Greetings from Seattle, ya’ll! I hacked into some wi-fi so that I could say hi and do a quick post on my outfit from Wednesday. Better late than never, right?
You guys, specifically Jentine, my outfit is 50% thrifted. Although I love a good deal, I am really not that great at thrifting. I love thrift stores, flea markets, and the like but where I live isn’t exactly the mecca of cool. I know what you are saying to yourself (Seattle has made me clairvoyant) don’t you live in a retirement community? Shouldn’t you be able to find awesome items from the 60s and 70s? Yes and yes. But apparently people weren’t my size in the 60s. Apparently everyone that existed before 1984 was a size 2 and very short. And apparently giants do not donate their clothing to the Salvation Army. Except for one giant who donated these size 10 shoes. God Bless your big-footed soul, you gentle giant. Thank you for forging your way through the years as perhaps the only stylish women with a size 10 foot to come out of 1960 and for giving the best yellow shoes ever away. Because of you, I was the envy of the Salvation Army. Let’s all take a moment of silence for my shoes:
I’ll be signing off for the rest of the week/weekendi to enjoy the sites of Seattle. If you start to miss me you can always follow my trip on twitter. I’ll be sending all of you a postcard from Seattle, so look for that in the mail next week.*
*just kidding. but seriously. I will. **
**no I won’t. but I will update my twitter.
42 Responses
(silence for the shoes)
I love your blazer. And those shoes are an awesome find. Have fun in Seattle!!
Melanie @Unravelled Threads
Tomorrow is the very last day to enter my custom elastic waistband skirt giveaway!
i'll join the silence for those shoes……………………..
I want a hair tutorial for Kendi Hair!
great shoes. great find! i saw some at urban the other day juuust like them, but wasnt willing splurge the big 30 bucks to get them, haha
awesome shoes! the yellow is so lovely on you, especially with the dark denim and cream top. you are adorable. and yes i do stalk you on twitter so i'll be looking for my updates
Enjoy your trip! Looking forward to hearing about everything you all checked out!
You are hilarious. Period. I wanted to emphasize the period but I think it just came off as weird.
Amazing find! You say you're not good at thrifting but I'm impressed because I think shoes are the hardest thing to come across!
you know.. it almost makes me angry when you complain about your so called giantism.. BECAUSE LOOK AT YOUR PINS!! they are basically a mile long, and us stumpy girls would cut off someone else's left pointer finger to have them. Just saying..
and yes you look cute today.
love the shoes…
oh hey, i hear nice brick walls covered in vines are in these days (um, i have one today, too).
and those shoes are amazing! you've got to find that giant and raid her closet.
Love those shoes! Have fun in Seattle. You're getting great weather.
Try to find the skillet street food trailer and eat there!
Super cute pics. Yellow shoes always equal awesome in my book.
The colors in the photos are absolutely lovely!

I love the shoes, it adds a nice pop of color. I've been looking for something in turquoise or red.
I wish I could get into thrifting, my poor college student salary (read: none) is quickly dwindling from all of my excursions to the mall. I should go find a thrift store or something. Though I have the opposite problem (you're not a giant though!), I'm smaller than average so finding something that fits is a bit troublesome at times even at regular stores…
Anyway, lovely outfit!
Enjoy Seattle – you're definitely here for a great weekend (weather-wise). Let me know if you need any suggestions on things to do
I feel you on the lack of vintage finds. I'm tall-ish and plus-sized, and I've found that there must've been some tall, thin women, and some short, fat women, but very few tall, fat women. If I find something vintagy in my size at the thrift store, I feel like I won the lottery. Congrats on the awesome shoes!
i have the same problem! my giant feet ruin everything. i curse all the ladies who were size five 40 years ago.
(shoe silence)
I've been on the hunt for some yellow shoes as part of my Minnie Mouse obsession. No luck yet. Actually, I found the perfect pair that were well over $100…so that sucked.
All that to say I'm super envious that you found great yellow shoes at the thrift store…way to go.
I love that blouse! May have to wander over to the Crew outlet.
Love the shoes! I own four pairs of yellow shoes, so I would be envious if I was in salvation army when you bought them.
My heart yearns for those shoes…
Yen-tina is so proud of her little girl!
You did good… have fun on Vacation!!!!!wheee!
Yellow shoes are the best. Loving your blog – I've left you an award on mine:
i have the same problem with vintage. i'm 5 10 with size 10 feet. it's so annoying. i love the shoes!! awesome find! i know how lucky you must feel right now. it happens to me once in a blue moon, too.
The shoes are pretty gosh darn amazing!
Gorgeous shoes! Lovely find.
The shoes are adorable
interrupting the shoe silence to tell you how much i LOOOOVE your shoes
As a fellow big footed girl I salute those shoes and whatever awesome women loved them first as well as the one who loves them now.
Betty Noir
From one size 10 shoe girl to another, I feel your pain. Usually, there's like one or two pairs all lonely on the shelf in your size. You scored.
I love you blog! Don't you ever stop, please!
Beatiful yellow shoes!
omg, want your shoes!
Those shoes are a great find! There's hope for me yet then.
Love the pop of color with the yellow shoes! They are so perfect for the spring and summer!
PREACH ON SISTER. I am super-tall, kinda hippy, and have size 11 feet. My thrifting scores consisted pretty much entirely of worn-out mens' T-shirts with ironic slogans, and now that I've sworn those off…well, they've been some dry thrifting years. That is a score for the ages.
nat //
I found your blog through Snapshot Fashion, and absolutely adore your pictures and how you label your clothing. I am now a follower
Adorable!! I love the yellow and turquoise accents against the neutrals and dark jeans. SO cute and easy breezy
I've never found anything cool at a thrift store. Once I found a coffee mug that someone spit their chewing tobacco out in and I sort called it quits with the thrifting right then and there. But your yellow shoes are awesome!
Gorgeous!! Super cute shoes!