{images by bryan}
{images by amy and nathan russell}Just a few snapshots of our fun little weekend so far. My friend Amy has mentioned this truck in their apartment parking lot before and today we marched over with Carlos (our pup) and snapped a few shots. Can you believe this great truck has just been sitting there for years? Can you believe this is in the middle of a parking lot? Can you believe that our dog can smile on command? All in all it’s been a very good day. Thanks to Amy I now have a new favorite family photo.
We’re in Austin this weekend and I decided to pack light, mostly because I need to do a load of laundry. Good news of the 30 day challenge? 1 one load of laundry per week. Of course, my husband’s pile is growing. He better get to it soon, I’ve got 15 more outfits, two more loads and I’m not sure he’s going to last.
Off to eat more food and have more laughter than 4 people should be allowed to enjoy. Happy weekending.

29 Responses
It's great to see you sticking to your 30 day plan. I am so not good to sticking to things like that, but I'm trying to stop buying and start wearing all I have! I'm also so happy to see your skinny jeans rolled up – looks so cute and my latest buy at F21 were $9.50 skinnies but I have to roll them b/c they are so long! Hope you have a great rest of the weekend!
love the hat.
it's amazing how you always come up with these amazing places, they always look like they were picked by a professionnal photo director. i think i can honestly declare you have very good taste!
good job!
(on the shoot but also on the challenge, don't give up the good work, halway though!)
I'm always amazed when you post shoes from Target. They look so good on you and seem to look so cheap on me when I try them on.
I can't believe the story of that truck! So crazy! Great outfit, too. Also, you look very relaxed, so you're obviously having a good weekend. Enjoy it! 🙂
Love the yellow on you 🙂 You just reminded me I need to do my washing!
I work @ a Gap store and I use your blog for tips on how to pair our merchandise together when selling it to clients.
I felt like I should credit you..
Great photo locale! I was going to say it was cute, but then I saw the giant "BIOHAZARD" and reconsidered. Clothes cute, idea of mutations not so much.
what a lovely little family! that last picture is so adorable, you and your husband look so great together. and i love that you're sticking to your 30 day challenge, i tried to do the month without shopping thing and couldn't last, maybe since you can do it i should try it again, huh?
Love the family photo at the end! And what a perfect spot for a shoot 🙂
These pictures are adorable! I love the car as your background. It really foils the colors of your outfit. I am obsessed with scarves and I love your yellow one! Cute wedges also. I like how you rolled up your jeans to show them off. That hat is pretty awesome as well
Great hat!
OMG your doggie!! what a cute little muffin!
What amazing photos!! Adoooorable!! 🙂
xx Love & Aloha
**Stop by to enter my ~Une Very Stylish Fille Giveaway~**
I love that sideways picture where you're sitting on the car! What kind of dog is Carlos? He looks like my dog, Indy – he's a Rat Terrier/Beagle mix.
Also, I'd like you to know that the word verification I got today was "teaturds"
that's all 🙂
One of my fave outfits of your 30 day challenge! You look adorable. Keep it up, we believe in you!!!! You're halfway there.
This outfit is so pretty! I love it all – especially the brown accents and yellow scarf.
You guys are too adorable! LOVE the truck and LOVE the outfit!
oh that last photo is so adorable! It's absolutely perfect. And a fantastic location for pictures. I saw a "old car bone yard" on my way back from a meeting the other day… now I'm dying to go back there and shoot!
That is a totally great family photo. Totally excellent.
I really love your outfit, the floral top and yellow scarf are gorgeous and I love the hat too. That last photo is so sweet 🙂
Such a cheerful outfit! Perfect for a great warm day. 🙂 The hat is so adorable.
Idk if it's just me, but the second pic of you reminds me of Jenny Lewis. That's a great compliment, btw.
That hat is so cute on you! Really love your shoes too. And of course, love the top! Congrats on being halfway there!
cool pics! love the truck! 🙂
Everything about these photos is cool; your outfit is stunning and you two are ridiculously good-looking couple.
Lady, these pictures are awesome. You are so lucky to have a talented photographer that you can boss around for free!!!
And I hope you blow that family photo up and put it right over your kitchen table! It's a fab photo of you, the hubby and "the kid":)
I dig the hat! You were having a great hair day! And those jeans look so good on you! Jealous … as always 🙂
What a good husband!