You know when you want something really bad from Anthropologie but you went on a spending freeze for 30 days and you accidentally told everyone on your blog so people could keep you accountable but then the very thing you wanted goes on sale and for a second you are like, “who will know if I buy this? I live in Nowhere, America” And then your husband says “I will know, and God and your readers.” And you are like “what? how would my readers ever find out?” as you threaten him with a knife to never tell. But then your husband starts pointing to the cashiers at Anthro and he starts saying “what if she’s a reader? I bet she is..” and he goes on like this until you drop the most perfect dress in the whole world and walk away from it forever. But deep in your heart you know that it didn’t hit the ground when you dropped it, no, it fell into the hands of a greedy girl who has lots of Anthro-dollars to spend. And now it’s hard to sleep at night and you and your husband rarely speak anymore.
Don’t you hate when that happens?
Well that’s why I invented Faux-thropologie (patent pending). This is when you find something from Anthro that you really like and you try to re-create it on the cheap. Case in point, this is the dress I wanted for as long as I can remember (I can only remember back to Christmas 2009): But at $120 I couldn’t say yes to the dress. So when it went on sale for $50, I sent a million hints to my husband about it and even tried to cheat and buy it while I was on my shopping strike. (I have no soul, really there is nothing there but a Twinkie.) Sadly within days the dress was gone and as we all know, once something is sold (on sale nonetheless) from Anthropologie, it’s gone, forever. (Whatever doesn’t sell goes straight to Heaven.)
So when I found this shirt while thrifting, I knew immediately that I could recreate a similar look to my long lost dress. And I saved a lot of money by doing so. Let’s do the math: Anthropologie Dress — $120Thrifted shirt — $1______________money saved : $119
Making my husband, God and my readers proud: priceless
Moral of the story: you can’t always get what you want from Anthropologie, but you sure can fake it. Now if only I can find the matching skirt to this shirt…

60 Responses
I think that's a moral many of us must live by, myself include! Love your faux-Anthro look! That Target skirt rocks and the belt pulls it all together flawlessly.
Faux-thopologie looks aside, I've been coveting that EXACT dress for as long as I can remember, too.
I went into Gap the other day and the sales girl was wearing it, just to taunt me, probably.
Hahahaha awesome.
To be honest I prefer your faux-thropologie look to the original. Very cute!
Oh Kendi!
what a fantasitci job you did recreating this dress! really, well played sir! (or madame)
I have this dress, and because I am such a recycler I will probably want to sell it on ebay someday in the near future (to make room for another anthro dress I am coveting) shall I let you know first, before i go about my ebay ways?
(ps I am size 6)
omg that dress is SUCH a KEndi dress! But I think I love your recreatio better!!
I love your Faux-Thropologie look! This should be a regular feature. God knows no one I know can afford real Anthro clothes! 😀
Plus think of this: You have two pieces in the faux-thropologie look so that has to have save you a lot more cash too! I love your look more anyway!
There she is! In all her glory. (Don't get me wrong, the faux one was glorious too.)
You are so funny!
Also, great Faux-thropologie look. It's even better, because they are separates!
You did a great job! I get uber jealous whenever I see a girl wearing that dress. I'm like, ugh what a bitch . . . I love her style =P
"Whatever doesn't sell goes straight to heaven" was a true laugh out loud moment for me. I just had to point that out. And spell it out.
That shirt is perfection.
And I am a total Anthro eBay stalker. I comb the magazines and look up old items. Weird, yet oddly satisfying.
I love this outfit. In fact, I think I love all your outfits. When I go on Bloglovin and look in my favourites, it's like looking at your blog. Do you think there's a way to get Bloglovin to automatically "like" your posts?
And that belt is just amazing.
This is the coolest thing. I love your 'voice'. The way you write is so comical and expressive, it's like you could have been telling me this story over a cup of jo. Of course, I don't drink jo, or coffee. How about a warm milo? You look fabulous here – and I honestly prefer your take on the Anthro Dress. This way you can wear that the sassiness of the dress with jeans, or a mini or shorts or or or! The possibilities are endless. You are inspirational 😀
I love your look! Much prefer it over the Anthropologie.
