(preface: My husband just farted right in my face. Seriously. As I was blogging. In my face.)
I pretty much just want to jump up and down screaming “look at me! look at me!” because I’m not wearing the same thing that I wore two days ago. And I’m not hiding behind a myriad of scarves to mask the shirt I’ve been wearing for a week straight. In other words, I feel good.
I actually had a really hard time picking out what to wear today. It was like being introduced to a buffet for the first time. (I still remember my first buffet like it was yesterday. It was a Shoney’s and I was 5 years old.) I was overwhelmed to say the least. (at the buffet and in my closet.) And sadly a little underwhelmed. I know that seems bratty but I wanted all of the outfits I’d been lusting to wear to jump out at me this morning, but nothing did. So I relied on my new-ish skirt and a cute ruffle top. You can never go wrong with a ruffle. Even on a swimsuit, specifically around the upper thigh area. There is nothing a ruffle can’t hide. Especially after eating for 4 hours straight at a Shoney’s before going swimming. Not that I ever have. But I have this friend who has and she told me that ruffles hide anything.
This just got weird didn’t it?

49 Responses
Very pretty in pink! Certainly can't go wrong with ruffles and an awesomely bright skirt.
oh my goodness i love this outfit so much i want to run out to the mall right now and and find a hot pink skirt and a ruffly top and black heels oh my gosh i love this. oh and you look so cute. oh my gosh i cannot get over how adorable this is. SO. FREAKING. CUTE.
Such a pretty outfit! Enjoy your sartorial buffet! 🙂
Gross husband. And fabulous outfit. Welcome back to the world of limitless wardrobe possibilities.
So cute! So fun to see you in COLOR!
great outfit! I totally love that modcloth skirt! you can't go wrong with pink and white and those cute cute shoes:)
congrats on actually completeing your challenge. knowing me, i would forget that i even challeneged myself and "accidently" buy something new and "accidently" wear it as soon as i got it!
can i just say if my hubby did that i think i would either die laughing or just… die! hope he doesnt try it anytime soon!
cute outfit…i always love pink and black together!
You look fantabulous. Great outfit to emerge from your challenge with I think!
I have a very serious question to ask you:
How do you always looks so gorgeous?!?! This reminds me of something Zooey Deschanel might be seen in. I hope you take that as a compliment!
i love the tank!!! that would look so cute with almost anything!
Haha! Husbands are good at that sort of stuff. At least he didn't fart while your head was under the covers. NOT a good experience…at all.
That's such a cute outfit! You crack me up with the way you write, you have a great sense of humour:)
I love those shoes, super super cute!!
You look so pretty and happy! I totally forgot about Shoney's. Ha ha ha.f
Ruffles are great and so is your outfit.. but I can't stop giggling over the fact that your hubby farted in your face… IN YOUR FACE! oh my gosh. If that isn't true love right there, I'm not sure what is.. ha ha. Have a great week Kendi!
xx Love & Aloha
Oh wow, I hate wearing pink, but this definitely inspired me too! You look so fresh!
That skirt is so adorable. I need to get more ruffles in my wardrobe!
Have you entered my giveaway yet at schoolmarmstyle.blogspot.com?
I hate that feeling I get in the morning where nothing is jumping out at you. Some bloggers make it look so easy! You pulled it off seamlessly too!
-sorry you got farted in the face. Can't say my husband ever tried that one..hehehe…
aww yay! new outfit. I definitely love ruffles, there cute and like you said, can hide anything.
I love reading your posts, your truely a creative writer and I really can't stop reading what you write.
Perfect outfit for easing back into the world of choice. I love this Schiap pink! So grand!
Love the outfit. As soon as I opened the post I thought, "She looks so happy!" I'm sure its the ruffles.
i think it started out weird with the farting and what not 😉
I'm now finally have incontrovertible proof that pretty pink outfits don't magically dispel gas.
your post is pretty funny. husband's do the weirdest things.
but i'm in love with those target shoes? are those relatively new?!
So so cute! You can't go wrong with pink and ruffles.
My problem with buffets is that I always want to eat everything on there and I have a hard time picking just a few. I can see how when you lifted your self-imposed wardrobe limits, you probably had too much to chose from the rest of your closet 😉 !
love the pop of pink. nice change.
Haha. Kendi, can we be friends? We would get along. Anyway, YAYYYYY on a new outfit!!!! How exciting. I love the shoes too. You seem to find all the good Target shoes. 🙂
Farting! Modcloth! Shoney's! This post had everything I could have ever wanted.
Love the pink skirt. I have a blue one just like it 🙂 and YOU just gave me the confidence to wear it WITHOUT leggings. You go girl, you look GREAT!
World get ready, these pasty whites are gonna shine!
Love the ruffled shirt! Congrats on having finished your 30 for 30 challenge! Great outfit to celebrate. Love the bright colored skirt and awesome heels.
OMG, my fiance thinks it's hysterical to hold me down and fart on me while his mom shreeks in the background "SHe can still change her mind!"….so glad I'm not the only one.
that shade of hot pink is awesome, you look great in it
Oh I am so jealous! I have those shoes and I cannot wear them for more than 30 minutes without crying like a tiny baby who just got kicked. Hard.
You look adorable… how you take three pieces and make such a fantastic outfit is amazing! I need to learn from this… less can totally be more.
In other news your blog is one of my absolute favorites, but I don't think I've commented yet. You seriously are fucking hilarious, and stylish at the same time! A lot of blogs I hardly take the time to read because I'm really just interested in the pics (shallow much?), but yours I almost always do because you're a great writer and you make me giggle.
you do look pretty in pink!
And that top is adorable!
Yay for new clothes! Love the white + pink + black combo. So cute!
So I'm really busy today and wasn't planning on doing a lot of commenting. So I skimmed through your pictures, admired the loveliness of that gorgeous skirt, and almost clicked "next" on Google reader, when I saw that your husband farted in your face. Good god, woman, you make my blog reading so much better!
Totally glad you called the husband out. Let that be a warning to alllll of them. Mine too.
Love the ruffles and the fact they disguise Shoney's trips.
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
Petit Rococo giveaway
I found your blog around day 9 of the 30 day challenge and have been looking forward to seeing what else you owned. Love this outfit! BTW, I don't think I could have made it 30 days wearing the same things and not shopping, but maybe I should try. Good for you!
I wanted to say that I've recently started reading your blog and I'm addicted. You come highly recommended. Your 30 for 30 challenge is uber inspiring. I have a lot of clothes and never can figure out how to wear pieces creatively. Hopefully, I've picked up a trick or two.
I'm older than you but newly married, and I also enjoy your second blog. Cheers.
Stunning! You crack me up =)
Your posts always make me laugh.
I thought this was a dress at first and I thought "wow that is one adorable dress" but I love that it's separates! The pink is so pretty and summery!
Haha! Love this! Brett always farts in my face, or hot boxes me under the covers by farting and pulling the covers over my head.. geez, husbands are jerks! Hahah! 😉
i love this! I have this skirt too, and its one of my favorites. The ruffle shirt looks great with it.
and i laughed a lot about the face farting thing… because when ever at home at my parents house… my dad does a lot of this. and its nasty. i swear to you that man is rotting from the inside. gross.
What an adorable outfit! Ruffles, a bright skirt and killer shoes. Yeah!
You are so jokes, also loving that skirt. I'm excited to see you in some new clothes!
Also my boyfriend burped in my face once and then laughed. Terrible.
I love this outfit. Just found your blog and it's great!