You guys. I’m having writer’s block. When I told my husband this he thought I said “writer’s blog” and then he thought that I was starting up another blog about my writing. Which I then had to take a break from having writer’s block and explain to him that it was a block and not a blog with this illustration:
Once I showed him this illustration he completely understood. And then he scheduled me an appointment at the neurologist, something about a huge red tumor. (Don’t you like how the serious lobe looks like a pickle?)
Hey, hey guys if you want to join in on the challenge be sure to email me instead of leaving a comment, that way I can be sure to add you!
(Screenshot from A Cup of Jo)

49 Responses
i just had a laugh trip, kendi! =D i'm liking your warm colors here…cheers!
~pie (
I love the colors of this outfit! Not colors I would usually put together, but they work together great especially with your dark hair. Loveee those pumps!
I too stared at my post for ages today! I couldn't think of anything for the longest time. It wasn't that interesting when I finished it either, hope it isn't something going around the blogosphere. Way to go Kendi, infecting us with your red tumors 😉
You look ready to solve a mystery! Where's your trusty notebook?
Supa cutes, as ALWAYS.
These colours are beautiful! You look great, of course. And haha. A pickle for a serious lobe huh…
Such a pretty outfit! I love that Gap shirt as well – I own it 🙂 It's so versatile!
And thank you for titling this post after one of my most favorite awful Nicholas Cage movies!
Small Time Style
LOVE your outfit! You have some serious style!
xoxo Hannah
Has anyone ever tell told you that you're completely adorable? Well you are. Sorry for the writers block. Loving your 30 for 30. Hopefully one day I'll be brave enough to pick items like that in my 30 for 30.
Ramblings of a Small Town Girl
I love this outfit. Your pictures look like you belong in a magazine or something. Are those shoes comfortable because I adore them?
Love this the most so far … and your new shoes are great. Lovely color.
Ooh, I love this. I can't get enough of red/coral with tan lately. I might totally copy you soon. 🙂
I don't think you'll ever have the type of writer's block that everyone else has. You're too writer-y for that.
Love the reds, florals, and tan together. It all goes so flawlessly.
clothed much, a modest fashion blog
The color palette here is spot on. Muted with pops of red – I think I'm in love.
love the top!!! and i am pretty sure i have those shoes in teal! cutest shoes ever!!
funny and beautiful, like always. absolutely gorgeous outfit, love the warnth of the colours!
Every new outfit you post immediately becomes my new favorite outfit. Hello, can we make a Kendi flipbook or flashcards? Or a software that matches my clothes for me like in Clueless?
i love how the coral color brings everything together!! i think each outfit is becoming my new favorite hehe!
this might be my favorite outfit yet! the colors, the shape, it all works beautifully!
Writer's block or not, at least you look cute! I think I probably need that skirt, or an analog of that skirt.
cute cute CUTE, I love the colors on you!
I know I have said this before, but you are seriously funny. No other blogger makes me laugh quite like you do <3
How great are those colours together! Is that pink and mustard? I wouldn't have thought to do pink and mustard. Now I want to do pink and mustard.
And eat a pickle.
There's one thing I'm curious about, for that last photo you must have been lying on the ground with your feet up in the air?! 🙂
(no blog, but I'm coolth2 on the flickr group pool!)
Love this outfit – as usual Kendi! And your side by side comparison is HILARIOUS! I think Kendi Everyday IS a Writer's Blog as you are amazing!
I think I'm finally caught up with you! Just posted my 6th outfit!
That skirt is perfect in every way!
I love the colours of your outfit and those are some hot shoes!
There are those beautiful shoes again. Love, love, love!
And that is hilarious about the writers blog vs. block. Cute.
I love your outfit Kendi – great colour palette and everything. I am new to your blog and can't help reading it every spare moment I have (very bad for the procrastinator in me) because your outfits are so inspiring. I especially love seeing you work those colours! Your husband is also a great photographer – I would hire him in a heartbeat if you guys were here in Sydney. 🙂
I love the colors in this outfit; warm and cozy. Your new shoes are fabulous. They look like they are fitting in the Kendi wardrobe like seasoned champs!
ha this post cracks me up. Also, did I mention that I have those same shoes? They come in tons of colors and I love them so much that I want to go buy all of them.
I love how when you get writers block we get to read hilarious jokes… you're the best kendi 🙂
I may or may not be wearing that exact same shirt at this very moment. 🙂
Great outfit!!
Gah, you look marvelous! Love the belt and shoe matchiness.
And I'm stashing your writer's block illustration for safekeeping.
Drat that writers block…happens to me almost daily. I just got those same shoes from UO in yellow (shh…it's a secret, haven't announced it on my blog yet). Exciting times.
HAHAH! I literally laughed out loud at your brain schematic. Being in the biomedical field, I've seen that picture so many times and was relieved to find that you changed the labels of the lobe. Made my morning.
Haha, writer's block. Rider's block? Rider's blog? A blog about horseback riders?
Anyway, love those shoes!
I had writer's block the other day on my blog. My solution: Freewriting. I know it seems weird but even if it doesn't help its always funny in the process.
Kendi, I adore this outfit! The colors are perfect with each other and I love the new shoes.
LOVE the shirt. So much that I might get one. 🙂
I had writer's block too…so terrible!
But GREAT outfit again!
Kendi, I must tell you I have been reading your blog for only a few weeks, but I am in love with it. Your style is so close to my own, not to mention that you're gorgeous and seem super funny. I do not have a blog here on blogspot, but if I did I would definitely be following you.
All of your outfits are adorable, and todays is no exception.
<3 Paige
P.S. Maybe one day, I will participate alongside you in the 30 for 30 remix. 🙂
These are your colors. Gorgeousity here and well done.
first time reader to your blog and I'm hooked. I love the idea of 30 in 30 and want to do it to! Can I remix too even though you've already started? You're hilarious.
Haha! I love the illustration of thr writer's block vs writer's blog! Loving the outfit, too, kendi=)
The caramel color of that skirt is perfect with your skin! And the red is fantastic… just a hint of spunk!
This is such a beautiful outfit and the colors look so great on you. I'm really enjoying the challenge so far, but I'm already kicking myself for some of my choices 🙂 I'm going to have to pull off some crazy outfits the last week!
p.s. The first thing I'm purchasing after the challenge are some red shoes, ms. Dorothy, you've sold me 🙂
i love the mustard-gold tone of your skirt! it's beautiful!
what amazing legs you have, Kendi! touchwood.
I love the illustration (and your sense of humor)!