SSG xxx
You are so funny- I get such a giggle every time I read your posts (with you, not at you!) The setting of your pictures is beautiful- and I love your look today- more so than that rich-girl dress 🙂
Great recreation. I'm tempted to say I'd be more apt to wear your version!!! It has the same feeling but is unique.
I think I like your "faux-thropologie" better than the original! And just think of all the other pretties you can buy with the $119 you saved 🙂 !
Ha, I love this post. If it's any consolation, I also lusted after this dress. When it went on sale I ended up calling an Anthro in San Francisco and they had my size. I anxiously waited for it to arrive andddddd…I didn't like it on me. I ended up selling it. See?? I like your version much better 🙂
that dress IS really cute, and i think you've done a great job recreating the silhouette! A+ Kendi!
What a wonderful, witty post. I love it. Such a cute outfit for a fraction of the cost! Kudos
I actually like your version better than Antro's. Rawk on.
Melanie@Unravelled Threads
I love your logic.
You look like a model! I always love the ease in your pics. I like that last pic of you on the ground, like it's your Senior Class Portrait. Or maybe a 70s pamphlet on Becoming a Woman. This is a compliment, I swear!
hey, if it makes you feel any better, I was totally in love with that dress online and in the catalog. I went to the store to pick it up, and when I tried it on, ugh. . . not good. It kind of poofs out weird at the hip, at least on me. maybe that's why it's on super sale, because it fits weird? Anyway, your look is super cute and yay for saving like a hundred + dollars. 🙂
I will be on your "no soul" committee. I would've gotten the damn dress. I would. But then I have no soul. FOr real. Do.NOT.GROW.UP.TO.BE.LIKE.ME!
I must say that I really like your version though!
And he couldn've bought the dress for you…he wasn't on the ban? His money doesn't count! That's what I tell my boyfriend:)
I think my whole life is a "faux-thropology" catalog. Love it! Your shirt/skirt/belt combo is really quite lovely, and I do believe I like it even more than the dress.
I love your take on the dress – adds more texture and definitely brings more attention to your top!! 🙂
i fall in love with so many things online i can't buy…i have my dream wardrobe and dream amy looks great in all her dream clothes.
also-i have that old navy belt. i love it! in fact, i'm wearing it right now 🙂
You look super cute in this outfit. The colors are perfect for you.
However, I see TONS of Anthropologie stuff available second-hand on all kinds of websites. Don't give up the dream yet! What if you found that $120 dress for like $20? And you know wherever you find it, they can't have worn it long. It just came out six months ago!
This is my most favorite post yet.
a. because this outfit is my FAVORITE outfit yet.
b. you are so stinkin funny.
Hooray for Kendi!
This is the best sandwich ever! I love your outfit! Genius!
Love the combo!! And soooo glad that you didn't have to purchase the dress for 120!!!!!!
I love your writing! You are very talented! I am on a no-spend May as well and the Anthro sale today is killing me. I have wanted that Bougainvillea cardi since January!! Now it's 1/2 price, but oh well. I did the exact same thing re-creating that Reed Shirtdress with an $8 Target dress! Your outfit looks wonderful!
i LOVE your writing 🙂 i sit at work and smile while reading your blog. def one of my faves. never commented before just wanted to tell you i, too, have that sick feeling of leaving things i love on the rack and then never seeing them again. (happend at a tj maxx with this uh-mazing tie dye bag about two years ago, also at a flea market in florida where i found a vintage louis vuitton carryall for fifty bucks. OMFG idk if i'll ever get over THAT one) either way i love how you style your clothes, and you are an ever present inspiration to how i look at my wardrobe
Ah, the story of my life. Seriously. I'm suing for plagiarism.
Annnywayy, I love this! The shirt is so cute, and will probably end up getting more wear than the dress anyway.
so so adorable! I love the print on this dress! You are too cute!
