Truth: I actually wore this yesterday, and what I posted yesterday I wore the day before. Today I went naked, but with a blazer of course. No matter what I’m office appropriate, always.
Wow. I’ve got to stop with the maudlin posts. You guys are going to start sending me flowers and singing telegrams to cheer me up. Wait a minute — that sounds kind of nice. Could you maybe throw in a back massage too? I’m feeling down again..
So let me show you around our house. This is my couch. That is my dining room. And that blank wall over there used to have a fine collection of plates before they fell off the wall to their untimely demise. After putting 500 holes in the wall to hang 500 things, we later found out that our walls might have been made out of paper. That’s just a guess, I’ve yet to throw water on the walls to see if they melt.
But we love it, paper walls and all. Home sweet rental.

61 Responses
I love these photos the bestest…and I think you look the bestest I've ever seen you look.
Funny how a happy home can do that.
Maybe I was blind my last several visits to your blog. Whatever the case may be I like the new(?) layout. I also am loving your couch and pillows, as well as, your outfit today.
I love the patterns of the throw pillows
You look great as always! =]
Just Better Together
I agree with Eleanor. I think these are my favorite pics of you!
Love the change up from the outside photos to inside! Great outfit, as always!!
So pretty! I love your house. Those pillows are great. I love the red heels with the striped shirt.
These are gorgeous Kendi! You've styled your couch as fabulously as you style yourself… i'm in awe… feel free to style my living room any day
these photos are gorgeous, you have such nice light in your house! and lovely pillows.
Such a cute, yet easy, look! Love it! And love those pillows – can you send them to my apartment? Thanks! 🙂
Small Time Style
This looks like an Ikea ad, but BETTER! I love it.
Your house looks awesome! I want to see more of it. Your outfit is really cute, too, and I love that the red in the pillow matches your shoes. (Or at least it looks like it does.) Happy weekend!
love these photos esp the last pic! seductive! 🙂
Love this outfit! Cute house too!
Wow you are gorgeous!
this is one of my favorite posts; love the pictures and seeing a glimpse of your home. Tell your hubs he did a beautiful job on the photos. It's not easy getting such great lighting indoors. BTW, I just nicked my freshly painted nails typing this…oh well.
I love your outfits because, like you said, it's office appropriate! Thank you for the office clothes inspirations! =)
You're wonderful :). I'm always afraid of wearing shirts that are cut like that-I don't quite know how to wear them!
Lindsey Soup
Kendi….you look fabulous as always….super cute outfit and home:)
Have a fabulous weekend!
Statements in Fashion Blog
I love the pop of color with the shoes, and I love your hair in a headband. So cute.
I used to like in a paper mache mansion too, they are the best!
your house is so stinkin cute! not to mention your outfit, i've been digging stripes like that for so long, and there's a shirt that i'm eyeing at gap that's on sale that is almost identical to yours! i think now seeing it on you its a must!
Ha I think I'd take paper walls over our walls: 100% studs! I can't hang a picture without having to get out the drill. Annoying!
I like this top. Very casual but still cute!
Love the shoes! I love how your outfit matches your pillows totally match your outfit!
great shots!! 🙂 ur house is nice n comfyy,, i love those fancy pillows :)) n u look so chic !
Awww. You have such a beautiful home. Of course you do! You have amazing taste in what you wear and housewares!
Kendi, these are ridiculously beautiful photos. You look stunning, your house is beautiful.
I hope you get to relax this weekend! 🙂
I love this casual look! And that it kind of matches your living room 🙂 Beautiful home!
like your pillows. and your shoes. i've said this before, i'm starting to sound like a broken record. just send me the red shoes so i can stop talking about it.
You look so cozy, comfy & chic at home. Looks like a very inviting atmosphere. Great photos, as usual. 🙂
I've found most stylish women have stylish homes. Thanks for confirming this.
P.S. I've owned and rented. Renting is a lot easier.
Your couch looks SO comfy! I can't wait to move into my apartment and decorate it… I don't always post my outfit posts the same day either… well actually I almost never do =T
What great inside photos! I never manage that. Love the top and necklace together!
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
That outfit looks so pretty on you! I really love that outift. Your house looks incredible! So pretty! Once again, you inspire me!
those pillow are amazing! Your house looks adorable!
thought i'd comment since your feeling down to let you know i love your style and your cute pillows on your cool couch look great with your outfit! happy weekend! ~jamie
Your house looks just as put together and comfy as your beautiful outfits!
i love your couch! what a prettty rental ya got there!
I guessed that the last outfit was from the previous day because of your ironing with the curling iron comment. Which, btw was hilarious. Ironing BLOWS 🙂 <3 your blog as always xoxo
love the new look of the blog!
you look great as usual!
Love love love this outfit!
no offense but your posts are soo stupid. a little too much retard. nothing that you say is normal. or honest. just stupidity
These interior shots are a great change of pace.
omg ! i love the couch ive been looking for somthing tht looks like it ! where did you get it from ?
LOVE the new layout! Thumbs up. Also, your apartment/house looks cute.
those shoes rock!
Just started following your blog a week or so ago and it's awesome! Seriously, yours is the first to make me laugh out loud… I'm hooked!
Great sense of humor + Great Style = Kendi Everyday!
Glad I stopped by – thanks!
My couch is from Ikea circa 2007. It was the Kramfors series, which sadly they no longer carry. 🙁
How about "a humorous blog with serious style?" Is that too cheesy?
Love these pics – some of my favorites! And your skin/makeup looks spectacular! If you haven't already, you should consider doing some posts on your makeup and/or skincare routines.
This post is adorable! Your house looks so comfortable & cute, and I'm loving your outfit here!
These pictures are so precious 🙂 …and I adore that sweater!
Love this outfit and your house is adorable!:) The blog is looking great these days too!
Just seeing the couch, it looks like *you*. Would love to see more of your home. Love this easy outfit, too.
Kendi – i can always count on your blog for some sarcasm and a laugh. thanks for that – not to mention the fashion. 🙂
such a cute apt!! I love the mirror over the table. Its nice to see fashion bloggers in their homes. I have a degree in fashion but currently design home goods. I believe that both our outfits and our houses are extensions of ourselves… both of yours are adorable 🙂
visiting your post and I'm afraid I'll become a woo girl, because your posts are high fashion and amazing
Love this! Your writing always brings a smile to my face. Which I think is good… I wouldn't want the smile anywhere else. And I tried the naked blazer look, but it seems a bit drafty, thinking it would be better with a scarf.
Your house looks homey, I enjoy it.
Sparrow & Urchin
LOVE your blog – gorgeous photos and i love your style
Love your outfit!
oh! Have you tried 3m command for the walls??
This is my absolute favourite look of yours! They are so many great outfits that you have put together, but this one really speaks to me. It looks comfortable, flow-y, fun, and breezy with nice pops of colour. Oh and nice pillows too:)
Thank-you for the inspiration!