a little help from my friends

What I am about to tell you is true. I’ve told 2.5 people this story (Well, technically 3 but I’m pretty sure only 2 of them were listening). But since we’re friends and I’m desperate, I’ll share.
Last fall I went to the optometrist because I had been having headaches — and I wanted glasses.Yes, I wanted glasses, these glasses to be exact. But my husband wouldn’t let me buy them without a prescription (aka so insurance would cover them. Shouldn’t fashion therapy also be covered by insurance? I’ll check in to that…) Let me tell you, I was a woman obsessed. I wanted, needed those glasses. I was ready and willing to lie and cheat my way to those trendy eye-correction lenses. So I made an appointment with the local eye doctor. I’d had reading glasses before so I didn’t think this should be a problem. But I was wrong, so very wrong.
Once I got through the preliminary tests, the doctor came into the exam room. He started running through the exam with me. I was giving varied answers to his questions. Squinting here, hesitating there. Just as I thought that I was failing with flying colors, he looked up from his clipboard, pushed his glasses down on his nose and asked. “I’m sorry but why exactly are you here?”

I looked around the room for a window to escape. I knew I had been caught. “I have headaches?” I answered.
“Well, you have 20/20 vision. So I don’t see a problem here.” Then he thanked me for coming in for my annual eye exam even though it’s not something that many people with my “gift of perfect vision” do.
Needless to say, I walked out of that doctor’s office $120 lighter and without my pride. More importantly without my awesome wayfarers.
Since them I’ve been picking up fake readers and I can’t seem to find any that look real. Most of the ones I find at urban outfitters or forever21 are HUGE on my face and it looks like I’m wearing one of those disguises with the fake nose and mustache’s attached. I just can’t bring myself to fork over $140 for fake glasses, so I’d really like to find a pair that’s fairly cheap. So all of that to say — does anyone know where can I find some authentic looking fake readers? Do you have a pair that you like to wear? Just point me in the right direction and I would be eternally grateful 🙂

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20 Responses

  1. I have worn glasses since 1st grade, and kind of have the opposite problem… my eyes are so bad and my lenses are so thick (and expensive – $400 for the lenses alone!) I found some vintage eyeglasses at thrift stores for around $1 each and took them to an optometrist and got non-prescription lenses put in them because it would be too expensive to get my real prescription in them & this way I could just wear them with my contacts in! The "fake" lenses were $20 per pair, or $40 per pair for the fancy anti-glare ones! So hit up thrift stores and find some old glasses (or even sunglasses) you like and then just go have lenses put in!

    here are my faves (they were 80 cents and are from the 1950s!)

  2. Have you tried Claire's? I got a pair of cute fake glasses a year or two ago because I also don't need to wear real ones (yet).

  3. I'm pretty sure I saw fake wayfarers at F21 last weekend. Black to be exact. I nearly bought them myself but wondered if it was weird to wear fakes since I don't need them. I think I'll go back for them now that I know I'm not the only one with glasses envy!

  4. Oh dear… I wish I could help but unfortuneately I have bad vision so I am an elitist who needs glasses (covered by insurance of course).
    Matt was convinced he needed glasses too and doctor pretty much told him he had perfect vision…
    good luck!

  5. There are a BUNCH of sites that sell cheap-o-but-cute frames online, and they are even cheaper if you don't need real lenses to be made 🙂 Try zenni optical and optical 4 less for starters. Also try searching etsy, I see awesome frames there regularly.

  6. you are awesome!

    i have seen these from time to time at my local st. vincent de paul thrift store. do you have one? or any ghetto thrift store will do.

  7. Bleudame.com is really good and they have a huge selection for very reasonable prices, but alas, you do get what you pay for with them so be careful not to drop them too much!

  8. I have to admit I did have to laugh at this story – it was too funny, since I can relate having been banned from making some purchases myself by the bouyfriend. Good luck on your search (like you I have 20/20).

  9. I love that glasses are so chic these days. It's a big step up from trying to look cool in them in sixth grade (not possible on any level–trust me).
    When I was younger I used to get glasses every year or so because I would break the old ones. By high school, I started buying new glasses every year because I wanted them for fashion. I never even got contacts, because my glasses just feel like part of my face or something. Seriously!

  10. This was a funny story! Can we trade eyeballs? because I have horrible vision and refuse to buy glasses. I've been a devoted contacts wearer for 8 years. I can't believe the doctor caught on to you!

  11. So my friend dragged me into the store Icing about a month ago… they had so many adorable faux glasses! I was sooo close to purchasing a few pairs!! They're cheap, and I thought they were fabulous! Hope that helps!

  12. Haha! That story made me laugh. I actually need glasses, and can't find anything I like. My girlfriend said if I get Sarah Palin glasses she'll de-friend me.

  13. I personally would just buy the glasses you are coveting and keep the regular glass lenses in there (no RX!) You can buy the frames, you don't need a RX to wear them! Then you can have best of both worlds…you 20/20 vision AND your new glasses!

    Trust me – you don't want a RX in there if you don't have anything wrong with your vision – talk about HEADACHES – you'll have some real ones if you walk around with a RX that doesn't "fit" you!

  14. Surprisingly, WalMart has some pretty cute (ahem, nerdy) glasses for $38 right now, lenses included. I'm not sure if they do non-prescription lenses, but for $38 it's worth a try! I always make my husband check out when we shop there, so I can go try on fun glasses…

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