everything worked out much better – I moved, enjoyed life a bit more, and now I do something totally different that I enjoy a lot more. I know you'll always look back at this as a positive thing.
Good for you, Kendi. Good for you. I'm currently stuck in an office job (to pay the bills) pending a job offer that the Hubs is hoping to hear back on. It's pretty much soul-sucking because I am also a student. Everyone says,
"You should stay."
"What will you do for money?"
"You're lucky to even have a job in this economy"
You know what? I'm not "lucky" to spend most of my waking moments in a job that makes me depressed, where my coworkers think I'm a crazy little girl, and feeling like I'm 40 at the ripe old age of 20.
You go, Mrs. Everyday. You go, go, go and you don't stop. Maybe one day, when the Hubs can pay (at least most) of the bills, I will have the courage like you do.
good for you girl! It's so hard to make that jump from doing what's "responsible" to doing what really makes you happy, so congrats! and I hope whatever's next is nothing less than great. xo
congrats on leaving the corporate world behind! sounds like you've got some good stuff ahead of you.
Yessss! Knee highs! I have been excited to work this hosiery into my wardrobe this fall. Can we expect to see different ways to wear this look?
I saw a girl wearing thigh highs with strappy heels. I thought of you-I am not sure I can pull off the whole socks with open toe heels either.
Also-congrats on your NEW job! I am sure you will feel very fulfilled doing something creative and something that you love.
I get warm and fuzzy feeling when you said your husband supports your outfit choices…it's your little hobby and he is just showing his love for you. I quit my job in fashion about 18 months ago… so over the corporate $$$. Instead, I am working with my family. YES, 3rd generation and who can say "no" to Mom and Dad? Just because I am not working in Fashion, doesn't mean I have lost who I am as a person; it just makes me even better. Now I travel the world even more, pick up cool jewelry, amazing fabrics and see many combinations of outfits <3 Best of luck on the new Fam Jam adventures 🙂
Good for you on quitting your job! You'll have a lot more fun doing something you love.
LOVE this outfit and congrats on deciding to quit the corporate job and do what you love!
Congratulations! I quit my job about three weeks ago for many of the same reasons and it feels great! Good luck with the freelance projects – and the 26th birthday. 🙂
you know what Kendi?!?!?! GOOD FOR YOUUUU!!!!! Go girl! Hopefully you'll be doing what you love!
I wish you well in all your endeavors! I cant WAIT til the day I'll be able to quit mine to do what I love.
Congrats! What a new adventure! I'm looking forward to read more about your new projects. I remember the day I quit the job that made me unhappy to the point of sickness. It was so liberating. I felt a real sense of freedom to take charge of my life and turn to projects that make me happy. I wish you all the best for your new projects!
Wow! That's quite a change, and I admire your spunk. It's so refreshing to be able to finally do what you want to do! I hope to one day quit my job as well for the job that I really want to have. Although I'm so practical and paranoid that it might not happen. Anyway, it sounds like you have some great projects ahead of you, and I'm looking forward to hearing about them!
Congrats! I felt the exact same way when I quit my job, I was never happier. I'm sure something will work out and you'll wonder in a year why you didn't quit sooner!
Best of Luck!
I wish I had the courage to quit my job… but I don't have other projects to work on. No safety net. Nada. I'm jealous!
Congrats on this change, though. I can't wait to read more about what you're up to. 🙂
kendi – that is so inspiring that you quit your job. and i love your outfit. my co-workers and i love your blog!
I really am kinda sad you will no longer have coworker comments, they were pretty entertaining. Congrats and way to glow:)
Congrats Kendi! wishing you all the best in your endeavors, there is sooo much more out there beyond the corporate cubicles and sometimes it requires a leap of faith to discover them. So enjoy!
I wanted to wish you a proper Happy Birthday, beautiful! So, I did it, here:
Hope you enjoy. 🙂
<3 Kim
Way to go on the job quitting! What an awesome way to start year 26. It can be a hard decision to make, but be proud of how brave you were to do it.
I did the same thing last year (job I hated where I wasn't allowed to think, bad coworkers, taking nonsense for the sake of just taking it) and I quit in May. I have never been happier–quitting my job to try my hand at something I loved changed the way I look at EVERYTHING in life.
(Except my closet: I kinda miss rocking the sexy secretary/subversive jeans to work).
Kendi, I am so proud of you for taking this big step. I wish you all the best and know you will do well!
