Well, aren’t you all little poets? I grant you all the “Best Haiku Ever” award.Feel free to print this out and fill out your name. I’m very proud to call you all my friends.
Sorry I’ve been MIA. I bet you’ve been wondering about me, especially since that last depressing post. Don’t worry, my ovaries did not take over, I’m still here. In fact, I’ve since gotten some sleep and some wine and I got to see my mom. The world is now a nice shade of rosy pink. (Or should I say ‘blush’?)
Speaking of my mom, I got this dress a few weeks ago while thrifting*. It was a bit on the long side for me (AKA below the knees) so I got my mom to chop it off and sew it up. Voila — I got a new dress for $1. Labor not included since she’s my mother. Labor on both accounts, I suppose. So thank you mom for the half hour of labor you put into this dress and for the hours of labor you put into actually having me. Happy Mother’s Day.
(Bryan just informed me I’m a bit late on Mother’s Day. I guess I’ll save my macaroni necklace and the framed classic “hand prints in plaster of paris” for next year.)
*definition for my dad. Thrifting is when people go to thrift stores or consignment shops and buy second hand clothing. Just so we are clear Dad, I began this when I started making my own money. I bought new clothes on your paycheck.

37 Responses
This is so cute! I'm seriously impressed by your thrift stores!
I LOVE your dress. Such an adorable print!
I love your style, very happy and bubbly. Your blue dress is so cute, I love the pattern, and that belt sinches it perfectly.
my blog: ♥La Stylin Girraffe♥
That dress is seriously awesome! Like awesome!
I love the dress and I really love the straw fedora! I've been on the look out for one of my very own.. 🙂
So cute!! It's nice having someone to do all your alterations for you! I hate hemming… I wish someone else would do it for me.
And I'm glad you're feeling better, it's tough being a gal 🙂
Love the hat, Kendi! I just got a mint green fedora that I'm excited to debut soon 🙂
love the definition for your dad. i told my dad that i bought most of my clothes from thrift stores and later he asked my mom 'is amanda having money problems?' silly man. he really thought that i HAD to shop second hand instead of WANTING to. see i only bought new, full priced clothing when he paid for everything too. funny huh? anyway, great thrifted dress and good work asking your mom to hem it. it's perfect for you. you look awesome in blue 🙂
Love the comment to your dad. I completely understand that. And cute dress!
at least he knows what a blog is yea?
This outfit is adorable, as was your shout-out to your pops…I should do something like for my pa, too. I'm certain he's the only man who ever reads my blog.
That dress is awesome. What a great find. Your posts always make me smile.
Hahhahah, that last paragraph is oh so true 🙂 I turned up my nose at thrifting until I realized money doesn't grow on trees (or my dad)…I have to actually MAKE it. Psssh, I quickly began thrifting 🙂
Love your fabulous blog!
Ahh Kendi, you always make me laugh 🙂 Adorable outfit, can't believe you got that dress for $1!!!
Looking great kendi, I love how that blue stripe on the hat matches the dress.
what a find! cannot believe you got such a flattering print consignment! this dress has such an elegant ease about it… fantastic post 🙂
These pictures are so cute and carefree! Love the climbing the hill ones.
that so pretty, I wish I could wear hats too, but my head is too big ha ha 🙂
i'm in love with your outfit! the dress is amazing and really looks good on you! the pictures are just darling as well.
HA you're funny. Love the dress – great find. Glad you're seeing the world through blush-colored glasses now. Please share with me 🙂
What a great dress! I love it! And for a buck! Amazing!!!
I've caught your ovary thing. Boo.
You look like you're headed to an outdoor concert. I like it. The outfit, I mean.
And do you always carry a clutch IRL? I have ZERO clutches.
I'm inspired! I'm just a frumpy mom from a small town in the Texas Hill Country. But if simply looking at your whimsical wardrobe can put me in a cheery mood, what wonders would wearing it work? If only to the mail box and back…
ooo hello lady in blue. You look like a cute little blue jay. Love that HAT!
xo, Kim http://www.crowded-closet.com
Mommas have a way of makin' everything better from crappy days to thrifted dresses.
And I love your 'new' dress! I've got an ever-growing pile of thrifted dresses that need to be hemmed.
*Prior commented deleted because I am a grammar-freak and can't handle typos.
Not bad for a buck!
Your posts always make me laugh so hard. I love you humor (probably because it is just like mine). The dress is great but I love how well that hat works with it. My head always looks so awkward in my hat like that and you've inspired me to have another go at it.
Love the dress! Great thrift find!
Great dress – I love the cobalt blue color on you and the print is pretty! I'm pretty sure my mom has informed me several times that "thrifted" is not a word, and my spell-check confirms it, but I still use it every day! I don't know how else to say it!
Gotta love a mom who's handy with a sewing machine.
I must get a hat like that…for being a 'hat person', I don't have great summery options. Yours is perfectly summery AND adorable. Go you.
That dress looks right off the rack from Anthropologie. What a steal! You look fab.
Great find! I love your hat.
Dammit, Kendi! I have yet to make it through one of your posts without laughing out loud.
LOVE this outfit, though, and the walking up the hill photos are so fun!
Love the design on this dress. Your mum did a great job hacking the bottom off.
Definitely don't save the macaroni necklace for next year. I bet she'll love it today.
What a lovely thrifting find! And kudos to your mom for being so nice and hemming it up for you. :]
So adorable! That color is great on you.
oh this dress is awesome!