9.9.10f(jeans & top —> Gap; shoes —> urban outfitters)

Today had the best of intentions, I know it did. It meant to be a good day. It just didn’t get a good start. No breakfast or coffee, lunch plans gone awry, long day of phone calls and questions. All before 5 o’clock. To be honest, Today didn’t stand a chance. Then to make matters worse a frozen pizza was on the menu for Tonight, which Tonight can usually handle but instead Today dropped half of it on the ground and Tonight burned the remainder. Somewhere in between that, Today and Tonight got in a fight, more or less about the frozen pizza that was lying half on the ground and half in the oven. So when it was time to take Today’s outfit picture, Tonight was tired and forgot his camera. Thankfully, Tonight took Today’s photos on his iphone. Night once again saved the Day.

(Outfit photos even on a bad day? There’s an app for that.)

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50 Responses

  1. Thank you sweet friends! I'm OK — just one of those days!! Thank goodness for husbands and french fries, in that order. 🙂

  2. WHOA — that's epic. Kendi-esque? I hope that was a good thing, haha. And thank you, that did make my day much better.

    I shouldn't have said husbands up there. Just husband. I only have one. Didn't want to start any dirty internet rumors again.

    Must….stop…commenting…on my own post…..

  3. aww…sorry you had "one of those days". yuck. but you look pretty and french fries fix everything. as do husband…s. but only the one. we know you don't have plural husbands.

  4. seriously I love every one of your posts, but ones like this, with such wit and style, are the reason your blog has grown as much as it has. Love the photos. The iPhone camera apps are amazing.

  5. Kendi I know you get a bafrillion compliments on your outfits each day, so this time I just want to give your creative writing skills a much deserved shout-out. This post was so fun to read!

  6. Sorry you had such a bummer of a day, but hey, tomorrow is Friday! It's going to be great.. Friday's always are. 🙂 Sick photo editing.. and of course you make a simple outfit look so chic. Kendi Rocks!

    xx Love & Aloha

  7. Gah, don't you hate those days? Still, there's consolation in knowing that tomorrow will be a better one.

    Wait, did I just sound like one of those cards with a picture of a cat hanging off a branch on the front?

    Shit. Sorry.

  8. Ugh I totally had a crap day too. I literally had to pull myself off the couch and wipe the drool off my face to get to the grocery store after work just so there would be something, anything, to eat for dinner.

    Luckily you looked amazing today, I looked like a train wreck lol.

  9. Sorry you had such a bad day!! Hopefully today will be better for you, it's Friday, it has to be better!! Great comfy outfit!! You'd look beautiful in sweats!!! 🙂

  10. That was then and now is now,what i'm trying to say is always go to the next chapter and don't fret about the past.and that's my life motto.

  11. Totally have my eyes pealed for a look like this. Slouchy jersey sweater or sweatshirt. And I love it with the colorful heels. TGIF!

  12. Sorry you had such a bad day yesterday. I hate days like that. Hope today is better! On the bright side you got to dress pretty casually, so that's a plus. Yes? No? Yes.

  13. your stories crack me up… love your little corner of the internets. I want a frozen pizza!!! here on the islands, eating seafood everyday gets tiresome, i wanta FROZEN PIZZA with ranch dressing 🙂 either way, lovely outfit. does that top have lurex in it?

  14. your stories crack me up… love your little corner of the internets. I want a frozen pizza!!! here on the islands, eating seafood everyday gets tiresome, i wanta FROZEN PIZZA with ranch dressing 🙂 either way, lovely outfit. does that top have lurex in it?

  15. And through it all, you manage to make everyone else smile. 🙂

    By the way, I haven't used the Hipstamatic app but there's another one call Lo-Mob that lets you take the picture in normal frame first and then try out different effects with the shot. That makes me happy.

  16. Don't you mean, "(K)night once again saved the Day(msel)"?

    I know it's not spelled daymsel but it's close 🙂

  17. For being such a crazy day, Tonight took some mighty cool looking pictures of Today and I love your whacky little story and inuendos!

  18. What the heck do I keep doing wrong that it makes me anonymous, I'm far from anonymous let me tell you!!!! This is the infamous Hotsy Malone from octobermoonboutique.com!!! Kendi, you do make me laugh girl with your cleverly worded snippets!

  19. Sorry you had a bad day! Love your outfit, as usual.

    How funny that you have frozen pizza nights (aka the wife has a busy job nights)–we do too, except ours is usually Wednesdays…

  20. I'm with monkey face, loved to *read* this post! funny, creative and adorable.
    while bloggers love your red shoes, and writers appreciate your word skills (and honesty!) it's gotta be that smile that draws us all in. thank you for this somehow sunny post! you are a great example to a lot of women <3

  21. these photos are pretty neat! last weekend, i downloaded the Retro Camera app for my new Droid 2, and i love it! i spent the whole weekend taking "vintage polaroids" of everyone and posting them to facebook. 🙂 hope the rest of your week got better!!

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