You guys I got really nervous today. And I mean more than normal since I usually function at a high rate of anxiety coupled with a bundle of nerves. Mix that with caffeine and boy am I a ball of fun. Anyways, back to me, today I got really nervous since I’m on day 24 but only on outfit 19. I got nervous that you all would tire of me before I was able to finish and so on and so on. My husband consoled me with a trip to the nearest Pei Wei and a trip to Borders for a magazine, a book and a bundle of journals. I am one cheap thrill after another, aren’t I?
All that to say, I probably didn’t save the best for last. What if I’ve used my best outfits at the beginning and now all you have to look forward to are drunken mixes of mismatched tops with bottoms? What will we do when all I have is a navy striped top left to go with a hot pink skirt? These are the questions, my friends, that keep me up at night.

50 Responses
We will never tire of you Kendi!
And I have to say that your necklace looks like rock candy, and anything that looks like candy that you can wear is an A+ in my book!
Ahh, I love borders! Thank goodness for husbands/boyfriends and their consoling powers.
You look great, as always!
i know just how you feel. my closet feels like the scraps of leftovers in the back of your fridge when there's nothing good in the cabinets. you have to make it work but your boyfriend/husband/blog reader is going to think "cous cous AGAIN?"
i don't know what you are talking about. this one might be my FAVE! i love the tied up chambray shirt.
i'm sticking with you…but i might be quitting on my end. i am undecided. i'm totally bored with my choice. ugh!
but i will be here every day to cheer you on for sure!
Love the outfit today, Kendi! It's so casual, yet girly and flirty.
Don't fret – we stick with you not just to see what you wear but b/c we like being on the fashionable journey with you, even (and sometimes especially) when it's tough. Thanks for sharing your threads AND your thoughts with us!
Hahahaha, I love your new show title. So funny. and true.
Love this. It is so cute!
clothed much, a modest fashion blog
Bah I've been having the same anxiety for weeks now. I am pretty convinced that every single outfit of mine has been boring and I expect people to want to look at pictures of them day after day? I'm going to start losing followers!
As for your choices? You always pick amazing outfits. Always. Add to that your pictures are always stunning and you have the perfect mix for a very entertaining blog.
I'm on day 25 and I have one top I haven't even worn yet that i'm saving for day 30. It'll be worn only once, and with pizaz 😉
That new show sounds like a gem.
I love the outfit, even the backward hat, that's how trends are born baby! Also, I think a striped navy shirt and a hot pink skirt sound great together. Maybe some patent leather flats and a scarf around your neck, don't knock it til you try it.
ps- hallelujah for beaus and cheap magazines!
aww kendi i don't think you have anything to worry about 🙂 i'm sure you'll knock us dead with the remaining outfits 🙂 i love this one–it's so summery and i'm still in love with your shoes!!!!
I love your blog! I also love TLC too!
HAHAH. Love the name of the "new show" on TLC. 😉
I am having the same anxiety about this challenge! The more tired I get of these 30 pieces, the more I think everybody else must be getting really sick of seeing me in them. On my last post, I was drawing a blank, thinking "Well what can I say about why I chose this outfit?…uh, because I had to?" And like you, I also am certain I didn't save my best outfits for last. :/
Rest assured, all of your outfits have been beautiful! I love this one. And I didn't notice your hat was backwards!
you know i live about 20 minutes away from the duggar compound? yep. we are almost neighbors in a northwest arkansas sort of way. one of my friends has the same gyno as michelle! how funny is that? anyway, i don't think any of us are getting tired of your 30 items. you are a remix guru.
kendi, we'll never of ur posts:) u look great here and wow, that necklace is cute!
Ah definitely not tiring! No worries! I am seriously ahving a hard time keeping track of repeats of items and such, you are a master remixer!
Your outfits are never boring! (Nor are your posts). I love your blog!
Haha, what not to wear when you don't know you're pregnant with 18 other kids at home, I MAKE CAKES! I am laughing way to hard. You have summed up TLC in under twenty words. perfection
Kendi your outfits are lovely, you're one of my fashion inspirations!
And no worries about us readers being bored because: a.we are not, b. from my understanding, the meaningh of this challenge is to pull together as many outfits as possible using the same basics, to show creativity, reduce waste, contain shopping spree, etc….all things our readers can relate to without any difficulty…
Btw, I really loved reading your take on waste and consumerism on the post about the 6×30 challenge.
