So here are all the 30 looks all in one place. I still have a few combinations up my sleeves, but I’ve decided to wear them outside of the challenge — as I don’t have enough clothes not to. Unless you count a shirt with no pants as an outfit. I know somewhere in America they do, but I’m not allowed to go there.
So I have to say that this time around was a lot easier. Perhaps in part because I knew what to expect, but I really enjoy having this challenge around and I hope you do to. It really helps to give me perspective on what I have and a balance of what I want and what I need. My friend Emily Kennedy said that this whole experience is very “zen of your closet” and I couldn’t agree more. To” be in the closet you have” is a challenging but wonderful thing.
I have to say that if this has not made you a believer in accessories, then I don’t know what will. A scarf, a belt, a pair of shoes can change an outfit easily, quickly and cheaply. All I want for fall are scarves and a pair of boots. I might get cold, but it will be worth it, trust me.
Moving on to the more gratuitous part of this wrap-up are my favorite looks. Numbers 3, 6, 12, 17, 24, 30 were my faves (1 for each week). Did you have a favorite? My husband seemed to like all of the outfits that contained either the lace top or the leopard print skirt. Typical.
To everyone that participated THANK YOU! I hope you had fun and learned a thing or two about your closet. If you want to participate for another challenge, I’m sure I’ll be brewing something up later on this fall.
(Oh and in case you wanted a poster size of my 30 for 30 outfits, just contact me. I’m only printing two on my black and white laserjet printer — one for you, lucky reader, and one for my husband for his office. A huge poster of 30 Kendi’s just sitting next to a vase of confetti. He loves my decorating skillz.

49 Responses
I love this! Thanks so much for making this so we would be able to see it all together. You look lovely in every single photo. x
I love look 3 the most! Crazy thing is that I've been partial to the number 3 my whole life. hmmm… i would love to participate next time, i just have to work up the courage to show the world my completely bare wardrobe.
I love this challenge, congrats on a successful run! Looking forward to what you are wearing this fall! I hope I can join in on the next 30 for 30 challenge!
#8 = happy
Yay fun/pretty wrap-up!
I love #17 the best, with the cute stripey top, grey skirt, and adorable white headband.
Woo 3 is my favorite. All the bright colors together look so great.
I love them all! You're so good at this, I would never even know that you were only using 30 pieces. I wish I could have you to help me pick out what to wear every morning, I'm so not creative!
I really love that leopard skirt. It is outrageously cute. My favorites were actually the same as yours except I would also add 8. I love the mix of the stripes with the print and the belt over the sweater. I'm crazy for stripes.
I definitely am going to try this as soon as the weather here in SoCal is a little more consistent. Some days it's blazing, others it's freezing. Does, not, make, sense.
This is amazing! 😀 I love every single one. Such lovely coloured and places photos too – your man has talent.
Can't wait until you do this all again. Maybe one day I'll try it 🙂
I like look 30 the best actually, i think its just the colours.
You did an amazing job with the challenge and have inspired me to take on my own mini remix challenges. Btw, I love your writing style. You crack me up!
I loved 3, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20 and 28 the best. And other outfits were cute too! You're amazing =)
Numbers 3 and 14 are the best!!! So lady like! Love them!
# 2, 3, 4 & 17 are my personal favourites. Looking at all 30 in a block like that, it really doesn't look like repeats apart from the really obvious patterns (leopard skirt!). Such a great challenge, well played!
The all white outfit is speaking to me. I am still stuggling with summer brain!
Giveaway time!
Amazing! I really love it!
it's so fun to see all of the outfits in one place. yay for finishing and THANK YOU for hosting. such a lovely hostess…
#2, 7, 17, and 25 are my favs. Looks like you had a lot of fun with this and it's a great reminder that we all can "shop our closet" and come up with a lot of fun outfits!
4, 9 & 24 are my faves – I absolutely love the yellow Loft dress – look great on you 🙂
You did such an amazing job with this challenge, Kendi. I'm pretty jealous of your remixing skills since I gave up at day 17 out of boredom. I'd love if you'd be willing to remix your pictures to show off a couple of key items like the loft dress, the leaopard skirt, and the chambray top.
Love, love, love!! I think you did such an amazing job! It never got old or boring. If I didn't know you were remixing, I would have never noticed. Awesome job!
Congrats on completing the challenge – again! You're a total star.
I love these. You are such an inspiration in remixing!