I love hearing about awesome ladies quitting their jobs and following their dreams. It gives me hope!
Congratulations on being free, being awesome, and glowing!
I have been quietly following on "reader" since Jess introduced you in her blog. I really enjoy your blog, and today more than ever. Congratulations on taking the big leap, it encourages those of us that are still trying to figure out what to do, even though we are a couple of years older than you are! 🙂
I am always so pleased when I read your blog. I'm glad to hear you are doing well 🙂 All the love!
Congratulations! Life is short – good for you for living out your dreams.
Cute Outfit and best of luck.
Wow, you do look glowing! A beautiful outfit and an inspiring post. You've worked hard for this! I do have to admit I enjoyed your hilarious workplace references. Hopefully your new ventures will provide a fun cast of characters also.
I really admire you for quitting your job. I'm only a freshman in college and my parents have ALWAYS ALWAYS said to me that no matter where I end up in life, I should make sure I am doing what I love. If your job was making you unhappy, it's admirable of you to take a leap and let go to move on to something that makes you want to get up every single day and go to work. Congrats! And enjoy your birthday 🙂
Firstly, love this outfit. Nice choice.
Secondly, congratulations on quitting your job! It's a courageous choice, but it sounds like you're following your instincts and doing work you love. I think that's what we all deserve and hope for, one day.
Good luck!
Kendi! Congratulations on taking such a bold step! I look forward to seeing what projects you're working on.
congrats! That was a big step but it all works out in the end. I cant wait to see whats next!
First off, congratulations! You must feel so liberated! I struggle each day with the settling because its easy and making my dreams happen war each day. Its so encouraging to see another young women take the leap!
Second, I love READING your blog as much as I love your outfits. You are so witty and REAL.
Good Luck with whatever you do next!
Aw, congrats to you! That is so exciting! Not many people have the guts and creativity to do so. Can't wait to see what's next.
Congrats, Kendi! It must have been a scary thing to do, but I think being a career that motivates you and enjoy will reap its own rewards. Bravo 🙂
Congrats Kendi!
What a big person step, only seems appropriate that you would be celebrating your birthday and making such an adult decision at the same time.
Here is wishing you the bravery to commit to doing something you love, and all the blessings in the world.
I don't know you, but this post filled me with happiness and joy for you, like I would have for any of my own friends making such a huge, right decision.
Amazing news, congrats. I envy you now for 2 reasons in this post. Initially I was just going to commiserate for a brief moment becasue you look adorable in that J.Crew dress I loved but looked terrible in. Now, I'm terribly happy for you, and jealous, maybe even inspired by your recent quit in the corporate world! Best of luck dear, I hope you keep us posted through your journey!
Congratulations! That's so awesome. I can't see wat projects you have in the works. Freedom from the office seems to be working for you already, because I LOVE THIS OUTFIT!
good for you! you should do what makes you happy, that's the only thing you can really be good at. and the photos are so beautiful, you are so beautiful. the outfit is beautiful. great news! happy for you 🙂
I love, love, love this outfit — it looks so cozy and pretty! I especially love the socks peeking out from your boots.
Congratulations on quitting your job, and good luck!
By the time I get to reading your blog, there are already tons of comments lol. You are an inspiration to all of us fashion wise and other wise; hence congratulations on quitting your job!
The socks and boots look is awesome, I'm going to try it this weekend^^
Happy birthday and congrats on quitting your job! I'm sure that you're so excited and ready for a fresh start. Good luck!
Congrats my friend!! I wish you the very best of luck with whatever you're tackling now!!!
I love, love, love that outfit! Socks = awesome. I'm such a fan of the short dress/sweater and boots combination. Also, can I just say I wish you were my big sister. I so admire that you were gutsy enough to quit your job. I love "if you know what you want, go for it" mentality.
First…LOVE the outfit!!
And second wow, very brave of you to quit! Good for you 😀
First – Happy birhtday!!
Second – CONGRATULATIONS on quitting your job and taking a leap of faith. I can't wait to hear about your freelance projects and what you have got in the works. You are a major inspiration – way to go after your dreams!!
Third – LOVE this outfit :). The pictures are gorgeous, but I just love the chic bohemian vibe of this outfit.
Small Time Style
Such a huge step!! Congrats, I truly believe in doing something for a living that gives you some sort of joy =)
I am LOVING this outfit. Honestly, I think it's one of my top 5 fav outfits on here! I WISH I could pull off the socks with boots looks!
