
Do you want to hear something ironic? Ironic is your A/C not working for 6 months and 5 minutes after it gets fixed a huge storm blows in and takes your electricity and air conditioning away for the next 6 hours. Ironic is thinking that mid-week you need to wash all of the bed linens you own and then putting them in the wash 25 minutes before the electricity-taking storm hits, leaving you with nothing but a covered mattress. Ironic is your husband strutting through the dark house with his iPad and a smug look on his face, until he realized we don’t have wireless internet and he can’t watch Dexter on Netflix. Ironic is laying on your bed in a balmy 85 degrees house in your underwear listening to your crazy neighbors down the street, and then having a crazy neighbor walk up to your dark,open window like a drive-thru to ask if you had power. Irony is holding a candle up to your face to answer “No, we don’t.” while simultaneously covering your goodies with a pillow. And the most ironic thing of all, is laying in bed with your husband for 4 hours with nothing but a candle and an open window laughing until you fall asleep. Wait — no the guy in the window is the most ironic thing of all.

That was my night last night. I learned a lot though during those 6 hours that we were without electricity. I learned that I need electricity, something I take for granted everyday.There we were reliving life before electricity — reading our iPad by candle light, tweeting on our phones, going to the grocery store in our horse and buggy. It was a much simpler time in those days and in those 6 hours last night.

All that to say, this is what I wore yesterday before the Blackout of ’10 happened. I have to be honest, I feel like it looked better on the mannequin. Yes, that’s right — I bought this outfit because it was on the mannequin and it looked really good. Except for the belt, I added that on. (Go creativity! Go originality!) I don’t even feel bad for stealing* the whole mannequin either. I mean that’s why they put them so close to the door right?
*this is sarcasm. I didn’t steal this outfit. I put it on my credit card and then declared bankruptcy.

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50 Responses

  1. Well, I for one think that this outfit looks absolutely marvelous on you! And that blackout sounds crazy!! I hope you're back to the 21st century today!

  2. That sounds exactly like something my neighbors would do. Gotta love old bitties. Or weirdos. Whichever.

    I must say, the belt and shoes are my favorite parts. But I love the outfit as a whole. Even more knowing you stole it. It validates my more than occasional lack of creativity.

  3. I like this outfit.

    What works: using a complementary color scheme between skirt and top, pairing pattern with pattern (belt and skirt), putting bright pattern and bright color together, keeping it subdued with a neutral shoe. Also, the color of the shirt is awesome on your skin tone.

    I don't love the cut of the skirt. I'm not sure what it is about it – not exactly straight, not exactly A-line, not knee-length and not mini… Maybe it's just the pockets that are putting me off.

    Regardless – or irregardless, to use a double negative – I like the outfit overall!

    The blackout sounds wild! I remember when I was a kid being disappointed at first that our power had gone out, then thinking I could just watch a movie – and then being disappointed again. :-p


  4. very very cute outfit. Love the color combo here! 🙂

    I remember having those same exact thoughts in 2005 when we went back to our house after Hurricane Katrina. I was SO MISERABLY hot and all I wanted was my electricity back. I remember everyone in our neighborhood stalked the Entergy trucks as they drove up & down the street repairing power lines until our power came back on. LOL

    Now we have a generator, but it still doesn't power the whole house- but it's better than nothing!

  5. He came to your window?! Oh, my, that's hilarious and incredibly creepy. I'd sleep with the blinds closed from now on.

    Every blackout I've been through always ends up with my family playing Clue in the dark and driving around to find places that have electricity so we have something to do.

  6. I gotta tell ya, I don't believe that outfit looked better on the mannequin. It looks awesome on you. I love the contrast of the coral top with the green/blue skirt. I also love your story. I think my fiance would cry if we couldn't watch Dexter on Netflix (we're about to start Season 3).


  7. First of all, love the outfit. Second, you crack me up! We didn't lose power after our last storm a couple days ago (I'm not even sure how, 'cuz it was BAD), but two years ago we lost it for four days!! I survived by camping out at Target and Panera during the daylight hours…just a bit of advice for next time. 😀

  8. We had a bad storm about 3 or 4 years ago and didn't have power for over 2 days. Some people out in the mountains were without it for over a week. It royally sucked. I don't think I could have survived the olden days either.


  9. Oh my gosh this is too hysterical… honestly Kendi, you are the funniest gal on the internet. Oh meanwhile, I wouldn't feel bad about stealing mannequin outfits, I mean they pay stylists heaps to create those outfits so they must be good right?

  10. You kill me! Love the outfit, mixing of patterns and colors. Glad that you have been able to rejoin civilization and don't have to forgo picture-taking or posting for us Kendi-Everyday addicts!

  11. a little too ironic, yeah i really do think. sorry i've been listening to a lot of alanis morissette lately. i hate it when the electricity goes off. like it makes me stabby. i need my technology . you look cute and i'm super glad you didn't steal the outfit 🙂

  12. Lol at you neighbor! I saw that on twitter and wondering what was up. Cute ot and I love the Kendi addition of the patterned belt!