Ok,'nuff serious stuff;)
What's left to say?
Go, Kendi, go!:)
I love your necklace! Also, I'm not tired of the challenge and happen to think that a navy striped shirt and a hot pink skirt would look pretty cute.
I am loving all your 30 of 30 posts. If you didn't say anything I probably wouldn't even realize you were wearing only 30 different items this month!
It is curious that you are behind on number of looks, but I guess I can get over it 😉
Im only on outfit 11 so dont worry! lol! I shall never tire of you kendi. I love seeing your outfits. This top is great!
Daisy Dayz Home
I am having the same fears… but your outfits always look great!
You're freaking kidding me about the Duggars. That is not right.
Oh girl. you know you got tons of good mixes still in your pile for the remaining eleven days. Shoot, you could wear just the white pants that whole time and I would think you looked smashing.
OK, the white pants WITH tops. That is what I meant.
Your outfits are awesome and adorable. I definitely don't get tired of you or them! Keep on girl! Don't think of it as only on day 19, think of it as only 11 days to go! :o)
I believe all us challengers are facing the same wardrobe demons. I'm still in my towel for goodness sakes trying to figure out what to do with my outfit. I'm hoping my accessories will play it up today:)
Pei Wei = HEAVEN
It's a Sunday night ritual for us 🙂
Yay, I'm not the only one to think TLC's shows are terribly redundant.
You could wear your hat inside out and still look pretty and stylish. 😉
Your title killed me, for that show has to be on of the most ridiculous things on TLC! And this outfit actually inspired me, I've got a similar dress that needs more top coverage, but I hate wearing a sweater over it.
Your remixes are great! I secretly haven't worn all my pieces yet so I can trade some in for different things because I don't think they'll all work. 🙂 Is that cheating?
Hey now, there is nothing wrong with being a cheap date. I'm the same way. All my husband has to do is take me to dinner, buy me dessert and take me to Barnes and Noble, and I'm the happiest girl in the world.
Sounds like you have keeper, and no worries about the outfit. There's no rush. 🙂
Have a great weekend!
i am no fashion blogger but i keep coming back because of you and your crazy awesome writing style. and i guess a girl can dream she is crazy skinny and stylish.
You look cute, Kendi and your outfit is amazing.
I hear you with the anxiety! I've only posted 12 days on my blog, and I'm up to… 17 in real life. Maybe it's 18. See, I can't even keep track!
I love your outfits, but love your writing even more! I am a little curious though how it's possible to be behind on your remixes…have you gone naked that many days? Or do weekendi's not count?
See, Alba takes inspiration from you:
that is so hilariously true of TLC's shows!
Not to worry doll! Your looks are fabulous! Even looks thrown together can be wrecklessly chic! I love the Chambray top tied the way you have it! Happy weekend!
xo M
I will stick around to the end, Kendi! I love these photos and this particular outfit.
I would not be surprised if TLC came up with that last show…seriously. Their programming has been so ridiculously the last couple years!
you left out little people and baby pageant queens!
Dear Kendi,
You know you wore your hot pink skirt with stripes just a little while ago don't you? And it looked REALLY good so I wouldn't worry.
We will never tire. Never ever.
I love how springy this feels!
I never would have known your hat was backwards until you said it…
We won't tire of you. In fact, I love this all so much, maybe you should do another 30 days.
Oh honey, don't knock that navy striped shirt and hot pink skirt combo until you've tried it – and posted it! That one would definitely have made it into my week-one lineup!
And since I'm currently on Day 24 and just getting ready to post Remix 11, I think you have nothing to worry about, you're still way ahead of most of us slackers.
We'll stick with you, don't worry! And Borders is my feel-better solution too! They've closed in the UK though, so I've had to find a new bookstore.
Kendi, I'm right there with you — in fact, two behind you, and I started a few days early! Keep it up, you're doing amazing 🙂
This is probably my favourite look from the challenge so far..LOVE it!
Everything looks so perfect together..and I love the combo of denim and florals! Cuuuute.
Songs and Fairy Tales
This is a great look, one of my favorites so far! No one is going to get tired of you. Your wit alone is enough to keep me coming back 🙂
When divine beauty unfolds eternally in all its splendor. 💖