Delurking to say: Congratulations! I can't wait to read about your new adventures.
Gorgeous! I love everything about this outfit! you look so pretty and the pictures are fabulous too~ beautiful setting.
vanilla with sprinkles
Woohoo! Congrats! I quit my job in January and I've been loving it and finding more things that I am good at. It's such a great time in life and I'm really excited to hear about all the fun things you're up to! Good Luck and Happy Birthday to you!
Good for you, girl. I just quit my job a couple of months ago to freelance full-time. There definitely are scary times: times when the work floods in and times when there is none. But I'm infinitely happier and stress free. Makes life feel amazing!!
Congrats on the quitting of your job! I did the same thing almost a year ago and it was the best decision of my life. 🙂
Gorgeous dress! J. Crew really knows what they're doing…well not with their prices, but with their style at least lol.
Happy birthday, and congrats on being able to pursue what can make you happy job wise! It's tough with all of the stuff going on with the economy blah blah, and people make you feel guilty for not appreciating whatever job you have (good or bad). Definitely refreshing to see someone take the leap 🙂
You look so pretty 🙂
Haha that's what i do too in the morning, try out different looks un til I'm late and my boyfriend always smiles about my closet full of nothing to wear.
Congrats! (: You look adorable.
Happy Birthday, Pretty Lady!! 🙂
Yay!!! Quitting a job is one of the most liberating feelings. Everyone should do it several times in their life.
Congrats on quitting your job …super excited to learn more about your projects! And I LOVE your latest outfit it's my fave one yet. xx veronika
Congratulations and good luck…so inspiring! By the way, I love your blog!
first, i love your style. it's so cute and chic, but in a classic way, and not a 'I'm 25, trying to be 18.' I see that a lot these days, it always drives me nuts. This out fit is fantastic. So fun and comfortable, yet very chic.
second, you may have inspired me on the job front. I've been in a similar situation for two years and i don't think i'm going to take it any longer. I loved your rant about what you could/should do. Good stuff!
Congrats. I still remember how much better I felt when I quit my office job. Hope you find something that you love to replace it.
Delurking to say CONGRATS! So happy for you. It's a wish of mine, and I'm so happy it's become your reality.
Also, LOVE the outfit. Not age appropriate for me so I will live vicariously through you! One of my favorites and I generally love everything you wear.
Kendi, I'm so excited for you!
And these are beautiful pictures…I'm amazed by your gorgeous-ness 🙂
<3 Cambria
congratulations! i wish i would have been braver at your age. follow your passions and your dreams. i'm not that old (37!) but life has a way of creating (wonderful) responsibilities as you get older making it more difficult to follow a passion… happy for you!
and adore this outfit muchly!!!! another commenter said it wasn't age appropriate for her. i would wear this… do think i'm too old for it????
I am new to your blog and I love it…I love how you mix peices that many of us probably already have from gap, anthro etc…
Also, good for you! My dad always told me it's not worth going to work every day if it makes you miserable! The key to finding a great career is to find something you love to do, are motivated to do and are gifted at doing 🙂
I told you so!
(ref: an e-mail, comment, & post about how talented you are.)
Congratulations! 🙂
congrats on the job decision! i'm two weeks into being 26 now and it's like totally different than being 25. okay, well maybe it's not. 🙂
happy almost birthday, lady!
Good for you Kendi! I got the dress by the way and thanks! I love it!
Happy Birthday!
Congrats on such a bold move. I'm sure you'll be very happy doing other things! I also really love the outfit you're wearing in this post – I think it's my favorite one I've seen you in yet! What a pretty background as well! (It makes me so jealous – it was snowing here in Minnesota today. Yeah.)
congrats about quitting your job. And happy early birthday.
Wow 154 comments : you 'll have a good read ! Congrats on the decision you took to be professionally happy …
outfit is beautiful as usual
Caro xxx
Loving the light in your first shot — so pretty!!
and congrats on quitting your job and starting out on something you love. Good Luck and happy (almost) birthday!
Chic on the Cheap
Yay to quitting your job and living your dreams. Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Kendi 🙂
Congratulations on taking the first step towards doing something you feel passionate about. Remember, change only feels different at first.
Yay for you quitting your job! I'm imagining you pulling a Scarface in Half Baked when you left. (Am I the only hippy that's seen that movie?)
Selfishing, I'm kind of excited that we might get to enjoy your other "freelance projects"!