  13. That was a massive storm yesterday, wasn't it? Luckily, the power didn't go out on my side of I-35. I don't necessarily need electricity, but I NEEEEEED A/C.

    Yay for creativity! Haha, at least you still look gorgeous :]

  14. What a surreal night you had. And I can't imagine that outfit looking any better than it does on you!

  15. That's terrible, but at least it turned into a funny memory for you two. And of course you got to meet your clearly awesome neighbor/peeing tom.
    I say you can't mess with Anthro. They know what they're doing over there. You look great, so the mannequin must have been created just for you!


  16. Whatever lady, you look gorgeous. I love the pattern of the skirt and the added belt is fantastic! I laughed so hard when I read this post, and it takes a lot for me to lol. You are seriously my favorite blogger!

  17. I had to laugh at the very last line. I love you sense of humor.
    I know how much it sucks to deal with a blackout (we had one here many years ago), but it can be fun if you have the right kind of company.
    There should be no shame in stealking the mannequin's outfit. You look great in this outfit and inspiration can be found everywhere, right?

  18. Ugh, blackouts suck! I live in Florida, and a few years ago we went two weeks without electricity because of a hurricane. It was fun in the beginning, because the whole neighborhood got together and had a huge barbeque to get rid of the meat before it went bad. But then the next day it was like -.- give me power.
    And the outfit looks great!

  19. This is off topic, but you weren't kidding about that thumb-sized bruise on your arm from last week. You can even see it in the far away shot in the third picture.

    I really love the pattern of the skirt and the details of the pockets. I like the outfit, but I do agree that it's just a tiny bit off…maybe the cut of the skirt?

  20. Kendi- i can't believe you have had no electricity!! What a bummer! You look fantastic! I love the mix of the pattern on the skirt and the she leopard belt!!

  21. I tried this skirt on during my last Anthro trip and it just looked blahhh on me—so nice to see someone else rockin' it! The color combination is so perfect here. Booo to the Blackout of '10 🙁

  22. Oh goodness, that does not sound like a fun experience at all! Your story reminds me of that Friends episode from one of the earlier seasons when they had a blackout, if you're familiar with the show.
    I really like the color combination in this outfit! I do believe I have that same J. Crew belt as well.

  23. You're so cheeky! LOL. You really crack me up. I love reading what you actually write bc it's entertaining, light, enjoyable… all those good things 😉

    Seriously, did your neighbour actually walk up to your 'drive-thru' window!?!?! yowza.

    A.Co @ A.Co est. 1984

  24. Oh my goodness, that sounds insane. Since I freak out whenever the internet goes out for a little bit, I think I'd have a full-on melt-down if there were a power outage. Yikes.

    Anyway, this outfit looks great, stolen or not stolen. 🙂

  25. i went laugh laugh laugh and my doggie went laugh laugh fart. he understands. he understands very very much. he has a thing for irony. and i have an iron deficiency. maybe i will read your post a couple of more times and that will spike my hemoglobin level. or maybe not. its the drink talking. not me. really. hic!

  26. Okay, Alanis . . . hahaha, that's so funny about your neighbor! I almost wish that would happen to me–almost. I once joked that they called it Anthropologie because it's an apology for being so expensive, but the joke didn't really work.

  27. BAHAHA I am hysterically laughing right now! Kendi you are absolutely hilarious, I love how you bring so much humour to your fashion blog!
    I'm really digging that top…I find it semi challenging to find the perfect tops to tuck into skirts. They can't be too casual if it's such a nice printed skirt such as the one you're wearing!
    Anyhooo great outfit & have a great weekend 🙂

  28. Love the subtle pattern mixing. Power outages can be fun. My husband and I spend way too much time on our computers. It might be nice to be forced to, I don't know, actually talk to one another. 🙂

  29. OMG – You are so freaking funny! I'm loving your blog and the mannequinn outfit! We had a power outage reacenetly, while i had 3 people over for dinner. Luckily food was all cooked and I actually had candles going when the power went out. It ended up being fun for a night of conversation. But we thankfully don;t have a humidity issue. I predict there will be a baby boom next March in your area. 🙂

    xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com

  30. Hahaha that's a ltitle too ironic no?

    Love your outfit here. The colors and pattern mixing is ingenious!

    clothed much, a modest fashion blog

  31. Love your blog. Think I may be addicted. (first step, admitted I have a problem. good job, Lola.)

    But see, I wish you would change the name of your blog to "Kendi Every So Often" or "Kendi When She Feels Like It" or even "Randomly Kendi." I'm glad you post when YOU want to cuz hey, it's your blog, but "Kendi Everyday" as a title mocks my addiction. I take titles literally. Not that you aren't sartorially splendid at second reading, not that your writing doesn't sparkle as sparkly the second time around, but…sigh. My name is Lola and I'm a Kendiholic.

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