To whomever googled “compliments from co-workers” and stumbled upon my blog:
Why, hello. You will not find what you are looking for here, if in fact you are looking for compliments from your co-workers. I would suggest asking your peers face to face for compliments. It’s easy to fish for compliments, just do what I do and drop hints as to what you want someone to compliment you on. Like your hair, say “I got my hair cut, isn’t it great?” 99% of the time they will say yes and there you go. A compliment to put in your pocket.
See more of Courtney’s jewelry here.
Yes, someone actually googled “compliments from co-workers” and ended up on my blog. I bet he or she was so disappointed. “It’s just some girl in a dress with a weird smile!” that’s probably what they told their friends, who pondered as to what the search query brought. Well, whoever you are, you made my day and I hope you did in fact receive a compliment today. In case you didn’t, you have pretty eyes.
So I wore this yesterday and not today. I’m just trying to keep things honest here on Kendi Everyday and I didn’t want this to happen to me, if in fact we ever meet. B bought me this dress from anthropologie when it went on sale a while back. He’s my little Anthrobot, I have him wired to watch for sales of my favorite items and then buy them for me. I even signed him up for emails and he’s never once complained. Best man ever.
Anyways, I’ve worn this dress before but I wanted to switch it up a bit. Since stripes are so hot right now, I put on my favorite little striped shirt. I also added my new necklace that I received from sweet Courtney of Dolly and Boy Jewelry. It is made from recycled brass bullet shells. How cool is that? I once tried to make a belt out of old recycled bottle caps and I ended up looking like a crazy trash hobo. This girl is talented.

53 Responses
I know I've said this lots of times… But I love your outfits and I love your blog!!!
I love this dress and its amazing with the stripes.
I get a kick out of it sometimes when I see how some people randomly stumble on my blog through their searches.
Hilarious as always. Why I follow your blog ? Because of your humor. You being pretty and having a anthrobot for a husband is an added bonus.
Oops. Forgot to put a do* before the I in my comment.
Haha you're so funny! I love that skirt, the print and color are so beautiful!
That belt is amazing! Your whole outfit is fabulous as always and your hubby has done a great job with the pics, too!
ah! I have this dress too, and I just love it. It's probably one of my favorite items in my closet. Love the way you styled it.
you are my favorite blogger because you say things like "crazy trash hobo" and because you're honest.
tehehe 🙂
just wore this belt yesterday and now, especially after seeing this post, i am quite certain it is one of my favorite purchases. totally magazine feature material (1 dress, 3 ways; drop 5 pounds in seconds by defining your waist!). haha
a few of my coworkers could fit the description of someone who would google that. fishers for compliments, they are.
even though the necklace is already cute, the extra tidbit makes it a bajillion times more awesome
What a pretty dress! And the stripes are definitely hot.
What a considerate Anthrobotband. See what I did there? I tried to combine the two words and failed.
That is really a cute skirt! I'm not a co-worker, but I hope you welcome the compliment. I for one, appreciate your honesty, but not nearly as much as I appreciate the hyperlink attached to that (it made me laugh!).
Toast with Charmalade
I have to say that this is another favorite outfit of mine that you have done on the blog…just love the stripes, the dress, the hair, those fierce shoes…I adore you! Please tell me that didn't come off to creeper-ish…I didn't mean it that way 😀
Hey girl- just thought I'd let you know that I posted an award for you on my blog today. Check it out when you can:
I love that belt. And I am signing my husband up for Anthro emails as we speak.
That belt is huge and vunderbar! I'm sure it's not huge just because it enveloped an entire picture and I'm easily deceived, but it's possible. I also thought when I saw your outfit I was viewing a "today" outfit and not "yesterday" but there ya go. It was all a lie.
Love your blog Kendi! 🙂
that belt is fantastic!
