I’m really ready for it to stop raining. It has been raining for the past week it feels like. That can really take a toll on your mood, you know? I’m ready for the sunshine and to get back outside for my outfit pictures. I’m getting a bit tired of posing in the living room.
Tonight was date night for the mister and I. We have this perfect little mexican-italian-steak place (seriously) that we like to go to. I threw on my favorite anthropologie sweater and belted it. I usually just let it hang loose, but this is a good alternative and made it a bit dressier. I’m not much of a jewelry person but I remembered these earrings that my mom gave me a while back. This outfit just kind of came together. As did our date night. A bottle of wine and a slice of cheesecake later, we were back on our couch watching ‘500 Days of Summer.’ We are just that exciting.
7 Responses
I love the new header! And I'm very jealous of your Anthro clothing collection, you have some great pieces from there. Lovely look for a casual date night! S.
new reader to your blog, but love the date night outfit! i am gonna echo S, because just from a quick browse i can also see i'm going to be jealous of your anthro collection.
Um…how have I not seen your blog before? You have a great wearable but totally chic style!!! And your ''about me' is too funny. After three+ years of marriage people are still holding their breath for the baby announcement… not happening yet. But I do tell them a new post is up!
ugh…why does it do that? For some reason my name sometimes comes up as 'my'…
Thanks everyone! As far as the anthropologie collection goes, I have to give credit where credit is due. I usually force anyone I know to get me a gift card to that store for any holiday or birthday. So most of those clothes have been a gift to me or purchased with a gift card.
As far as the baby goes — we're holding out for as long as possible!
This is so pretty, I love this outfit and you look like a model !
Are you
I really love everything about this outfit! Everthing. The belt, the boots, the sweater….