I love your recreated look more than the original! Really super-cute outfit! Kudos!
I am a total faux-thropologie convert.
I find dresses that I like and then find fabric to re-create them via my sewing machine.
Poor Anthro creative and marketing directors…
…well, actually I don't feel that bad for them. The mark-up there is NUTZ.
Hi Kendi! I think what you created is more versatile in the end. Ever since I started shopping online (about a year and a half ago), I've cultivated a sense of "buy now or forever regret the lost chance!" which is a dangerous mindset when constant. But I think what you learned here – and the fact that you allowed yourself to learn it, AND the fact that you have an accountability partner who's solid – is, as you said, something on which you can't put a price. Enjoy that super cute plaid shirt, you look great in it.
Great story! 🙂
I love happy endings! 🙂
And your outfit is cute!! 🙂
Hahaha you are too much! This is priceless, this whole 'story'.
First off, the pattern on your shirt is 10x better than (gasp!) the Anthro one, and secondly – WOW!!!!
You've done your readers proud!
A.Co @ A.Co est. 1984
PS – love how, '…everything else goes to heaven' – yes! LOL. Too much! LOVE IT!
PPS – Forgot to mention, just found your blog today and am already enamoured. Keep up the great blogging!
A.Co @ A.Co est. 1984
I have been looking everywhere for the perfect navy skirt and I love the one you're wearing. Was that a recent Target item?? Who makes it? Thanks!!
you are so dang cute. i love this!
I really like the Faux-thropologie version better!
I coveted that dress too, but now I am coveting your skirt. Is it a recent Target find? Would you mind sharing some more info on it? I am always on the look out for a full skirt that will reach a tall girl's knee! A.
aww you look so gorgeousthat looks fits you a lot!… bu the way, i loved your blog 🙂 so now i am following you :D!
I love your recreated version! And you are literally the funniest person on the internet, I love your sense of humour!
You are always so adorable. Your plaid shirt is amazing.
LOVED this post 🙂
Faux-thropologie = brilliant. I love that little company: it's as if they peeked into my soul and made outfits, and furniture and bedcovers to match. Only they forgot to check into my bank account. I love the looks so much I actually SAVE their catalogues. FOR YEARS. And on my own try to capture the whimsy that caught my fancy. I like your version. A LOT. And the fact that you did it with heartbreaking restraint ( a buyer's fast) gives me so much respect for you. And you look Anthroplo-riffic! xo. Bella Q
The Reed dress had an iffy fit anyway ;-).
Love your version!
I actually love the combo of the skirt and shirt *that* much more than the full Anthro dress, honestly. You always have the best belts!
This outfit is great! I love how you made your own version of the anthro dress and saved so much money! Would you mind if I featured one of these photos and another one from your 30 day challenge for a great usage of plaid in a post on my blog? Send me an email at if you have any questions/concerns or anything!
jajaja I absolutely LOVE reading the things you write. You have such a wonderful personality and you really show it through the things you write. You look beautiful as always too. Congrats on having such a wonderfully inspirational blog!
I just found this dress for sale and thought of you. I'm not sure if it's your side but thought it wouldn't hurt to send you the link.
OMG, I know exactly how you feel! I'm 27 days into a month-long shopping hiatus that I also publicized on my blog (foolhearty, I know). I've wanted to sneak a purchase here and there, but my hubby is keeping me accountable. I wonder if this will all be counter-productive since my wish-list is about a mile long at this point… :-/
I've recently discovered your blog, and I have to say I've become addicted…
I just wanted to let you know that I bought the same belt you are wearing with this outfit at ON today. It was on clearance plus 50% off—so only $7!!! But, I never would have even considered it if I hadn't seen how you styled it so well in this outfit and in others. Thanks for the inspiration.
I. Love. This. Outfit. Like LOVE IT love it. Like, if I could, I would marry it…but it would just be an elaborate ploy to steal all of her family and wear them on pretty days.