Oh ya, your outfit… Third time is DEFINITELY a charm.
Leaving the House in THIS?!?!
Congrats on the new focus and happy birthday! This is probably my favorite post of yours that I've seen to date – the outfit and phots are sublime. xo
Congrats! and Happy Birthday!! 🙂
I'm late to this comment party, but congrats on kicking the job to the curb. You are so right about not staying in a job that is dragging you down. Can't wait to see what new projects you have up your sleeve! – Katy
Yayhooo for quitting your job!! I'm in love with your outfit =)
Congrats on your new found freedom. Hope this birthday bring you all the happiness you deserve..I love todays outfit…such a pretty dress!
How exciting! Best wishes in all of your new endeavours (& can't wait to hear what they are)!
Also–As usual, love the outfit. 🙂
Hooray for you!!!! way to live your life! it's wonderful that you are putting your happiness first…i have so much respect for you:)
Hi Kendi – Hope it all works well for you on this exciting adventure. Take with open arms and run with the creativity that you are so blessed with!
Love following your blog, you inspire me daily dress. It's really refreshing to see some American fashion inspiration ( I live in NZ)
KEEP it up!
Happy Birthday, Kendi! Also, congratulations on quitting your job. The older I get, the more I think I need to stop doing things that make me unhappy- but I'm often not as brave as you.
Just another way you're an inspiration. xx
YAY! I'm a pretty new reader, but I can totally relate. I'll also turn 26 soon (well, May is close, right?) and am hoping that my birthday gift will be posting a very similar post on my blog.
I'm so happy for you, and have no doubt that amazing things will happen in the next year! Happy birthday!
Here's to many more (all fabulously dressed! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday today! Hope you do a birthday post 🙂
Congrats on your new path!!! And Happy Birthday…you & I share the same birthday!!!
PS I love love love this outfit!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the outfit! I want those socks, but again, don't know if I could pull it off! Happy Birthday to you and you gave the best bday present to yourself- freedom! yay! good luck, can't wait to hear what's next!
I forgot to say yesterday, I *think* we share a birthday. Mine is 10/28.. I am not sure when you said "tomorrow" if you meant Wednesday or Thursday. But anyway, happy birthday!! I turned the BIG 3-0! No worries, life is good!! 🙂
Happy birthday Kendi! And congratulations on the job front – good luck and can't wait to read about what comes up next!
Happy happy birthday, and congratulations on this very exciting news!
And I love this look – I always love a cozy, longer cardigan over a pretty dress.
Way to go, Kendi! Pursuing your dreams and hanging out with your husband are awesome things. I hope this new phase of life is fulfilling and exciting.
i'm glad you quit your job! you shouldn't give yourself to something you don't love, no matter how many twinkies it keeps on the table. you can always eat the generic kind.
i've been lurking for a bit, but never posted….decided it was time to stop the creepiness.
Congrats Kendi! Change is good, and looks good on you! I am 25 and I am going through change myself. I wish you all the best!
btw, thank you for not having a blog about a baby… I don't have a kid either, its refreshing!
Kendi this is such exciting news!! I'm so happy for you. I adore your blog, I think you're great, gush gush gush. xoxo And I hope you're having an amazing birthday today!!!
be a stylist…be my stylist…just do something you LOVE and you will be immensely more happy.
congrats, kendi – what a good birthday gift to yourself! here's to wearing colored tights without judgment:)
Congratulations! It takes guts to quit what is expected and follow your dreams.
wow, just found your blog and feeling inspired by your quitting story! Awesome!!! Good luck, seems like you've got the right ideas!
Congratulations! I know you'll be great in your next endeavor. And you being happy is much better than having funny coworker stories. And happy belated birthday!
Congratulations on the big decision!! I cant wait to hear what adventures you get into next! And this outfit is fabulous..simple and sweet!
Congratulations, Kendi! I'm so excited for you and the coming year! big hugs. 🙂
Wow, this is my favorite outfit I think! So cute! I'm dying to try socks like this… I will have to invest in some soon.
Just discovered your blog and had to comment because I also recently quit a job where coworkers made derogatory comments about my colored tights! One said my yellow tights made my legs look jaundiced. Rude!
Anyway your post made me giggle and oh so happy to see someone else ditching the day job to do something they love. Best of luck.
And I just read that you live in Austin like me! Maybe Austinites in office jobs can't handle the joy of colored tights?? Love your blog, and I've just subscribed.