I'm sad that I didn't do the challenge this time, but I just might do the next one!
congratulations! i really enjoyed all of your outfits. it was cool to see you pull together so much from your remix. you have a few pieces that i'm dying over…like the leopard skirt and yellow dress. they are gorgeous on you!!
8, 10 and 24 are definitely my favorites.
I'm so bummed that I found out about this challenge too late, so please do brew up something for the fall.
I discovered your blog the other day on and I have since been ADDICTED. I looked at every post you made since the beginning of the Spring 30 for 30 challenge and I am in love with your styling skillZ (yes, that was intentional) and your amazing husband's photography. I love how almost every post you go to a different place and the photographs are gorgeous and you are so pretty too. Please keep writing. I have bookmarked and will be checking back often.
And I noticed you only wore the red top in #4 once… why is that?
I am a bit late to the party, but I'm starting a 30 for 30 today and this morning I was ALREADY having trouble getting dressed. It was like my brain shut off and everything I picked out for the challenge wasn't good enough. I'm hoping to pull out of that mindset!
You did a great job!
Wow! A shout-out! Thanks so much lady!
Well, I say this all the time, but my favorite items are the pink skirt and the white pants. The pink skirt seems so fitting to your fun personality, and the white pants make your legs look miles long.
Love looks #6, 11, 24. Very polished and pulled together without being overly styled and stuffy. Not that any of the looks are stuffy. BTW its great getting a solid dose of sarcasm everyday. Every time I say something sarcastic to anyone other than my family I get the "is there a second head coming out of my shoulder" look. Kudos on the 30 for 30. (Compliment is completely sans sarcasm)
Congrats on finishing! I liked look 3 the most-that leopard skirt is my favorite of all 30 items! It's so amazing how you were able to put pieces together each day for something totally new! I've learned a lot from you-it doesn't have to match, it has to GO. Favorites for each week: 3, 8, 12, 19, 21, and 30. You're amazing!
Wow, it really is something to see it all together. What an inspiration! Can't wait to see the Fall/Winter edition! *wink*
3, 6, and 27 were definitely my favorites. So cute!
I think 3 and 16…and 28 are my favorites!
you did an amazing job. all the outfits look so different.
I'm starting next month! Can't wait!!
I LOVE number three! Definitely my fave. I'm hoping one day I have the guts and the creativity to try one of these infamous 30-for-30 challenges. Great job (again)!
You are like an outfit remix master. I've followed along for 2 of these now, and I can't wait for the next one! I might even jump in during fall to participate. 🙂
Thank you for creating the 30 for 30 challenge! I had so much fun doing it, and I discovered that I really can go a month without shopping! My favorite look is #8: I love the colors and the pattern mixing.
Kendi, I'm just so impressed with you. I have to admit that I was pretty skeptical of the whole 30 x 30 concept. Looking at all of your looks in one place, I'm thinking to myself "wow, she's stylish" not "hmmm… she just keeps wearing the same stuff over and over." I'm not sure I'm brave enough for a 30 x 30 of my own, but I need to try to remix my piece in new and different ways to get more mileage out of them!
I'm so impressed and inspired by this WHOLE thing. I can't wait to play along next time!!
Congrats, it was a fabulous journey!
You should look into having a full color poster printed out for your husband for his birthday or Christmas. 🙂
Thank you, everyone!! SO so nice! You must stop or my ego will explode. (just kidding, don't stop. ever)
Leslie — I don't know why I didn't wear that top more! Looking at everything I could have paired it a few more times. But that's okay — it's still in the rotation of my closet. 🙂
3 8 16 18 21 27. You aree amazingg and hilarious! (:
Yay! Congrats Kendi! I just finished my challenge and posted my roundup too.
I loved every outfit you made with that aqua tank and that leopard skirt. And I adore your yello dress. You did such a good job, I went back trying to count how many pieces you really had worn in the challenge just to make sure 🙂
xx Vivian @
Hope you'll check out my round up!
I'm just so impressed. I think I could do the 30 for 30 challenge, like the actual dressing and stuff. I think I'm pretty good at wearing things in different combos. What I could NOT do would be to pick out 30 things that I was going to wear all at once. I think I would just get SO overwhelmed and then I would give up…and eat ice cream. Planning that far in advance just makes me tweak out. But enough about me, I love your looks 🙂 Great job!
xoxo, Ashley
My favorites are 12 and 17. As a stylist I'm always looking for new ideas. Thanks for some inspiration.
This is really so inspiring! I love everything you've come up with!Â
Best, M.