Gosh Kendi, you just keep getting cuter and cuter. I love how you mixed the stripes with flowers!! 🙂 Can't belive that belt if from Old Navy. LOVE IT!
xx Love & Aloha
Haha, I loved this. Funny! You look amazing by the way..I love your blog so much! x
cute outfit!! That is so funny! I too enjoy seeing what people google and arrive to my blog, I wonder what they thinking.
ah ha ha! thanks for the laugh today, even though you are wearing yesterday's outfit.
very cute outfit. I love your belt!
Haha this totally reminded me of those Bing commercials…saying that Google just leads you to irrelevant things…ahh…perfect example 😉
& yes, really cool necklace! 😀
ahhh…you pull this off so flawlessly!
it looks great.
love the skirt!
funny thing…i dragged my bf and son into anthro the other day…needless to say, i dropped MANY "i likes"…because mother's day is juuuuust around the corner. know what i'm sayin'?
I love the combo, too! and that belt is amazing- is it an oldnavy recent purchase (is it still in stores) or did you get it awhile ago. I might have to go down there immediately tomorrow. 🙂
I love the combination, the floral pattern mixed with the stripes is lovely
great outfit….i love the stripes with the floral skirt and the colors on the skirt are beautiful!
great necklace!
That dress is gorgeous! You always wear such beautiful colors!
(p.s. I was gonna use one of those pics for a feature I do on my blog, about my favorite looks from the past week, and link back to you…just making sure it's alright!)
The more I think about it the happier I am that I don't have an anthropologie near me – I would just spend so much money. I love your shoes as well 🙂
someone googled 'easily distracted support group' and got to my blog – I probably shouldn't have found it as funny as I did…
CUTE. Love the mix of stripes and florals.
You are so cute! I love your collection of girly dresses and skirts…and belts! It seems like you always have a new exciting one…:O how many do you have in total?
Awww, your husband is tooo sweet!
Such a kicky frock. I love how the wide belt brings the waistline up even higher.
So I think this is one of my favorite outfits of yours so far!! I also really enjoyed reading the post. It makes me want to meet you… because I feel like I would just laugh all the time. Your posts are just so funny and cute!!
Isn't it funny to see what people serach for and how they find your blog? My favorites ive seen for my blog are… "ken loves kev" and "life in the fun lane" haha.
oh kendigirl, you are one cute thing. i love your wardrobe. this may be one of my favorite outfits ever.*
*that's like on the bachelor when chris says, "this may be the most difficult elimination yet!" well…yeah, chris. every single week its gonna be the most difficult elimination yet! duh. anyway, what i'm trying to say is, i love all your outfits, but i especially love this one.
perfect combination
This is so perfect!
i looove this pattern mixing! so perfect.
love this dress with the striped shirt! Is it funny that every time I type striped i acciddently type stripped? WOOPS!
LOVE IT! Happy Friday. xo, Kim
What a yummy mix of florals and stripes, teal, mustard and neutrals. Whoa fun!
I love this outfit. The skirt and belt are my favorite parts of the outfit. Thanks for posting! Your pics are also really good. What kind of camera do you use?
what a perfect outfit, so perfect on you. Love it.
Love the styling! I also have this dress and find myself wearing it the same way over and over. I will have to add a striped shirt like you did- genious! p.s. Your husband is a gem. My husband thinks I am too obsessed with Anthropologie because I know there are sales on Tuesdays :).
This is a great outfit! I love the stripes!!
i feel like if i saw you on the street, i would immediately want to be your best friend. love the mix of stripes with that dress. oh ps, the last post: i love cheap shoes too and def still have some from middle school years. ha.
Love this dress..Gorgeous 😉
I love your blog. Your outfits are alwAys so completely adorable.
I also like that yor husband is a willing anthrobot, I need to find me one of those
Love the layered tops, and that skirt is so pretty!
This post cracked me up–I needed a laugh, so thank you! And I absolutely love this outfit. You look so pretty, as always, and ready for spring!
Your pattern-mixing here is simply stunning! 🙂
i like this ensemble especially with that necklace, cute! 🙂
love this dress and its amazing with the stripes.
data entry work from home
OMG this look is insane! I'm loving the blog =D
I NEED that skirt!! Super cute outfit!