
I’m in a grey state of mind right now. B makes fun of me when I shop because there is usually a loose grey tee in the dressing room with me. (They usually don’t make the cut because I always compare it back to this tee, but it’s always worth a try right?) 


I’m usually really into color, so maybe this grey thing is a phase. If you’ll hang with me for this week, I promise next week some color. Black is a color, right?

Let’s talk cardigans, shall we? This is prime time for cardigans, well especially if you live in constantly fickle weather. (Living in Texas weather is like living with a moody teenage girl.) The other upside to cardigans, specifically this one? I can easily go from work to coach in this get up, once I lose the pants and add sweats. That should be my next post: career to couch. Who’s with me?

cardigan: â„… old navy
tee: joie
jeans: madewell
booties: old navy
tote: madewell
necklace: sonya renee

This post was sponsored by Old Navy. Check out Old Navy’s latest fashion lineup in store or online at oldnavy.com. Thank you for supporting the sponsors who support Kendi Everyday.

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Monthly Capsule Wardrobe

Each month I create monthly capsules out of my favorite pieces, perfectly curated for each month.

51 Responses

  1. Love the cardigan! Gotta get that one. Plus this post inspires me to continue the hunt for booties. I was convinced they were never a good idea but they are growing on me! Just gotta build up some confidence!

  2. Great outfit and I feel for you finding the right tee is easier said then done 🙂 Love your cardi.

    Greetings from London,


  3. love this outfit! how do the joie tees last? i find i wear my basic tees so much that they end up looking worn and piling before too long!

  4. I have this card and will be styling it like this next time I put it on 🙂


  5. This is an inspiration for me, as always 🙂 I love how you make simple looks chic and put together!

    Renate from thecuriousklutz.blogspot.dk
    What's in my makeup bag post has just gone up on my blog, if you're interested to check it out!

  6. I love how chic and simple grey is! I've been eyeing this grey cashmere sweater from Nordstrom that most likely will be coming home with me soon!
    Classy Chic & Chardonnay

  7. WOW! Adore both your flawless look and the flawless new layout of the blog. Gorg!


  8. Love that cardigan!! It's so versatile and cozy..

  9. Hahahaha I love reading your posts, you're a funny girl. Love the lay back outfit by the way. And let me tell you that you are not the only who asked herself if Black was considered a color. I'm still confused.

  10. I love the simplicity in this outfit! As for black being a color, technically it's all the colors combined so technically speaking-yes! (;

    Also I know about living with unpredictable weather. In buffalo it's like living with a pregnant woman (no offense to any pregnant women). One minutes it's snowing like crazy, the next the sun's out and shining.


  11. These photos are lovely- as is the outfit. The blog though, it looks fantastic! Can't get over it!

  12. I currently work at Old Navy, and I love this sweater. It's classic and chic, yet comfy and fun. You know to balance comfort and fashion perfectly.

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